Download the PHP package ismaambrosi/generator-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package ismaambrosi/generator-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about ismaambrosi/generator-bundle
Files in ismaambrosi/generator-bundle
Package generator-bundle
Short Description Generates Symfony2 documents, forms and CRUD
License MIT
Informations about the package generator-bundle
This bundle extends the commands provided by SensioGeneratorBundle, adding a MongoDB document generator and CRUD generators for those MongoDB documents.
Add the bundle to your project.
Add the requirement to composer:
You will also need to install the DoctrineMongoDBBundle. The instructions on how to install it are available in the Symfony2 documentation.
Enable the bundle in your kernel
It is recommended to disable this bundle for the production environment.
This bundle contains three commands that will allow you to generate code for documents, forms and CRUD controllers. These commands can be executed either on interactive mode or manual mode. I would recommend you to use the interactive mode.
Generating ODM documents
The first command allows to generate the document classes.
Generating forms
With the second command we can generate the form type classes, used by the form component.
Generating the CRUD
The last command generates the CRUD controllers, with read-only actions to handle the documents that were generated previously. It also allows to include the write actions, for creating, updating and deleting documents.
All versions of generator-bundle with dependencies
sensio/generator-bundle Version ~2.5|~3.0
doctrine/mongodb-odm Version ~1.0@dev