Download the PHP package kanata-php/forklift without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package kanata-php/forklift. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package forklift
Laravel Livewire Component
Move assets in a predictable and easy manner with Eloquent and Livewire.
- Laravel
- Livewire
- AlpineJS
Step 1
Install composer package:
Step 2
Publish the assets registered in the Service Provider:
After this you'll find the assets at the directory resources/views/vendor/forklift
. At the current version the initial assets are only presentable for projects usign Tailwind CSS.
Step 3
Implement the Kanata\Forklift\Interfaces\AssetRepositoryInterface
for the component to know how to interact with your project's models. You'll create one per case (e.g. if you need to move nested directories, one repository, then if you need to move documents through directories, another repository).
- This method returns current location's "sub locations". This is equivalent to sub folders when you have a folder based structure like a filesystem navigation. -
- This method executes the movement between locations of the asset being managed. AssetRepositoryInterface::findLocation
- This method finds the current location object.The output must be an array with the following fields:
- id (int) - primary key
- title (string) - location's title
- parent (int) - parent location (for nested locations)
Let's assume we have a filesystem structure. In this structure you have documents and directories. This package adds a dropdown that allows quickly moving assets in the directory structure.
For such, using eloquent, we would have the models:
Directory - that keeps the directories structure, having subdirectories and documents inside them.
Example migration:
- Document - that keeps the documents.
Example migration:
The following component is the dropdown to move documents:
The following component is the dropdown to move directories:
You can find an example laravel project here.
Forklift dispatches 2 events, in 3 different levels. The 2 events are:
- Triggered after a successful return from the asset repository.Kanata\Forklift\Events\AssetMoveFailed
- Triggered after a fail return from th asset repository.
The 3 levels that these events are dispatched are:
- Laravel Events (
- Livewire Events (
- Browser events via Livewire (
- Change UI when backend error happens.