Download the PHP package jdwx/dns-query without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package jdwx/dns-query. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in jdwx/dns-query
Package dns-query
Short Description Native PHP DNS Resolver and Updater Library (PHP 8.1+)
License BSD-2-Clause
Informations about the package dns-query
DNSQuery - Native PHP DNS Resolver and Updater
The main features for this package include:
- Uses modern PHP namespaces, classes and exceptions
- Support for IPv4 and IPv6, TCP and UDP sockets.
- Includes a separate "Updater" class for handling dynamic update
- Support zone signing using TSIG and SIG(0) for updates and zone transfers
- Supports using PSR-6/PSR-16 caching implementations to improve performance
- Includes many RRs, including DNSSEC RRs.
- Full PHP 8.1 compatibility.
Installing DNSQuery
You can require it directly via Composer:
Or download the source from Github:
- PHP 8.1+
- The PHP INI setting
equals 0, 1, 4, or 5.
Using DNSQuery
DNSQuery provides multiple interfaces depending on requirements.
The simplest interface is designed to mimic PHP's built-in dns_get_record() function with additional flexibility to query other name servers.
But it allows specifying additional options, like what name server to use for the lookup:
(Produces the same output as above.)
You can also specify a list of name servers or a custom resolv.conf file to use for the lookup. (See the examples.)
For repeated queries, the resolver should be instantiated. It provides a compatability interface in that form as well:
(Produces the same output as above.)
The native query interface returns full detail about the response from the name server contacted:
Documentation is being developed here.
Development of test coverage for this package is incomplete and is currently limited to the Resolver functionality. The Updater and Notifier are not yet tested, and not all RRs have test coverage.
This package was forked from Net_DNS2, which was maintained by Mike Pultz until 2020. Key differences are:
- PEAR support has been removed.
- Certain things that were previously optional (e.g., the filter extension) are now required.
- Replaced the hard-to-validate array-style options configuration with fluent setters.
- Changed cache implementation
- Use PSR-4 namespaces and compatible autoloading.
- Passes my organization's internal code quality standards.
- Substantial refactoring of networking code for future flexibility (e.g., DNS over HTTPS).
- Additional unit tests.
I apologize that backwards compatibility is not a priority; my company required adherence to certain coding standards in order to support this work. This is therefore likely only suited for new development.
The original package represents an enormous amount of work done over many years. As such Mike Pultz deserves full credit for most of this package; most of what I am doing is window dressing and adapting it to meet my specific needs. But since this is a public repository, I wanted to make clear that I do not claim credit for Mike's original work.
See the Net_DNS2 Website for more details about Net_DNS2.
All versions of dns-query with dependencies
ext-filter Version *
ext-openssl Version *
ext-sockets Version *
ext-ctype Version *
jdwx/array-cache Version ^1.0