Download the PHP package lianhua/supercsv without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package lianhua/supercsv. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about lianhua/supercsv
Files in lianhua/supercsv
Package supercsv
Short Description A simple PHP library for CSV reading and writing
License GPL-3.0
Informations about the package supercsv
A little library for CSV reading and writing in PHP
A simple PHP library for reading and writing CSV files.
This library has been tested for PHP 7.3 and higher
Just use composer in your project:
If you don't use composer, clone or download this repository, all you need is inside the src directory.
Read a CSV file
Raw data
Let's say we have the following CSV file:
Create a new Reader and then, you can read line by line with the read method:
You also can read the entire file at once with the readAll method:
By default, the reader considers the file as comma separated, you can change the format directly with the constructor along with enclosure and escape chars:
With header
If your csv has a header, make sure to call the getHeader method. The reader will create an assoc array when reading.
CSV file:
Write a CSV file
Raw data
Create a Writer and use the write method:
You'll get this CSV file:
You can write all data at once with the writeAll method:
By default, the writer will overwrite the file, if you want to append instead, give false in second constructor's parameter:
Of course, you can change the format as well:
You'll get this CSV file:
With header
You can write csv with header with the setHeader method. You can give assoc arrays after that:
You'll get this CSV file: