Download the PHP package laravel-plus/extension without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package laravel-plus/extension. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package extension

Laravel Extension Pack

Build Status Quality Score Code Coverage Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Software License

日本語ドキュメント - Japanese


How to install

[A] The Laravel project which is already included is downloaded.

[B] It's installed in a project of existence.

1. Add the package laravel-plus/extension use Composer.

Use composer.

2. Add/Remove the service provider.

Edit file config/app.php.

Check for running

Add-on wiki is made as a example.

Please confirm the routing setting.

A local server is started and accesses http://localhost:8000/addons/wiki by a browser. When a package name is indicated, it's success.



Migration, seed's definition and installation state are indicated.


up() method in migration of all groups, it's carried out and it's made a newest version.

It's possible to make them seed after my gray-tion.


down() method in migration of all groups, , it's carried out and it's returned in the clean state.


Re-run migration of all groups.

After database:clean and database:upgrade were carried out, same.

It's possible to make them seed after migration.


The version of the specified group is returned one.

When --all option is put, everything's version of the designation group is eliminated.


A newest version of a specified group is made.

I have the same effect as the time when database:rollback <group> and database:upgrade were carried out.

It's possible to make them seed after migration.


Run specified seed.

When omitting <seed>, run default seed.


Can check the status of addons.

When addons directory and config/addon.php file don't exist, it's made.


A file in the add-on is scanned and the PHP namespace is changed.

When you'd like to confirm the scanned file, please designate -v option.


An add-on is eliminated.

addons/blog A directory is just eliminated.


An add-on is made. I add on the next command blog is generated as PHP name spatial Blog using a form of ui-type.

A skeleton can be chosen from 9 kinds.

When not designating a form by a command argument, it can be chosen by an interactive mode.

PHP namespace can designate --namespace by an option. Please use \\ or / for a namespace separate.


Generate a class of artisan command.

If you specify foo to name, to generate a file app/Console/Commands/Foo.php.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Commands/Foo.php.


Generate a class of controller.

If you specify FooController to name, to generate a file app/Http/Controllers/FooController.php.

If you specify option --resource, to generate a resource controller.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Controllers/FooController.php.


Generate a class of event.

If you specify FooEvent to name, to generate a file app/Events/FooEvent.php.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Events/FooEvent.php.


Generate a class of job.

If you specify a FooJob to name, to generate a file app/Jobs/FooEvent.php.

If you specify option --queued, to generate a job class implemented ShouldQueue interface.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Jobs/FooJob.php.

If using a App/Commands directory of Laravel 5.0, app/Commands/FooCommand.php can also be generated.


Generate a class of listener.

If you specify FooListener to name, to generate a file app/Listeners/FooListener.php. Require --event option.

If you specify option --queued, to generate a job class implemented ShouldQueue interface.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Listeners/FooListener.php.


Generate a class of middleware.

If you specify foo to name, to generate a file app/Http/Middleware/Foo.php.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Middleware/Foo.php.


Generate a class of migration.

If you specify foo to name, to generate a file app/Database/Migrations/App_1_0.php.

If you specify materials to option --create, to generate a migration class for create materials table.

If you specify materials to option --update, to generate a migration class for update materials table.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Migrations/Blog_1_0.php.


Generate a class of Eloquent model.

If you specify foo to name, to generate a file app/Foo.php related to foos table.

If you specify services/models/foo to name, to generate a file app/Services/Models/Foo.php related to foos table. PHP namespace will be App\Services\Models.

If you specify App_1_1 to option --migration, also generates together migration file. This is the same as a result of executing the command php artisan make:migration App_1_1 --create=foos.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Foo.php.


Generate a class of policy.

If you specify foo to name, to generate a file app/Policies/Foo.php.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Policies/Foo.php.


Generate a class of service provider.

If you specify FooServiceProvider to name, to generate a file app/Providers/FooServiceProvider.php.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Providers/FooServiceProvider.php.


Generate a class of form request.

If you specify FooRequest to name, to generate a file app/Http/Requests/FooRequest.php.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Requests/FooRequest.php.


Generate a class of seeder.

If you specify staging to name, to generate a file app/Database/Seeds/Staging.php.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/classes/Seeds/Staging.php.


Generate a class of PHPUnit test suite.

If you specify FooTests to name, to generate a file tests/FooTests.php.

If you specify blog to option --addon, to generate a file addons/blog/tests/FooTests.php.

Helper functions

addon($name = null)

Get the add-on by name.

If omit the name, it returns the add-on that contains the calling class. This is equivalent to a addon(addon_name()).

object retrieved by the addon() function, you can access the add-on attributes and resources.


Get the add-on name from the class name . The class name must be a fully qualified name that contains the name space. Get the add-on by name.

If you omit the argument, returns the name of the add-on contains the caller of the class.

Facade expansion

Facade of Laravel converts the static method call of class to an instance method invocation, and has been achieved by creating an alias for the facade class in the global namespace. For Laravel 5 alias loader does not act only in the global name space , to handle the facade from the name space (such as App) it must put \ to the class name prefix.

Or a use declaration is used.

Laravel Extension has the alias loader which settles a facade in the namespace in the add-on bottom, so a way of Laravel 4.2 formula document mentioning can be used just as it is.

Bootstrap behavior


古川 文生 / Fumio Furukawa ([email protected])



All versions of extension with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^7.0
laravel/framework Version ^5.5
jumilla/laravel-versionia Version ^2.0
jumilla/laravel-addomnipot Version ^2.0
jumilla/laravel-source-generator Version ^1.3
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package laravel-plus/extension contains the following files

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