Download the PHP package leaphub/phpcs-symfony2-standard without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package leaphub/phpcs-symfony2-standard. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in leaphub/phpcs-symfony2-standard
Package phpcs-symfony2-standard
Short Description A PHP_CodeSniffer standard for Symfony 2 applications
License MIT
Informations about the package phpcs-symfony2-standard
Symfony2 PHP_CodeSniffer Coding Standard
A composer installable coding standard to check against the Symfony coding standards.
This project was based on the standard provided by @lapistano
This coding standard can be installed via composer or be used in you PHP_CodeSniffer install over PECL. Both ways are described in the following but the composer way is recommedend:
Using Composer
Install The standard as dependency of your composer based project (It will install the composer version of PHP_CodeSniffer as dependency):
$ php composer.phar require --dev leaphub/phpcs-symfony2-standard:~2.0.0
$ bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/leaphub/phpcs-symfony2-standard/leaphub/phpcs/Symfony2/ --extensions=php src/
Using PEAR
Install PHP_CodeSniffer:
$ pear install PHP_CodeSniffer
Find your PEAR directory:
$ pear config-show | grep php_dir
Copy, symlink or check out this repo to a folder called Symfony2 inside the phpcs
directory:$ cd /path/to/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards $ git clone [email protected]:leaphub/phpcs-symfony2-standard.git Symfony2
Set Symfony2 as your default coding standard if cou want:
$ phpcs --config-set default_standard Symfony2
$ phpcs --standard=Symfony2 --extensions=php src/
If you do contribute code to these sniffs, please make sure it conforms to the PEAR coding standard and that the Symfony2-coding-standard unit tests still pass.
To check the coding standard, run from the Symfony2-coding-standard source root:
$ phpcs --ignore=*/tests/* --standard=PEAR . -n
The unit-tests are run from within the PHP_CodeSniffer directory:
$ phpunit --filter Symfony2_* tests/AllTests.php