Download the PHP package magepow/facebookshopintegration without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package magepow/facebookshopintegration. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about magepow/facebookshopintegration
Files in magepow/facebookshopintegration
Package facebookshopintegration
Short Description Magento 2 Facebook Shop Integration
License OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0
Informations about the package facebookshopintegration
Magento 2 Facebook Shop Integration
Magento 2 Facebook Shop Integration extension synchronizes Magento 2 store products with the Facebook shop and facilitates to sell on Facebook.
Before you continue, ensure you meet the following requirements:
- You have installed Magento 2.
- You are using a Linux or Mac OS machine. Windows is not currently supported.
1. Download Magento 2 Product Tags
Install via composer (recommend).
Run the following commands in Magento 2 root folder:
2. User guide
Key features of Magento 2 Facebook Shop Integration Extension:
- Integrates store products with the Facebook shop.
- Redirect customers directly from the shop on Facebook to payment in the Magento 2 store.
- Bulk product upload via CSV in the admin config.
- Use the "Add New Mapping" button to create new attribute mapping for the required and other missing fields.
- The required fields for which the extension cannot create the mapping, create it by adding new attribute code.
- Select the Facebook attribute code and the Magento attribute code to add a new mapping for Facebook fields.
The "Product Feed CSV Log" grid lists the CSV generation log details like start date, finished at, triggered by, product IDs, status and message.
2.1. General configuration
Login to Magento Admin > Magepow > Configurations > General Configuration.
- Generate CSV for Facebook Shop: Choose Yes to create a product CSV automatically according to settings.
- Generate CSV on Schedule: Show/hide Show number of products beside tags.
- Frequency of Schedule CSV: Set the frequency to schedule automatic product CSV generation by day, month, or year.
- Time of Schedule CSV: Set the time for schedule automatic product csv generation.
- Apply Catalog Price Rules: Select Yes to apply catalog price rules for product prices on facebook.
Add Out Of Stock Products to CSV: Select Yes to display out of stock products on facebook.
2.3. List Facebook attribute and add new attribute Facebook shop integration.
Login to Magento Admin > Magepow > Facebook Attribute Mapping > Add New Attribute, choose the Facebook attribute code and Magento attribute code you want => Click Save.
- After when add a new attribute and save will backlist facebook attribute mapping. you can edit, delete, and mass deletes the facebook attribute mapping.
2.4. Add products and google product category.
Login to Magento Admin > Catalog > Products > Choose edit products > Facebook Shop Integration.
- After when add a new attribute and save will backlist facebook attribute mapping. you can edit, delete, and mass deletes the facebook attribute mapping.
- Show Product On Facebook: Choose yes to display products on the Facebook shop.
- Facebook Product Condition: Product condition for the product in a Facebook shop. Select new, refurbished, used (fair), used (good), and used (like new).
- Google Product Category: Set product item category based on standard taxonomy defined by Google: You can specify either the string representation or the numeric representation of your category.
Login to Magento Admin > Catalog > Categories > Choose category > Facebook Shop Integration.
- Google Product Category: Set category based on standard taxonomy defined by Google: You can specify either the string representation or the numeric representation of your category.
2.5. Facebook feed CSV Log
- When configuring, add product and google product category, we create CSV file by.
Login to Magento Admin > Magepow > Configurations > General Configuration > Generate CSV for Facebook Shop > Click Generate CSV.
- After generating the file CSV it will save in the Facebook feed CSV log.
2.6. Facebook commerce manager and Facebook store.
- Commerce_manager
Step 1: Click Catalog_products.
Step 2: Click add items.
Step 3: Data Source.
Step 4: Choose upload option.
Step 5: Choose file upload.
Step 6: Complete settings, find and verify uploaded products as shown below.
- Product details in facebook shop.
- On clicking of the “Checkout on website”, it will add the product to the cart and redirect the Facebook user to your website.
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