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Package errors-mvc
Short Description AOP-based MVC API for handling errors and uncaught exceptions in PHP applications
License MIT
Informations about the package errors-mvc
Table of contents:
- About
- Configuration
- Binding Points
- Execution
- Initialization
- Handling
- Installation
- Unit Tests
- Reference Guide
- Specifications
- How Is Response Format Detected
- How Are View Resolvers Located
- How Is Route Detected
- How Are Controllers Located
- How Are Reporters Located
- How Are Views Located
This API is a skeleton (requires binding by developers) created to efficiently handle errors or uncaught exceptions in a web application using a dialect of MVC paradigm where:
- models are reusable logic to report \Throwable instances handled or holders of data to be sent to views
- views are the response to send back to caller after an error/exception was handled
- controllers are binding \Throwable instances to models in order to configure views (typically send data to it)
Just as MVC API for STDOUT handles http requests into responses, so does this API for STDERR handle errors or uncaught exceptions that happen during previous handling process. It does so in a manner that is both efficient and modular, without being bundled to any framework:
- first, MVC API for STDERR (this API) registers itself as sole handler of errors and uncaught exceptions encapsulated by \Throwable instances, then passively waits for latter to be triggered
- then, MVC API for STDOUT (your framework of choice) starts handling user requests into responses. Has any error or uncaught exception occurred in the process?
- yes: MVC API for STDERR gets automatically awaken then starts handling respective \Throwable into response
- no: response is returned back to caller
Furthermore, this whole process is done in a manner that is made flexible through a combination of:
- configuration: setting up an XML file where this API is configured
- binding points: binding user-defined components defined in XML/code to API prototypes in order to gain necessary abilities
- \Throwable handler
- \Throwable-response process
API is fully PSR-4 compliant, only requiring Abstract MVC API for basic MVC logic, PHP7.1+ interpreter and SimpleXML extension. To quickly see how it works, check:
- installation: describes how to install API on your computer, in light of steps above
- UnitTest API instead of PHPUnit for greater flexibility
- example: shows a deep example of API functionality based on FrontController unit test
- reference guide: describes all API classes, methods and fields relevant to developers
All classes inside belong to Lucinda\STDERR namespace!
To configure this API you must have a XML with following tags inside:
- application: (mandatory) configures handling on general application basis
- display_errors: (optional) configures whether or not errors should be displayed
- reporters: (optional) configures how your application will report handled error/exception
- resolvers: (mandatory) configures formats in which your application is able to resolve responses to a handled error/exception
- routes: (mandatory) configures error/exception based routing to controllers/views
Tag documentation is completely covered by inherited Abstract MVC API specification! Since STDIN for this API is made of handled throwables but there is no generic throwable value of default_route attribute must be default.
Maximal syntax of this tag is:
Most of tag logic is already covered by Abstract MVC API specification. Following extra sub-tags/attributes are defined:
- display_errors: (optional) holds whether or not handled error/exception details will be exposed back to callers based on:
- {ENVIRONMENT}: name of development environment (to be replaced with "local", "dev", "live", etc). {VALUE} can be:
- 1: indicates error/exception details will be displayed to caller
- 0: indicates error/exception details won't be displayed to caller
- {ENVIRONMENT}: name of development environment (to be replaced with "local", "dev", "live", etc). {VALUE} can be:
If no display_errors is defined or no {ENVIRONMENT} subtag is found matching current development environment, value 0 is assumed (\Throwable details won't be exposed)!
Tag example:
Maximal syntax of this tag is:
- reporters: (mandatory) holds settings to configure your application for error reporting based on:
- {ENVIRONMENT}: (mandatory) name of development environment (to be replaced with "local", "dev", "live", etc). Holds one or more reporters, each defined by a tag:
- reporter: (mandatory) configures an error/exception reporter based on attributes:
- class: (mandatory) name of user-defined PS-4 autoload compliant class (including namespace) that will report \Throwable.
Class must be a Reporter instance! - {OPTIONS}: a list of extra attributes necessary to configure respective reporter identified by class above
- class: (mandatory) name of user-defined PS-4 autoload compliant class (including namespace) that will report \Throwable.
- reporter: (mandatory) configures an error/exception reporter based on attributes:
- {ENVIRONMENT}: (mandatory) name of development environment (to be replaced with "local", "dev", "live", etc). Holds one or more reporters, each defined by a tag:
Tag example:
Tag documentation is completely covered by inherited Abstract MVC API specification!
Maximal syntax of this tag is:
Most of tag logic is already covered by Abstract MVC API specification. Following extra observations need to be made:
- id: (mandatory) mapped error/exception class name or default (matching default_route @ \Throwable instance!
- controller: (optional) name of user-defined PS-4 autoload compliant class (including namespace) that will mitigate requests and responses based on models.
Class must be a Controller instance! - error_type: (mandatory) defines default exception/error originator. Must match one of ErrorType enum cases values! Example: "LOGICAL"
- http_status: (mandatory) defines default response HTTP status. Must be a valid HTTP status code! Example: "500"
Tag example:
If handled \Throwable matches no route, default route is used!
Binding Points
In order to remain flexible and achieve highest performance, API takes no more assumptions than those absolutely required! It offers developers instead an ability to bind to its prototypes in order to gain certain functionality.
Declarative Binding
It offers developers an ability to bind declaratively to its prototype classes/interfaces via XML:
XML Attribute @ Tag | Class Prototype | Ability Gained |
controller @ route | Controller | MVC controller for any \Throwable |
class @ resolver | \Lucinda\MVC\ViewResolver | Resolving response in a particular format (eg: html) |
class @ reporter | Reporter | Reporting \Throwable to a storage medium |
Programmatic Binding
It offers developers an ability to bind programmatically to its prototypes via FrontController constructor:
Class Prototype | Ability Gained |
ErrorHandler | (mandatory) Handler to use if a \Throwable while API handles request into response |
Now that developers have finished setting up XML that configures the API, they are finally able to initialize it by instantiating FrontController.
As a handler of \Throwable instances, above needs to implement FrontController comes with following public methods, all related to initialization process:
Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
__construct | string $documentDescriptor, string $developmentEnvironment, string $includePath, ErrorHandler $emergencyHandler | void | API registers itself as sole \Throwable handler then starts the wait process |
setDisplayFormat | string $displayFormat | void | Sets future response to use a different display format from that defined by default_format @ application tag |
- $documentDescriptor: relative location of XML configuration file. Example: "configuration.xml"
- $developmentEnvironment: name of development environment (to be replaced with "local", "dev", "live", etc) to be used in deciding how to report or whether or not to expose handled \Throwable
- $includePath: absolute location of your project root (necessary because sometimes include paths are lost when errors are thrown). Example: DIR
- $emergencyHandler: a FrontController's handle method
- $displayFormat: value of display format, matching to a format attribute of a resolver @ resolvers XML tag
Very important to notice that once handlers are registered, API employs Aspect Oriented Programming concepts to listen asynchronously for error events then triggering handler automatically. So once API is initialized, you can immediately start your preferred framework that handles http requests to responses!
Once a \Throwable event has occurred inside STDOUT request-response phase, handle method of FrontController is called. This:
- registers handler presented as constructor argument to capture any error that might occur while handling
- constructs a Application object based on XML where API is configured and development environment
- detects \Throwable handled
- constructs a Application\Route above
- constructs a list of reporters tag @ XML matching development environment
- if found, for each \Throwable to respective medium
- detects Lucinda\MVC\Application\Format matching default_format attribute application tag @ XML or the one manually set via setDisplayFormat method
- constructs a \Lucinda\MVC\Response object based on all objects detected above
- detects routes tag @ XML
- if found, it executes Controller's run method in order to manipulate response
- if \Lucinda\MVC\Response doesn't have a body yet
- constructs a \Lucinda\MVC\ViewResolver object based on matching resolver tag @ XML and objects detected above. This will, for example, convert templates to a full response body.
- if not found, program exits with error, otherwise it executes \Lucinda\MVC\ViewResolver's run method in order to convert view to a response body
- calls commit method of \Lucinda\MVC\Response to send back response to caller
All components that are in developers' responsibility (\Lucinda\MVC\Runnable interface.
First choose a folder, then write this command there using console:
Then create a configuration.xml file holding configuration settings (see initialization above) in project root with following code:
Example of emergency handler:
Unit Tests
For tests and examples, check following files/folders in API sources:
- test.php: runs unit tests in console
- unit-tests.xml: sets up unit tests and mocks "loggers" tag
- tests: unit tests for classes from src folder
Reference Guide
These classes are fully implemented by API:
- configuration XML file and encapsulates information inside
- \Throwable handled
- Application\Route
These abstract classes require to be extended by developers in order to gain an ability:
- \Throwable reporting
- \Throwable
Class Application
Class Application extends Lucinda\MVC\Application and adds one method relevant to developers:
Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
getDisplayErrors | void | bool | Gets whether or not errors should be displayed in current development environment |
Class Application Route
Class Application\Route extends Lucinda\MVC\Application\Route and adds following public methods:
Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
getErrorType | void | ErrorType | Gets error type based on error_type attribute of matching route XML tag |
getHttpStatus | void | \Lucinda\MVC\Response\HttpStatus | Gets response http status code based on http_status attribute of matching route XML tag |
Class Request
Class Request encapsulates handled \Throwable and matching Application\Route. It defines following public methods relevant to developers:
Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
getException | void | \Throwable | Gets throwable that is being handled |
getRoute | void | Application\Route | Gets route information detected from XML based on throwable |
Interface ErrorHandler
Interface ErrorHandler contains blueprint for handling \Throwable via method:
Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
handle | \Throwable | void | Handles error by delegating to reporting and rendering |
Usage example:
Abstract Class Reporter
Abstract class Reporter implements \Lucinda\MVC\Runnable and encapsulates a single \Throwable reporter. It defines following public method relevant to developers:
Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
run | void | void | Inherited prototype to be implemented by developers to report \Throwable based on information saved by constructor |
Developers need to implement run method for each reporter, where they are able to access following protected fields injected by API via constructor:
Field | Type | Description |
$request | Request | Gets request information encapsulating handled throwable and matching route information detected from XML. |
$xml | \SimpleXMLElement | Gets a pointer to matching reporter XML tag, to read attributes from. |
Usage example:
For more info how reporters are detected, check How Are Reporters Located section below!
Abstract Class Controller
Abstract class Controller implements \Lucinda\MVC\Runnable) to set up response (views in particular) based on information detected beforehand. It defines following public method relevant to developers:
Method | Arguments | Returns | Description |
run | void | void | Inherited prototype to be implemented by developers to set up response based on information saved by constructor |
Developers need to implement run method for each controller, where they are able to access following protected fields injected by API via constructor:
Field | Type | Description |
$application | Application | Gets application information detected from XML. |
$request | Request | Gets request information encapsulating handled throwable and matching route information detected from XML. |
$response | \Lucinda\MVC\Response | Gets access to object based on which response can be manipulated. |
Usage example:
For more info how controllers are detected, check How Are Controllers Located section below!
Since this API works on top of Abstract MVC API specifications it follows their requirements and adds extra ones as well:
- How Is Response Format Detected
- How Are View Resolvers Located
- How Is Route Detected
- How Are Controllers Located
- How Are Reporters Located
- How Are Views Located
How Is Response Format Detected
This follows parent API specifications only that routes are detected based on \Throwable handled. One difference is that detected value can be overridden using setDisplayFormat method (see Initialization).
How Are View Resolvers Located
This follows parent API specifications in its entirety.
How Is Route detected
This follows parent API specifications only that routes are detected based on \Throwable handled. Let's take this XML for example:
There will be following situations for above:
If Throwable Is | Then Route ID Detected | Description |
\Foo\Exception | default | Because no matching route was found, that identified by default_route is used |
\Bar\Exception | \Bar\Exception | Because throwable is matched to a route, specific route is used |
How Are Controllers Located
This follows parent API specifications only that class defined as controller attribute in Controller.
How Are Reporters Located
To better understand how class attributes @ reporter tags matching development environment, let's take this XML for example:
In that case if "psr-4" attribute in composer.json associates "Lucinda\Project\" with "src/" folder then:
ENVIRONMENT | Files Loaded | Classes Instanced |
ENVIRONMENT1 | src/Reporters/File.php src/Reporters/SysLog.php |
Lucinda\Project\Reporters\File Lucinda\Project\Reporters\SysLog |
ENVIRONMENT2 | src/Reporters/SysLog.php | Lucinda\Project\Reporters\SysLog |
All classes referenced above must be instance of Reporter!
How Are Views Located
This follows parent API specifications in its entirety. Extension is yet to be decided, since it depends on type of view resolved!