Download the PHP package jenwachter/data-encoder without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package jenwachter/data-encoder. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package data-encoder
Short Description A PHP library to make it easier to create XML using the DOM Document object.
License MIT
Informations about the package data-encoder
Eventually this library will be built out to do various types of data encoding. For now, only XML and RSS are available.
XML Example
Start out with an array of data structured the way you want the XML to be structured. Keep in mind that groups of objects should be included like the below array of "posts" where the key is the plural.
Then create a new XML Encoder object, passing it the array of data. After that, it's as easy as calling the render()
RSS Example
The process for creating an RSS feed is a bit different, as RSS feeds have very specific requirements. When instantiating a new RSS Encoder, there are three required and one optional parameter. For this example, I'll show the method calls and then describe each parameter.
An associative array of channel elements. Please note that per RSS specification, "title," "link," and "description" elements are required. Optional elements include "lastBuildDate," "language," etc...
To prevent a whole lot of processing before even instantiating the RSS Encoder to only pass the fields you want to include in the feed, the second parameter allows you to pick and choose which elements you want to include. Please note that these values correspond to the $dataMap array first and then to the item keys passed in through $data.
An array of items in the feed.
In further effort to prevent a lot of processing before even instantiating the RSS Encoder, the final (and optional) parameter is an associative array mapping fields in the items passed $data array to RSS-specific fields.