Download the PHP package kozz/static-cache without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package kozz/static-cache. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in kozz/static-cache
Package static-cache
Short Description Static Cache
License MIT
Informations about the package static-cache
Static Cache
Static Cache with Repositories
You can use as simple cache tool that allows you access cached data from every place of your application during runtime.
It doesn't stores data im memcached or some other data storage, that's just static implementation of Doctrine's
The most powerful idea of this library is
Repository allows you initialize some heavy library once and than it's instance with simple Object-Oriented Style
E.g.: Assume are using Symfony Validator several times during the runtime. That's bad idea initialize it every time in different places of the application so you can easyly create SymfonyValidator Repository:
//SomeFile.php use Kozz\Components\Cache\StaticCache
$validator = StaticCache::loadRepository(new SymfonyValidator()); //Validator initialized and saved in cache
//SomeOtherFile.php use Kozz\Components\Cache\StaticCache
$validator = StaticCache::loadRepository(new SymfonyValidator()); //Now validator just loaded from cache
get($id)set($id, $data)has($id)loadRepository(CacheRepositoryInterface $repository)``` - load Repository
All versions of static-cache with dependencies
doctrine/cache Version *
phpoption/phpoption Version *
symfony/dependency-injection Version *