Download the PHP package lukaszmakuch/haringo without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package lukaszmakuch/haringo. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package haringo


Serialize the way how you create an object, not the object itself!


What's Haringo?

Haringo is a libary that aims to solve main problems with classical serialization:

How's that achieved?

No more __wakeups!

Haringo allows to describe how an object should be built and then serialize that description instead of the created object. Thanks to this fact, any object built based on the serialized build plan doesn't need to know anything about things like global registry of resources or the current user session.

Freedom of renaming!

With Haringo you can make your serialized data totally free of things like:

It's possible thanks to configurable map based sources and selectors.

Table of contents

  1. Getting Haringo
    • Building Haringo
    • Haringo builder
    • Getting the basic Haringo
    • Maps
    • Extensions
    • Using Haringo
    • Build plans
      • New instance
      • Static factory method product
      • Factory object product
      • Builder object product
    • Class path sources
      • Exact class path
      • Class path from a map
    • Method selectors
      • Constructor selector
      • Method by exact name
      • Method from a map
    • Parameter selectors
      • Parameter by position
      • Parameter by exact name
      • Parameter from a map
    • Value sources
      • Scalar
      • Array
      • Build plan result
    • Working with build plans
      • Building objects
      • Serialization
      • Fetching build plans by objects
    • Extending Haringo


Use composer to get the latest version:

Building Haringo

To build Haringo, you can use the default implementation of the \lukaszmakuch\Haringo\Builder\HaringoBuilder interface.

Getting the builder

Getting a basic Haringo instance

If you're not going to somehow extend your Haringo instance, you can directly call the HaringoBuilder::build():Haringo method.

Setting Maps

In order to use a ClassPathFromMap, MethodFromMap or a ParamFromMap, you need to build Haringo with instances of maps you are able to configure.


Creating the map

All you need to create a map of class path sources, is to create a new ClassPathSourceMap instance.

Adding the map to Haringo

The new map must be passed to the Haringo builder before using it to build a new Haringo. However, it may be configured later, as it's passed as a reference.


All you need to create a map of class path sources, is to create a new MethodSelectorMap instance.

Creating the map
Adding the map to Haringo

The new map must be passed to the Haringo builder before using it to build a new Haringo. However, it may be configured later, as it's passed as a reference.


All you need to create a map of class path sources, is to create a new ParamSelectorMap instance.

Creating the map
Adding the map to Haringo

The new map must be passed to the Haringo builder before using it to build a new Haringo. However, it may be configured later, as it's passed as a reference.



It's possible to add support of different ValueSource implementations. Every extension must implement the \lukaszmakuch\Haringo\Builder\Extension\ValueSourceExtension interface and must be passed to the Haringo builder before using it to build a new Haringo. See the description of creating your own Haringo extension.

Using Haringo

Build plans

Every build plan describes how to get an instance of some class. For documenting (and testing) purposes let's use that simple class:


Describes how a new instance of some class should be built. It takes a source of class to instantiate and optional method calls which will be called on the new instance.

Code equal to the result of the following build plan:

Example build plan:


Describes how to get a product of a static factory method. It requires two things:

  1. class source of the factory
    • method call of the static factory method which returns the product

Let's create a class which provides a static factory method:

Code equal to the result of the following build plan:

Example build plan:


Describes how to use a factory object to get some product. It requires two things:

  1. value source which is resolved to a factory object
    • method call which returns the product

Let's create a class which provides a factory method:

Code equal to the result of the following build plan:

Example build plan:


Describes how to use a builder object to get some product. There are two mandatory elements of plan:

  1. value source which is resolved to a builder object
    • method call which returns the product As it's a builder, it's also possible to call some methods which determine the further result state.

Let's create a builder:

Code equal to the result of the following build plan:

Example build plan:

Class path sources


Represents a full class path of some class.


Allows to assign any class path to a string key.

The key stay unchanged while you move or rename your class, so a previously serialized build plan doesn't get out of date.

In order to Haringo be able to resolve a class path from a map, it must be built with the map.

Adding a new path source the map
Using a class path from the map

Method selectors


Selects the constructor.


Selects some method by it's exact name. It may be "__constructor" as well, but for convenience it's preferable to use the ConstructorSelector.


Allows to assign any full method identifier to a string key. A full method identifier is a full class path source together with some method selector.

Because every full method identifier contains a class path source, it's possible to have two mapped methods under the same key which will represent different methods of different classes.

The key stays unchanged while you rename your method, so a previously serialized build plan doesn't get out of date.

In order to Haringo be able to get a method selector from a map, it must be built with the map.

Adding a new method selector
Using a method selector from the map

Parameter selectors


Selects one parameter by it's position from left (from index 0).


Selects one parameter by it's exact name.


Allows to assign any full parameter identifier to a string key. A full parameter identifier is a full class path source together with some method selector and parameter selector.

Because every full parameter identifier contains a class path source and a method selector, it's possible to have two mapped parameters under the same key which will represent different parameters of different methods (even of different classes).

The key stays unchanged while you rename or move the parameter or method, so a previously serialized build plan doesn't get out of date.

In order to Haringo be able to get a parameter selector from a map, it must be built with the map.

Adding a new parameter selector
Using a parameter selector from the map

Value sources


Represents a value like: boolean, integer, float, string.


Represents an array of other ValueSource objects. Other sources may also be ArrayValue objects. Keys may be both integers and strings.


Represents a value which is the result of building something based the given BuildPlan object. It may be used in order to create a build plan of a complex composite.

Working with build plans

Building objects based on build plans

To get the product, call the buildObjectBasedOn method with a BuildPlan:

Serialization of build plans

There are two methods which allow to serialize and deserialize build plans:

Fetching build plans by built objects

It's possible to figure out what was the build plan used to built some object:

Extend Haringo

Haringo is easily extensible!


It's possible to add support of a totally new ValueSource. All what you need to do, is to implement the \lukaszmakuch\Haringo\Builder\Extension\ValueSourceExtension interface and add it to the HaringoBuilder as described in the Building Haringo chapter. For more details, check documentation of thats interface.

All versions of haringo with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires lukaszmakuch/class-based-registry Version ^0.0.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package lukaszmakuch/haringo contains the following files

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