Download the PHP package liip/cache-control-bundle without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package liip/cache-control-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package cache-control-bundle


This bundle is no longer maintained. Feel free to fork it if needed.


This Bundle provides a way to set path based cache expiration headers via the app configuration and provides a helper to control the reverse proxy varnish.

Build Status

This Bundle is Deprecated!

The LiipCacheControlBundle went into maintenance only mode. It is replaced by the FOSHttpCacheBundle.

See our migration guide for help how to transition to the new bundle.

This repository will stay available to not break existing installations, but there will only be minimal maintenance at most.

Installation with composer

Just add the following line to your projects composer.json require section:

Enable the module

Add this bundle to your application's kernel:

Cache control

Simply configure as many paths as needed with the given cache control rules:

The matches are tried from top to bottom, the first match is taken and applied.

Run app/console config:dump-reference liip_cache_control to get the full list of configuration options.

About the path parameter

The path, host and controller parameter of the rules represent a regular expression that a page must match to use the rule.

For this reason, and it's probably not the behaviour you'd have expected, the path ^/ will match any page.

If you just want to match the homepage you need to use the path ^/$.

To match pages URLs with caching rules, this bundle uses the class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher.

The unless_role makes it possible to skip rules based on if the current authenticated user has been granted the provided role.

Debug information

The debug parameter adds a X-Cache-Debug header to each response that you can use in your Varnish configuration.

Add the following code to your Varnish configuration to have debug headers added to the response if it is enabled:

Custom Varnish Parameters

Additionally to the default supported headers, you may want to set custom caching headers for varnish.

Custom Varnish Time-Outs

Varnish checks the Cache-Control header of your response to set the TTL. Sometimes you may want that varnish should cache your response for a longer time than the browser. This way you can increase the performance by reducing requests to the backend.

To achieve this you can set the reverse_proxy_ttl option for your rule:

This example will add the header X-Reverse-Proxy-TTL: 300 to your response.

But by default, varnish will not know anything about it. To get it to work you have to extend your varnish vcl_fetch configuration:

Varnish will then look for the X-Reverse-Proxy-TTL header and if it exists, varnish will use the found value as TTL and then remove the header. There is a beresp.ttl field in VCL but unfortunately it can only be set to absolute values and not dynamically. Thus we have to use a C code fragment.

Note that if you are using this, you should have a good purging strategy.

Varnish helper

This helper can be used to talk back to varnish to invalidate cached URLs. Configure the location of the varnish reverse proxies (be sure not to forget any, as each varnish must be notified separately):

To use the varnish cache helper you must inject the liip_cache_control.varnish service or fetch it from the service container:

When using ESI, you will want to purge individual fragments. To generate the corresponding _internal route, inject the http_kernel into your controller and use HttpKernel::generateInternalUri with the parameters as in the twig render tag.


Add the following code to your Varnish configuration to have it handle PURGE requests (make sure to uncomment the appropiate line(s))

varnish 3.x

In Varnish 2, the purge action is actually just marking caches as invalid. This is called ban in Varnish 3.

Varnish 2.x

NOTE: this code invalidates the url for all domains. If your varnish serves multiple domains, you should improve this configuration.

The varnish path invalidation is about equivalent to doing this:

 netcat localhost 6081 << EOF
 PURGE /url/to/purge HTTP/1.1



Since varnish 3 banning can be used to invalidate the cache. Banning invalidates whole section with regular expressions, so you will need to be careful to not invalidate too much.

Configure the varnish reverse proxies to use ban as purge instruction:

This will do a purge request and will add X-Purge headers which can be used by your Varnish configuration:

varnish 3.x

Force refresh

Alternatively one can also force a refresh using the approach

The vanish path force refresh is about equivalent to doing this:

netcat localhost 6081 << EOF
GET /url/to/refresh HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate


To use the varnish cache helper you must inject the liip_cache_control.varnish service or fetch it from the service container:

Banning from the console

You can also ban URLs from the console

will ban (invalidate) all entries in your configured varnish servers (matching

will ban (invalidate) all entries in your configured varnish servers, where the URL starts with "/posts". Any regular expression understood by varnish can be used here.

It uses the Varnish Helper class, therefore if you defined more than one varnish server in the config file (in varnish.ips), the entries will be deleted in all servers.

Cache authorization listener

Enable the authorization listener:

This listener makes it possible to stop a request with a 200 "OK" for HEAD requests right after the security firewall has finished. This is useful when one uses Varnish while handling content that is not available for all users.

In this scenario on a cache hit, Varnish can be configured to issue a HEAD request when this content is accessed. This way Symfony2 can be used to validate the authorization, but no work needs to be made to regenerate the content that is already in the Varnish cache.

Note this obviously means that it only works with path based Security. Any additional security implemented inside the Controller will be ignored.

Note further that a HEAD response is supposed to contain the same HTTP header meta data as the GET response to the same URL. However for the purpose of this use case we have no other choice but to assume a 200.

Flash message listener

The Response flash message listener moves all flash messages currently set into a cookie. This way it becomes possible to better handle flash messages in combination with ESI. The ESI configuration will need to ignore the configured cookie. It will then be up to the client to read out the cookie, display the flash message and remove the flash message via javascript.

If you do not want the flash message listener, you can disable it:

All versions of cache-control-bundle with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.3.2
symfony/framework-bundle Version ~2.1
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package liip/cache-control-bundle contains the following files

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