Download the PHP package mention/fast-doctrine-paginator without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package mention/fast-doctrine-paginator. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package fast-doctrine-paginator

Fast Doctrine Paginator

This package provides a fast, no-offset, Doctrine paginator that's suitable for infinite scrolling, batch jobs, and GraphQL/Relay pagination.

Build Status Latest Version MIT License PHPStan Enabled


Why use this paginator ?

It is fast

What makes this paginator fast is that it relies on seek/keyset pagination rather than limit/offset. Learn more at

In addition to that, it lets the user write its own optimised queries.

It is suitable for batch jobs

Batch jobs over Doctrine queries typically have two problems:

Using this paginator solves these two problems:

It is suitable for GraphQL/Relay

GraphQL/Relay style pagination requires fine-grained cursors that point to the beginning and end of a page, as well as to each item in a page. This paginator provides that.

It is suitable for infinite scrolling

Every page will be as fast as the previous one.

It is type safe

The paginator is fully typed and supports phpstan-doctrine's static type inference of query results.

When not to use this paginator ?

This paginator is cursor-based, so it may not be suitable for you if you need to access a page by number (although this could be emulated).


Here is a typical example:

A user-defined query is used to fetch the results for one page of results, and will be executed multiple times when fetching multiple pages. Pagination stops when the query returns no results.

The number of elements per page is defined by calling setMaxResults() on the query itself.

Pagination is keyset-based, rather than limit/offset-based: Instead of asking for the Nth rows in a query, we ask for the rows that are upper than the highest one of the previous page. When comparing rows, we only take into account one or a few columns, that we call the discriminators. We use the value of the discriminator columns of the last row of one page to create an internal cursor that can be used to fetch the next page.

For this to work effectively and flawlessly, the following conditions must be true:

About the query

The query must be a Doctrine Query object. It must have a defined number of max results (setMaxResults()), because this defines the number of items per page.

It must be ordered by the discriminator columns.

It must have a WHERE clause that selects only the rows whose discriminators are higher than the ones of the previous page. The paginator calls setParameter() on the query to set these values.


Examples with a Users table:

id name
1 Jackson
2 Sophia
3 Aiden
4 Olivia
5 Lucas
6 Ava

If we sort by id, we can use id as discriminator, because it's unique.

Note the ORDER clause, that orders by our discriminator.

Note the WHERE clause, that discriminates by our discriminator. We use the query parameter :idCursor. The value of this parameter is automatically set by the paginator. By default, it's set to 0 when requesting the first page, and then it's automatically updated to the value found in the last row of the latest fetched page.

The first page will return this:

id name
1 Jackson
2 Sophia
3 Aiden

The paginator retains id=3 as cursor internally. Before requesting the next page, the paginator calls setParameter('idCursor', 3) on the query. As expected, the second page returns this:

id name
4 Olivia
5 Lucas
6 Ava

Sorting by name:

If we sort by name, we can not use it directly as discriminator, because it's not unique. If we sort by name and id, we can use name and id as discriminators, because they are unique together.

Notice how we use as a fallback when the name equals to the current name cursor.

Resuming pagination

We can resume pagination on a new DoctrinePaginator instance by setting the cursor explicitly. This is useful when paginating through multiple requests, for example.

The end cursor of a page can be retrieved by calling getCursor() on a PaginatorItem object. Using this cursor will fetch the next page.

A paginator that will resume at this position can be built by calling setCursor() on a DoctrinePaginatorBuilder.

Batch jobs

The paginator is particularly suitable for batching, because it allows to keep the memory usage under control:

For example, the entity manager can be safely cleared between two pages:


The paginator is particularly suitable for GraphQL/Relay pagination, since it provides cursors for the pages and items.


The Mention team and contributors

All versions of fast-doctrine-paginator with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires beberlei/assert Version ^3.2
mention/kebab Version ^1.1.0
mention/paginator Version ^2.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package mention/fast-doctrine-paginator contains the following files

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