Download the PHP package khalyomede/php-jur without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package khalyomede/php-jur. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Table of contents
Download khalyomede/php-jur
More information about khalyomede/php-jur
Files in khalyomede/php-jur
Download khalyomede/php-jur
More information about khalyomede/php-jur
Files in khalyomede/php-jur
Vendor khalyomede
Package php-jur
Short Description PHP class that follows the JSON Uniform Response standard
License MIT
Package php-jur
Short Description PHP class that follows the JSON Uniform Response standard
License MIT
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Informations about the package php-jur
Json Uniform Response for PHP.
- Standard
- Installation
- Examples
For a support for PHP 5.X, please use the version 1. of this library. Note the version 1. is no longer maintained.
Json Uniform Response (JUR) is a way to deliver JSON response in a consistant manner. To learn more, go to the official documentation.
In your root project folder, type the following command:
- Get a response as a JSON string
- Get a response as an array
- Get a response as an object
- Attach a message to the response
- Set custom timestamps
Get a response as a JSON string
Get a response as an array
Get a response as an object
Attach a message to the response
Set custom timestamps
All versions of php-jur with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
php Version
The package khalyomede/php-jur contains the following files
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