Download the PHP package jkphl/defr without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package jkphl/defr. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package defr


is an — at present: proof-of-concept — simple usage pattern and lightweight JavaScript library for deferred loading and localStorage caching of external CSS and JavaScript resources.

There are basically two versions of the library, one for older browsers).

Please be aware that I hacked all this together in very little time, so don't expect it to be rocket science at the moment. It should, however, illustrate my thoughts. I'm happily awaiting your feedback and your suggestions!


When delivering content to your visitors, it is advisable to concentrate on the "above the fold" part in the first place and avoid "blocking content" by all means (i.e. external resources that need to get downloaded before the document can be rendered). External CSS and JavaScript files are always considered blocking, and simply moving them to the bottom of your HTML documents won't change this. Also, adding the async or defer attributes won't help in all cases — despite the fact that they exist for <script> elements only. To truly defer the loading of stylesheets and scripts you'll have to employ JavaScript and dynamically add these resources to the DOM. This is where defr jumps in, providing you with a very simple usage pattern for this very purpose.


Have a look at the following example:

As you see, there's a special <noscript> section in the head of the document. In fact, there could be als more than one, and if you dont care for validation you might also put it wherever you want in your document, not just into the <head> section. There's also the defr library itself included at the end of the document (in practice, I'd recommend inlining the library, but I'll keep it external in this example for clarity's sake).

The <noscript> section contains two <link> elements, with the first one being just a regular reference to an external CSS resource — nothing special about it, except that it's a part of the <noscript> content. As deferred loading always involves JavaScript, this is a perfect fallback: If no JavaScript is available, the <noscript> element will be parsed and the stylesheet gets loaded just normally (non-deferred). Otherwise, the content of the <noscript> element is seen as text and won't be processed in any way by default.[^1]

The second <link> element — referencing a JavaScript resource — is missing a rel attribute, which is perfectly ok according to the HTML5 vocabulary. It will, however, result in the browser ignoring the element altogether when being in noscript mode, as it doesn't know how to deal with it — which is again perfectly ok as we don't have JavaScript support in that situation anyway.

The defr library, included at the end of the document, will take care of that <noscript> section, extract the stylesheet and script resources and load them by dynamically injecting them into the DOM. Pretty easy, right?

What about that itemtype and itemprop stuff?

According to the HTML5 vocabulary, a <noscript> element may only contain <meta>, <link> and <style> elements — but no <script> elements, unfortunately. To comply with the HTML5 validation rules, we have to "misuse" the <link> element for referencing external JavaScript resources. For my taste, that's absolutely ok, as it's nothing more than the reference established by e.g. <link rel="stylesheet"/> for a CSS resource. There is, however, no appropriate rel value we could use for JavaScript, so we have to omit it altogether (Well, we could employ e.g. rel="prefetch", but that would definitely be a case of misuse ...).

The W3C HTML5 validator requires each <link> element to either have a rel or an itemprop attribute (with the latter being part of the Microdata specification). Furthermore, an element having an itemprop attribute must also be a descendant of an element having the itemscope attribute (see the <noscript> in the example). As I'm a huge fan of micro information anyway, I finally added the itemtype="" attribute to clearly indicate that it's a defr <noscript> element. The complete microdata vocabulary used by defr will be available soon.

At the same time, this usage pattern is valid HTML5 out of the box.

Employing defr

In general, I recommend inlining the defr library, as it is really small and — more importantly — referencing it externally would introduce the library itself as a "blocking content" — which is exactly what you'll want to avoid. In any case, you should include the library after the last asset bundle (i.e. defr <noscript> element) in your document, e.g. just before the closing </body> element.

As you see, the defr library comes as an IIFE that is called with three or four arguments:

  1. A reference to the window object (don't change this).
  2. A reference to the document object (don't change this).
  3. A Boolean indicating whether the defr asset bundles in the document should be processed immediately and automatically on page load. You might set this to false in case you want to start loading the external resources manually (like in the demo pages).
  4. The CSS class name used to find the asset bundles (defaults to "defr"). As a default, all <noscript class="defr"> and <noscript itemtype=""> elements are matched (see example). You shouldn't need to change this, but if you do, then provide it as a fourth argument.

The library registers a global window.defr() function which you can call in order to start the asset loading manually, e.g.:

Processing steps and attribute traversal

These are the steps the defr library takes:

  1. At first, it matches all relevant asset bundles (i.e. <noscript> elements), parses their text content and processes the contained <link> elements one after another.
  2. CSS stylesheet references (i.e. <link rel="stylesheet" href="..."/> elements) will be appended to the <head> of your document without any significant change. All attributes will be preserved.
  3. All JavaScript resources — matching <link type="text/javascript" href="..."/> — will be converted to and injected as <script> elements, following these attribute and property traversal rules:
    • If present, the global attributes accesskey, class, contenteditable, dir, draggable, dropzone, hidden, id, lang, spellcheck, style, tabindex, title and translate are preserved and copied over from the original <link> element to the created <script> element.
    • If present, the event handlers onload and onerror are preserved as well and copied over to the created <script> element. In addition, an onload handler will be expanded to an Internet Explorer < 9 compatible variant (as there is no native support for onload on <script> elements in IE < 9).
    • If present, the attributes data-crossorigin and data-charset are preserved and copied over to the created <script> element, but renamed to crossorigin and charset respectively.
    • All data-* attributes are preserved and copied over to the created <script> element, whereas all other remaining attributes are discarded.
    • The href property of the <script> element is set to the src value of the origininal <link> element.
    • The type property of the <script> element is set to "text/javascript".
    • The defer property of the <script> element is set to true.

Support for localStorage caching

In addition to the deferred loading of CSS and JavaScript resources, the "localstorage" variant of the defr library uses the localStorage of your HTML5 browser to cache the external resources once they got fetched from their remote server. This avoids redundant requests[^2] and may be a performance benefit — especially on mobile devices. You don't have to do anything special, the caching just happens automagically.

In "localstorage" mode, some of the asset <link>'s attributes gain a special meaning (obviously I have been inspired by basket.js here):

Please be aware that there's a browser dependent memory limit for localStorage (mostly 5 MB, but please check that for your specific browser / platform). If there's not enough free space for storing an asset into the localStorage, defr will purge older assets it has stored before (starting with the oldest) until it can cache the new one.

To clear the localStorage for a certain (sub)domain, simply issue a localStorage.clear() call from JavaScript (e.g. using the console input of your developer tools).

Known problems

[^1]: Unfortunately, there's a very nasty problem with Internet Explorer 7 and 8: They don't expose the contents of <noscript> elements to JavaScript (IE 6 does by the way!). If you happen to have to support these browsers, you'll want to read the next chapter.

[^2]: Internet Explorer performs what is called "speculative downloads", i.e. it automatically prefetches e.g. CSS resources in the moment when you create a <link> element and give it a href attribute. It doesn't matter if the element is already part of the DOM — Internet Explorer will fetch it anyway, which kinda foils the localStorage approach. For this reason, it is necessary to trick IE by temporarily substituting the name of the href attribute against something different so that the speculative downloads aren't triggered. The current stage of defr does exactly this, so at least IE 11 behaves as expected now. I didn't test older IE versions yet though.

Supporting IE 7 & 8

As Internet Explorer 7 and 8 do not expose the content of <noscript> elements to JavaScript, a special technique must be used for defr to work in these browsers: They support the poprietary <comment> element that comments out the enclosed data but still exposes it to JavaScript. Combined with a little conditional comment wizardry I found this — admittedly hackish but working — solution:

When JavaScript is available, a <comment class="defr"> element is dynamically written to the document, right before the <noscript> element, effectively making it a comment text only. The closing </comment> element must neither be crippled in any way, nor must it be be enclosed in another <!-- ... --> comment or dynamically written by JavaScript. All these aproaches fail, so there's only the chance to cloak it in an (otherwise empty) <style> element. With JavaScript being disabled, the starting <comment> is not written at all and the <noscript> element is working as usual.

Yeah, I know this doesn't feel right. But be honest: The real problem is not this hack, is it?

Examples / live demo

There's an example / demo page for each of the library versions that you can use for testing your platform and browser:

Supported / tested browsers

These are the browser / platform combinations that I explicitly tested. If you have the chance to test some of the missing ones, please let me know your results. You may use the demo pages in the examples directory to test the support on a specific client. You will have to watch the respective developer tools' network and resources tab or your webservers log files to find out when your client requests which files from your server.

Desktop clients

  Windows XP Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8.1 OS X
IE 6
IE 7 ❶✱
IE 8 ❶❷✱
IE 9 ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷
IE 10 ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷
IE 11 ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷
Chrome 31 ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷
Firefox 25 ❶❷ ? ? ? ?
Firefox 26 ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷
Opera 12.10 ? ❶❷ ? ? ?
Opera 12.16 ? ❶❷ ❶❷ ❶❷ ?
Safari 5.1.7 ? ? ? ❶❷ ?
Safari 5.1.8 ❶❷
Safari 5.1.10 ❶❷

❶ Polyfilled library ❷ Modern library ✱ With special markup only (wrapping <comment> element)

Mobile clients

I will try to do some tests on mobile devices soon.

Current problems / caveats



Copyright © 2014 Joschi Kuphal @jkphl

defr is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

All versions of defr with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
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The package jkphl/defr contains the following files

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