Download the PHP package lenepalu/lp-generator without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package lenepalu/lp-generator. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download lenepalu/lp-generator
More information about lenepalu/lp-generator
Files in lenepalu/lp-generator
Informations about the package lp-generator
Laravel 5.2 lp CRUD Generator
Laravel lp Generator
Laravel >=5.1
PHP >= 5.5.9
Add service provider to /config/app.php file.
Install laravelcollective/html package for form & html.
- Add service provider & aliases to /config/app.php file.
Run composer update
- Publish config file & generator template files.
Note: You should have configured database for this operation.
Crud command:
You can also easily include route, set primary key, set views directory etc through options --route, --pk, --view-path as belows:
- --fields : Fields name for the form & model.
- --route : Include Crud route to routes.php? yes or no.
- --pk : The name of the primary key.
- --view-path : The name of the view path.
- --namespace : Namespace of the controller.
- --route-group : Prefix of the route group.
Other commands (optional):
For controller generator:
For model generator:
For migration generator:
For view generator:
By default, the generator will attempt to append the crud route to your routes.php file. If you don't want the route added, you can use the option .
After creating all resources, run migrate command. If necessary, include the route for your crud as well.
If you chose not to add the crud route in automatically (see above), you will need to include the route manually.
Supported Field Types
These fields are supported for migration and view's form:
- string
- char
- varchar
- password
- date
- datetime
- time
- timestamp
- text
- mediumtext
- longtext
- json
- jsonb
- binary
- number
- integer
- bigint
- mediumint
- tinyint
- smallint
- boolean
- decimal
- double
- float
[Lene Palu] (