Download the PHP package lucius-digital/openlucius without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package lucius-digital/openlucius. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download lucius-digital/openlucius
More information about lucius-digital/openlucius
Files in lucius-digital/openlucius
Package openlucius
Short Description A lean and fast social productivity Drupal installation profile
License GPL-2.0-or-later
Informations about the package openlucius
OpenLucius is a lean and fast social productivity platform, based on Drupal; implemented as an installation profile / distribution. The goal is to be easy-to-use software that helps your people to communicate better, manage knowledge, build culture, get projects done, share and manage (large) files, and more.
Goal is also to create an optimal developer -and site builder experience for building add-on modules and easy management / updates.
Product and project information
Please check out the project page on
Try it instantly
If you'd like to try it, please visit the product website and hit the 'Try now' button.
Optional project content
The project also contains these optional packages:
- a ready-made Docker environment;
- a Node.js package, optionally needed for realtime goodies like the chat.
Installing OpenLucius
This package only contains the Drupal profile, to install OpenLucius you'll have to use the Composer-based project template:
Install manual
For the complete install manual of OpenLucius, using the Docker image and installing the Node.js package, check out the complete install guide.
Support requests, feature requests and bugs
You can add these in the OpenLucius issue tracker on
Proudly built
By Lucius Digital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
All versions of openlucius with dependencies
drupal/admin_toolbar Version ^2.2
drupal/core-composer-scaffold Version ^9
drupal/core-project-message Version ^9
drupal/core-recommended Version ^9