Download the PHP package librarianphp/librarian without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package librarianphp/librarian. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download librarianphp/librarian
More information about librarianphp/librarian
Files in librarianphp/librarian
Package librarian
Short Description Librarian CMS
License MIT
Informations about the package librarian

Static site builder and Markdown document indexer inspired by Hugo but written in PHP.
Librarian is a static site builder and Markdown document indexer inspired by Hugo but written in PHP. It uses the same format as for markdown files with a front matter and liquid tags for custom functionality. The front matter is fluid and doesn't have a fixed spec, meaning you can include any custom fields you want and fetch them from your templates.
Librarian doesn't use databases, sessions, or users. Administration is made from the command-line. For multiple authors, author information must be defined as metadata within the front matter.
Liquid tags supported at the moment:
Tag | Example | Description |
audio |
{% audio path_to_mp3.mp3 %} |
embeds mp3 audio |
video |
{% video path_to_mp4.mp4 %} |
embeds mp4 video |
youtube |
{% youtube video_ID %} |
embeds a YouTube video |
github |
{% github file_url %} |
embeds File from Github (Gists aren't supported at the moment) |
Check the doc page on how to create your own custom liquid tags.
The official documentation is available at You can contribute to Librarian's documentation via GitHub.
Projects Using Librarian
- OnLinux Systems - A blog about Linux, with tutorials and hardware reviews.
- - A list of underrepresented open source creators that can be sponsored via GitHub Sponsors.
- Librarian Documentation - The official Librarian documentation, built with Librarian.
- Your project! Send a PR :)
Check the Contributing Guide.
All versions of librarian with dependencies
ext-json Version *
ext-curl Version *
ext-xml Version *
librarianphp/librarian-core Version ^4.3
suin/php-rss-writer Version ^1.6
librarianphp/command-help Version ^1.1
librarianphp/command-create Version ^1.1
librarianphp/command-cache Version ^1.1
librarianphp/command-web Version ^1.2
librarianphp/command-build Version ^1.2