Download the PHP package limenius/react-renderer without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package limenius/react-renderer. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package react-renderer


ReactRenderer lets you implement React.js client and server-side rendering in your PHP projects, allowing the development of universal (isomorphic) applications.

It was previously part of ReactBundle but now can be used standalone.

If you wish to use it with Silex, check out @teameh Silex React Renderer Service Provider.

Features include:

Build Status Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

Complete example

For a complete live example, with a sensible Webpack set up, a sample application to start with and integration in a Symfony Project, check out Symfony React Sandbox.


ReactRenderer uses Composer, please checkout the composer website in case of doubt about this.

This command will install ReactRenderer into your project.

ReactRenderer follows the PSR-4 convention names for its classes so you can integrate it with your autoloader.


JavaScript and Webpack set up

In order to use React components you need to register them in your JavaScript. This bundle makes use of the React On Rails npm package to render React Components (don't worry, you don't need to write any Ruby code! ;) ).

Your code exposing a React component would look like this:

Where RecipesApp is the component we want to register in this example.

Note that it is very likely that you will need separated entry points for your server-side and client-side components, for dealing with things like routing. This is a common issue with any universal (isomorphic) application. Again, see the sandbox for an example of how to deal with this.

If you use server-side rendering, you are also expected to have a Webpack bundle for it, containing React, React on Rails and your JavaScript code that will be used to evaluate your component.

Take a look at the Webpack configuration in the symfony-react-sandbox for more information.

Enable Twig Extension

First, you need to configure and enable the Twig extension.

ReactRenderExtension needs as arguments a renderer and a string that defines if we are rendering our React components client_side, render_side or both.

The renderer is one of the renders that inherit from AbstractReactRenderer.

This library provides currently two renderers:

Now you can insert React components in your Twig templates with:

Where RecipesApp is, in this case, the name of our component, and props are the props for your component. Props can either be a JSON encoded string or an array.

For instance, a controller action that will produce a valid props could be:

Server-side, client-side or both?

You can choose whether your React components will be rendered only client-side, only server-side or both, either in the configuration as stated above or per Twig tag basis.

If you set the option rendering of the Twig call, you can override your config (default is to render both server-side and client-side).

Will render the component only client-side, whereas the following code

... will render the component only server-side (and as a result the dynamic components won't work).

Or both (default):

You can explore these options by looking at the generated HTML code.


One important point when running server-side JavaScript code from PHP is the management of debug messages thrown by console.log. ReactRenderer, inspired React on Rails, has means to replay console.log messages into the JavaScript console of your browser.

To enable tracing, you can set a config parameter, as stated above, or you can set it in your template in this way:

Note that in this case you will probably see a React warning like

"Warning: render(): Target node has markup rendered by React, but there are unrelated nodes as well. This is most commonly caused by white-space inserted around server-rendered markup."

This warning is harmless and will go away when you disable trace in production. It means that when rendering the component client-side and comparing with the server-side equivalent, React has found extra characters. Those characters are your debug messages, so don't worry about it.


This library will provide context about the current request to React components. Your components will receive two arguments on instantiation:

The Symfony context provider has this implementation:

So you can access these properties in your React components, to get information about the request, and if it has been rendered server side or client side.

Server-Side modes

This library supports two modes of using server-side rendering:

Currently, the best option is to use an external server in production, since having V8js is rather hard to compile. However, if you can compile it or your distribution/OS has good packages, it is a very good option if you enable caching, as we will see in the next section.


If you're using Redux you could use this library to hydrate your store's:

Use redux_store in your Twig file before you render your components depending on your store:

MySharedReduxStore here is the identifier you're using in your javascript to get the store. The initialState can either be a JSON encoded string or an array.

Then, expose your store in your bundle, just like your exposed your components:

Finally use ReactOnRails.getStore where you would have used your the object you passed into registerStore.

Make sure you use the same identifier here (MySharedReduxStore) as you used in your Twig file to set up the store.

You have an example in the Sandbox.

Generator Functions

Instead of returning a component, you may choose to return an object from your JavaScript code.

One use case for this is to render Title or other meta tags in Server Side Rendering with React Helmet. You may want to return the generated HTML of the component along with the title.

In these cases, the primary HTML code that is going to be rendered must be in the key componentHtml. You can access the resulting array in Twig:

There is an example of this in the sandbox.


If you set pass buffered: true as an option of react_component the context and props are not immediately included in the template. All this data is buffered and can be inserted right before the closing body tag with react_flush_buffer:

This is recommend if you have a lot of props and don't want to include them in the first parts of your HTML response. See

(This feature was a flag instead of a named option before 4.0).


There are two types of cache, of very different nature:

Component cache

Sometimes you want to cache a component and don't go through the server-side rendering process again. In that case, you can set the option cached to true:

{{ react_component('RecipesApp', {'props': props, 'cached': true}) }}

You can also set a cache key. This key could be for instance the id of an entity. Well, it is up to you. If you don't set an id, the id will be based on the name of the component, so no matter what props you pass, the component will be cached and rendered with the same representation.

{{ react_component('RecipesApp', {'props': props, 'cached': true, 'cache_key': "hi_there"}) }}

To enable/disable the cache globally for your app you need to write this configuration. The default value is disabled, so please enable this feature if you plan to use it.

(This feature was called previously static render before 4.0).

V8 cache

If in your or config/packages/prod/limenius_react.yaml you add the following configuration, and you have V8js installed, this bundle will be much faster:

After the first page render, this will store a snapshot of the JS virtual machine V8js in the cache, so in subsequent visits, your whole JavaScript app doesn't need to be processed again, just the particular component that you want to render.

With the cache enabled, if you change code of your JS app, you will need to clear the cache.


This library is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle:


ReactRenderer is heavily inspired by the great React On Rails, and uses its npm package to render React components.

All versions of react-renderer with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.2.0
ext-json Version *
nacmartin/phpexecjs Version ^3.0
twig/twig Version ^2.4|^3.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package limenius/react-renderer contains the following files

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