Download the PHP package jesusslim/kos without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package jesusslim/kos. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in jesusslim/kos
Informations about the package kos
php concise container/di
kos in packagist:
composer require jesusslim/kos
get instance of kos\Container.
map($key,$class = null)
map a class or closure to container.
Container::getInstance()->map('bar',function($foo,$bar){return $foo + $bar;});
map an instance to container.
Container::getInstance()->mapInstance('foo',new Foo());
get($key,$params = [])
if $key is mapped in container as an instance,return the instance;
if $key is mapped in container as a class,return the an instance of the class;
if $key is mapped in container as a closure,return the result of the closure;
if $key is not mapped in container,reflect $key and return the instance/result;
the values in $params can be used as the params of the constructor of class or the params of closure;
class Foo{
private $bar;
public function __construct($bar)
$this->bar = $bar;
public function getBar(){
return $this->bar;
$container = Container::getInstance();
$container->map('sum',function(Foo $foo,$inc){
return $foo->getBar()+$inc;
$foo = $container->get(Foo::class);
/* @var Foo $foo */
echo $foo->getBar();
//result is 677
$foo = $container->get(Foo::class,['bar' => 688]);
echo $foo->getBar();
//result is 688;
echo $container->get('sum',['inc' => 100]);
//result is 777
invoke(Closure $closure,$params = [])
invoke a closure , the params of the closure will be filled by the container.
echo $container->invoke(function(Foo $foo,$inc){
return $foo->getBar()+$inc;
},['inc' => 100]);
//result is 777
invokeClass($class,$method,$params = [])
invoke a class->method , the params of the closure will be filled by the container.
echo $container->invokeClass(Foo::class,'getBar',[]);
//result is 677
kos is a concise container/DI lib for simple use.
and pinject is a lib for the complex use,like caching instances,ArrayAccess implements and chaining operations/workflow with container.