Download the PHP package mapbender/data-manager without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package mapbender/data-manager. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package data-manager


This repository is deprecated. Its functionality will be integrated into the mapbender digitizer repository in version 2.0 and the code has already been ported to the develop branch. Propose any changes there.

Old description: Mapbender Data Manager element

List and edit database table contents in a Mapbender application.

Data listings are displayed as (HTML) tables. Individual items can be edited or created in customizable forms.

Designed for use in a sidepane.

Data is organized into "schemes" to support multiple tables with differing data and form structures.

If multiple schemes are defined, Data Manager will display a dropdown to allow schema switching.

Each schema separately defines how data is listed and the structure of the form used for editing and creating items.

For spatial data integration, see Digitizer.

For database connection / table selection, please refer to the Data Source documentation.

Connection and table configuration may either be inlined into the Data Manager schema configuration directly, or reference an existing global configuration placed into a Symfony container parameter.

Configuring tabular item listing

Each schema configuration contains an object under key table with the following structure:

name type description default
columns list of objects with data and label entries maps database columns to HTMl table columns Display primary key only
searching boolean Enables display filtering by search term true
pageLength integer Limits the number of rows per page 16

Configuring forms

Each schema configuration contains a list of (potentially nested) objects under key formItems, defining the contents and structure of the form shown when an item is created or edited. Note that this form will also be used purely as a detail display vehicle even if editing is disabled.

Additionaly, the popup object in the schema controls properties of the the popup itself. It supports the following values:

name type description default
title string Popup title text "Edit" (localized)
width string valid CSS width rule "550px"

Form input fields

Form input fields come in a multitude of different types, controlled by the type value. All inputs share a common set of configuration options:

name type description default
type string Type of form input field (see below) -none-
name string Database column mapped to the input -none-
value string Initial field value on newly created items -none-
title string Label text for form input field -none-
attr object Mapping of HTML attributes to add to the input -none-
infoText string Explanatory text placed in a tooltip next to the label -none-
css object Mapping of CSS rules to add to the form group (container around label and input) -none-
cssClass string Added to the class attribute of the form group (container around label and input) -none-

Input field type is one of

Many common customizations for inputs can be performed purely with the attr object. E.g. type "input" can be restricted to allow numbers only by overriding its HTML type attribute; all inputs can be made required or readonly.

Choice input option formats

Types "radioGroup" and "select" require a list of objects under key options to specify the available choices. Option objects contain:

name type description default
value string Generated database value for the choice -none-
label string Displayed text for the choice Same as value
attr object Mapping of HTML attributes to add to the individual HTML <option> or <input type="radio"> -none-

Selects (NOT radioGroup items) can alternatively specify sql and connection (Doctrine DBAL connection name) to generate choices dynamically. The sql should generate label and value aliases for clarity. If it does not, the first column of each row is used as the option label and the last column as the submit value.

Static option definitions and sql can also be combined.

If sql is defined but connection is omitted, the "default" DBAL connection is used for the query.

File uploads

Files uploaded through type: file form items will be stored in the server's file system. The mapped database column will only store a file path as a string.

The default storage path for uploads is determined by Mapbender, but can be reconfigured on the "dataStore" / "featureType" level, individually for each database column. This is done via a files object in the "dataStore" / "featureType" configuration.


The starting point for a relative path (no leading slash) is the web server document root.

For image attachments, you may link a type: img item that will automatically display a preview of the current attachment.

Structural / misc form elements

Type "tabs"

Complex form dialogs can be organized into multiple tabs by inserting an object with type: tabs into the formItems list, and assigning it one or more tab specifications, which consist of title (text displayed on the tab) and children (contents of the tab).

Misc container tags "div", "span", "p"

Inserts HTML <div>, <span> or <p> tags. May specify text (encoded, inserted first) and children (list of more items to insert). Supports adding free-form HTML attributes via attr object and custom cssClass.

Type "html"

Inserts custom HTML content (no escaping), wrapped into an extra div. May specify attr and cssClass to be added onto the containing div.

Type "breakLine"

Inserts a single HTML <hr> element. Supports adding free-form HTML attributes via attr object and custom cssClass.

Configuring access

Each schema may also limit the possible interactions users can perform:

name type description default
allowCreate boolean Enables creation of new items true
allowEdit boolean Enables editing of existing items true
allowDelete boolean Enables deletion of existing items true
allowRefresh boolean Add button to explicitly reload items from database false

Example configuration

All versions of data-manager with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.3.3
doctrine/dbal Version ^2.11 || ^3
doctrine/persistence Version ^1.3.0 || ^2
blueimp/jquery-file-upload Version 9.*
mapbender/data-source Version ~0.1.24 || ^0.2
mapbender/mapbender Version ^3.2.6
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package mapbender/data-manager contains the following files

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