Download the PHP package kaspi/http-message without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package kaspi/http-message. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download kaspi/http-message
More information about kaspi/http-message
Files in kaspi/http-message
Package http-message
Short Description HTTP Message implementation PSR-7, PSR-17
License MIT
Informations about the package http-message
🕸 HTTP message PSR-7 implementation.
Kaspi/http-message is a lightweight implementation PSR-7, PSR-17 for >= PHP 8.1
Implementation of PSR-17:
Implementation of PSR-7:
Additional implementations for \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
- Local development (without Docker)
- With Docker images (WSL, Linux)
Local development
Required PHP 8.1, php Composer
Run test without code coverage
Running tests with checking code coverage by tests with a report in html format
Requires installed PCOV driver
⛑ the results will be in the folder .coverage-html
Static code analysis
For static analysis we use the package Phan.
Running without PHP extension PHP AST
Code style
To bring the code to standards, we use php-cs-fixer which is declared in composer's dev dependencies
Using Docker image with PHP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
You can specify the image with the PHP version in the .env
file in the PHP_IMAGE
By default, the container is built with the php:8.1-cli-alpine
Build docker container
Install php composer dependencies:
Run tests with a code coverage report and a report in html format
⛑ the results will be in the folder .coverage-html
Phan (static analyzer for PHP)
You can work in a shell in a docker container:
Using Makefile commands.
Check and correct code style:
Run the static code analyzer:
Run tests:
Run all stages of checks:
All versions of http-message with dependencies
psr/http-message Version 1.1 || ^2.0
psr/http-factory Version ^1.0