Download the PHP package iqomp/validator without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package iqomp/validator. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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Informations about the package validator


Simple and easy form/object validator. This module bring two usable class to work with validation, which is Iqomp\Validator\Validator that can be used to validate plain object againts list of rules in array. The second class is Iqomp\Validator\Form that take nothing ( optionally user generated object to validate ), and take the validation rule from private config. Not only validate, the validator class can also apply filter to the object property to change modify it.


Publishing Config


Class Iqomp\Validator\Validator can be use to validate object with developer decide list of validation rules.

Result $result is an object with properties taken from $object only if the property has rule defined on $rules.

Result $errors is property-(object)error pair of array list of errors upon validation. It can be an empty array on no error found.


static getErrorFormatter(): string

Get current custom error formatter

static setErrorFormatter(string $formatter): void

Set custom error formatter.

static function validate(array $rules, object $object): array

Validate the object againts list of rules. This action will return array with two member, the first one is validated object, and the second one is list of exists error or empty array if no error exists.

Validator Rules

This is all validator rules define by this module.

array => true | assoc | indexed

Make sure the value is an array, optionally the validator can validate if it's an assoc or indexed array:

boolean|bool => true

Make sure the value is boolean, it can be false or true. Other than that is failing the validator

callback => Class::method

Validate the value with external class. The value of the rule should be class and method of class handler:

The callback should return indexed array as [:code, :params, :text]. Where :code is error code, :params is list of parameters to send to translation based on error code, and :text is final error message to use if exists. The :code will be translated only if :text is not defined.

date => {format,min-field,min,max-field,max}

Make sure the value is a known date based on provided format. It can validate with min, max date. The min and max can also be taken from other object field.

email => true

Make sure the value is valid email.

empty => false

Make sure the value is not empty ( falsy ). This rule will set null as valid. Use it with required rule to make sure it's posted and is not falsy.

equals_to => field

Make sure the value is equals to other object property value. It can be used for new-password field on change password action.

file => true

Make sure the field is _FILES property.

in => []

Make sure the value is one of defined list.

ip => true | 4 | 6

Make sure the value is a valid ip address. Optionally, it can validate for IPv4 or IPv6

json => true

Make sure the value is valid JSON string. It expect a string.

length => {min,max}

Make sure the value length is in accepted range. The value expecting a string or an array. One of the rule properti max or min should defined.

notin => []

Make sure the value is not one of defined list.

numeric => true | {min,max}

Make sure the value is numeric. Optionally pass option min and or max:

object => true

Make sure the value is an object.

regex => '!x!'

Test string value againts regex.

required => true

Make sure the value is present and is not null.

req_on => {field=>{operator,expected}}

Make sure the property is exists and is not null only if condition match. This rule require parameter operator and expected to be exists for every other field.

The value of operator is one of =, !=, >, <, <=, >=, in, and !in.

Above rules make sure the value of object->other_field is equal to 12 AND the value of object->more_field is one of one, two, or three. Current field is required only if both of the condition is match.

text => true | slug | alnumdash | alpha | alnum

Make sure the value is a text. Optionally follow accepted characters.

  1. true Validate only the type of the value as string
  2. slug Accept only characters ^[a-z0-9-_]+$
  3. alnumdash Accept only characters ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$
  4. alpha Accept only characters ^[a-zA-Z]+$
  5. alnum Accept only characters ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
  6. !regex! Accept only if the value is match with provided regex

url => true | { path, query => true | [] }

Make sure the value is valid URL, optionally with path and some query string.

Validator Filters

array => true

Convert the value to array.

boolean => true

Convert the value to boolean

float => true

Convert the value to float


Convert the value to integer


Encode the object with json_encode function


Convert the value to lowercase


Convert the value to object

round => true | decimal

Round the numeric value. Optionally set total decimal.


Convert the value to string


Convert the value with function ucwords


Convert the value to uppercase

Custom Validation Rule

Please follow below steps to create new validation rule

Create Rule Handler

Create new class that handle the validation.

The method should return null if the value is valid. And array with at least one array member with max three members. Each members is as below:

  1. Index 0. For the error code.
  2. Index 1. Translation parameters, forwarded to translation function
  3. Index 2. Custom translation key

If index 2 is not exists, default translation from config will be used.

The method will be called with below parameters:

mixed $value

The value that user posted. If the value is not posted, it will be null. Most of the time, you don't want to process the null value. Leave it to required rule.

mixed $options

The rule array value that taken from config. See below as an example:

The value of this parameter will be awesome.

object $object

The complete object property that is being validated.

string $fname

The field name that is being validated from the $object object.

array $rules

All rules that going to be applied to the field.

Inject Validation Config

Create new ConfigProvider on your module, and fill the file with __invoke method that return validation configs:

Make sure to update your composer.json file to let hyperf identify the config file:

Create Error Translation

This module use hyperf/translation for the translations. Add new translation on folder storage/languages/vendor/validator/{locale}/{rule-name}.php.

Custom Validation Filter

As of validation rule, filter can be custom as well. Please follow below steps to create new filter:

Create Filter Handler

Create new class that handle the filter.

The method will be called exactly like custom rule validation handler called.

Inject Validation Config

Create new ConfigProvider on your module, and fill the file with __invoke method that return validation configs:

Make sure to update your composer.json file to let hyperf identify the config file:

Custom Error Formatter

By default, error returned by the class is in this below format:

You can modify the structure of the error object if you need to. Create a class that implements the interface Iqomp\Validator\ErrorFormatterInterface with content as below:

After that, registry the handler with one of below way:

App Config

This way will always use your handler for all request and validation.

Create config named config/autoload/validator.php, and fill it with content as below:

On The Fly

You can set the formatter on the fly by calling Validator::setErrorFormatter. This will work on current request only. You will need to call it for every request.


Class Iqomp\Validator\Form is a class for separation between rules config and object to validate. This class make it even simpler on controller to validate the object by keeping all object validation rules in a config file. If the object to validate is not provided, it will take from request body.

The $f_params argument is used for replacement of any rules string that start with $.. Please see below example of usage of the params.

Form Configuration

As before, you need to create list of rules for the form name to be able to use in in that simple way.

Create new file config/autoload/form.php on your app main directory with content as below:


The class Iqomp\Validator\Form has methods as below:

__construct(string $name): Form

Create new form object with form $name.

addError(string $field, string $code, string $text): void

Add custom error to a $field with error code $code and message $text. This action will not translate the error message from error code, you'll need to do it on your action.

getError(string $field): ?object

Get single error object by $field name. The structure is as below:

getErrors(): array

Get all exists errors with array field->(object)error pair. The structure is as below:

getName(): string

Get current form name.

getResult(): ?object

Get final result of validation

hasError(): bool

Check if error exists on this form after validation

validate(object $object = null): ?object

Validate the $object againts the rules based on config. If $object is null, the value will taken from request body.

Error Code

Below is table list of all errors code defined so far:

Code Module Rule Info
1.0 iqomp/validator array not an array
1.1 iqomp/validator array not indexed array
1.2 iqomp/validator array not assoc array
2.0 iqomp/validator date not a date
2.1 iqomp/validator date the date too early
2.2 iqomp/validator date the date too far
2.3 iqomp/validator date wrong date format
3.0 iqomp/validator email not an email
4.0 iqomp/validator in not in array
5.0 iqomp/validator ip not an ip
5.1 iqomp/validator ip not an ipv4
5.2 iqomp/validator ip not an ipv6
6.0 iqomp/validator length too short
6.1 iqomp/validator length too long
7.0 iqomp/validator notin in array
8.0 iqomp/validator numeric not numeric
8.1 iqomp/validator numeric too less
8.2 iqomp/validator numeric too great
8.3 iqomp/validator numeric decimal not match
9.0 iqomp/validator object not an object
10.0 iqomp/validator regex not match
11.0 iqomp/validator required required
11.0 iqomp/validator req_on required
12.0 iqomp/validator text not a text
12.1 iqomp/validator text not a slug
12.2 iqomp/validator text not an alnumdash
12.3 iqomp/validator text not an alpha
12.4 iqomp/validator text not an alnum
12.5 iqomp/validator text not match with the regex
13.0 iqomp/validator url not an url
13.1 iqomp/validator url dont have path
13.2 iqomp/validator url dont have query
13.3 iqomp/validator url require query not present
14.0 iqomp/model unique not unique
19.0 iqomp/model exists not exists on db
20.0 iqomp/model exists-list one or more not exists on db
21.0 iqomp/validator empty is empty
21.1 iqomp/validator empty is not empty
22.0 iqomp/enum enum options not found
22.1 iqomp/enum enum options not found
22.2 iqomp/enum enum options not found
23.1 iqomp/validator json is not valid json string
25.0 iqomp/validator - is not in acceptable value
25.1 iqomp/validator - is not in acceptable list values
25.2 iqomp/validator - is not match with requested value
26.1 iqomp/validator equals_to is not equal
28.0 iqomp/validator file is not file'
29.0 iqomp/validator bool is valid boolean type

All versions of validator with dependencies

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Package Version
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The package iqomp/validator contains the following files

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