Download the PHP package jivanf/larapex-charts without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package jivanf/larapex-charts. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download jivanf/larapex-charts
More information about jivanf/larapex-charts
Files in jivanf/larapex-charts
Package larapex-charts
Short Description Package to provide easy api to build apex charts on Laravel
License MIT
Informations about the package larapex-charts
Larapex Charts
[]( []( [](  [](
A Laravel wrapper for apex charts library Check the documentation on: Larapex Chart Docs.
Use composer.
Basic example
In your controller add:
Remember to import the Facade to your controller with
Or importing the LarapexChart class:
Then in your view (Blade file) add:
More complex example
You can create a variety of charts including: Line, Area, Bar, Horizantal Bar, Heatmap, pie, donut and Radialbar.
More examples
Check the documentation on: Larapex Chart Docs
The author Ariel Mejia Dev.
Support the project
Hey 👋 thanks for considering making a donation, with these donations I can continue working to contribute to opensource projects.
To do for version 4
- [ ] Add blade directive
- [ ] Add blade directive
- [ ] Add a command to generate a blade component with the boilerplate directives just to include it on any blade file.
- [ ] Add a command to generate a vue component with all the boilerplate to just pass a
prop and include the component on any vue component.