Download the PHP package irozgar/gulp-rev-versions-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package irozgar/gulp-rev-versions-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package gulp-rev-versions-bundle
This bundle helps you using your assets versioned with gulp-rev in a symfony project by
making the twig function asset
return the files mapped in your gulp-rev manifest.
DEPRECATED This bundle is deprecated and will be abandoned when symfony 2.8 support finishes on November 2019. Since version 3.3, symfony includes the option _json_manifestpath that does the same as this bundle, I recommend using that instead of this bundle. For previous versions the recommendation is to update symfony to a stable version and start using the option _json_manifestpath.
Step 1. Download with composer
Step 2. Add the bundle to AppKernel
Step 3. Configure your bundle
The configuration of the bundle depends on the symfony version
Symfony version < 3.1
Now you have to make the bundle replace the default version strategy for your assets. To make this add the following to your config.yml file:
WARNING If your Symfony version is 3.0 you should be using the versions 1.x of twig because twig 2.0 introduced some changes that broke compatibility with that version of Symfony after its support finished (link).
Symfony version >= 3.1 && < 4.0
This symfony version introduced a new option to configure the version strategy.
Add this to your config.yml to tell symfony what version strategy it should use
NOTE Since symfony 3.3 the framework includes a version strategy to load assets using a manifest file. more info
Configuring the manifest file path
The default location of the rev-manifest.json file is app/Resources/assets/rev-manifest.json. You can customize it by adding the following lines to your config.yml
NOTE All paths will be relative to %kernel.root_dir%
All versions of gulp-rev-versions-bundle with dependencies
symfony/asset Version ^2.7|^3.0
symfony/config Version ^2.7|^3.0
symfony/dependency-injection Version ^2.7|^3.0
symfony/http-kernel Version ^2.7|^3.0