Download the PHP package jaroslawzielinski/my-yellow-duck without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package jaroslawzielinski/my-yellow-duck. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download jaroslawzielinski/my-yellow-duck
More information about jaroslawzielinski/my-yellow-duck
Files in jaroslawzielinski/my-yellow-duck
Package my-yellow-duck
Short Description My Yellow Duck Project
License CC0-1.0
Informations about the package my-yellow-duck
My Yellow Duck
Welcome to My Yellow Duck project! 🦆🌼
Have you ever found yourself in need of someone to talk to about a problem or bug you're facing while coding? Introducing My Yellow Duck, your trusty companion for rubber duck debugging sessions!
Simply type anything you'd like to ask or discuss, just like you would on Slack, Rocket.Chat, or any other messaging platform. When you're ready to copy your message and share it with someone, the Duck will ask you, "Are you sure?" It's your chance to validate your thoughts and make sure you're ready to take the next step.
But beware! The mysterious "Yellow Duck Effect" may take hold before you even copy your message. Who knows what insights and solutions might come to you while interacting with your duck companion? Embrace the unexpected!
And guess what? You can even attach a shortcut to My Yellow Duck on your system toolbar for quick access! 🚀
How to Install
To get started with My Yellow Duck, follow these simple steps:
in packagist
Clone the repository:
- Navigate to the project directory: `
- Copy .env.dist to .env (you may edit .env configuration file): `
- Install the dependencies: `
- Launch My Yellow Duck: ` That's it! Your Yellow Duck is ready to assist you in your coding adventures. Happy rubber duck debugging!
It may be useful for Ubuntu users:
You may add this application to system toolbar in Ubuntu (using alacarte f.e) with duck icon .
- If you would like to open window only once ignoring multiple clicking, you may create running script like this:
See Also
To learn more about the concept of rubber duck debugging, check out the following link: