Download the PHP package igniteonline/litespeed-cache without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package igniteonline/litespeed-cache. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package litespeed-cache

=== LiteSpeed Cache === Contributors: LiteSpeedTech Tags: admin, cache, http2, litespeed, performance, widget, optimization, varnish, litespeed web server, lsws, availability, pagespeed, woocommerce, bbpress, nextgengallery, wp-polls, wptouch, customization, plugin, rewrite, scalability, speed, multisite, cpanel, openlitespeed, ols, google, optimize Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: License: GPLv3 License URI: Quickly and easily implement high-performance page caching on your WordPress site with the ultra-efficient LiteSpeed Cache.

== Description == The LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for WordPress (LSCWP) is a PHP-based plugin that communicates with your installation of LiteSpeed Web Server (LSWS) and its built-in page cache, LSCache. Because LSCache is built directly into LSWS, overhead is significantly reduced and caching can be done more efficiently than with other PHP-based caches.

Additional plugin features:

= Known Compatible Plugins =

= Known Uncompatible Plugins =

For support visit our LiteSpeed Forums, LiteSpeedWiki, or email us at [email protected]

== Installation == = Instructions for LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise =

  1. Make sure that your license includes the LSCache module enabled. A 2-CPU trial license with LSCache module is available for free for 15 days.
  2. The server must be configured to have caching enabled. If you are the server admin, click here. Otherwise request that the server admin configure the cache root for the server.
  3. In the .htaccess file for the WordPress installation, add the following:
    <IfModule LiteSpeed> CacheLookup public on </IfModule>

= Instructions for OpenLiteSpeed =

= How to test the plugin = The LiteSpeed Cache Plugin utilizes LiteSpeed specific response headers.
Visiting a page for the first time should result in a X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control:miss or X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control:no-cache response header for the page.
Subsequent requests should have the X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control:hit response header until the page is updated, expired, or purged. Please visit this page for more information.

== Frequently Asked Questions == = Is the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for WordPress free? = Yes, the plugin itself will remain free and open source. That said, a LiteSpeed server is required (see question 2). = What server software is required for this plugin? = A LiteSpeed server is required in order to use this plugin.

  1. LiteSPeed Web Server Enterprise with LSCache Module (v5.0.10+)
  2. OpenLiteSpeed (v1.4.17+)
  3. LiteSpeed WebADC (v2.0+) Any single server or cluster including a LiteSpeed server will work. = Does this plugin work in a clustered environment? = The cache entries are stored at the litespeed server level. The simplest solution is to use LiteSpeed WebADC, as the cache entries will be cached at that level. If using another load balancer, the cache entries will only be stored at the backend nodes, not at the load balancer. The purges will also not be synchronized across the nodes, so this is not recommended.

If a customized solution is required, please contact LiteSpeed Technologies at [email protected]

NOTICE: The rewrite rules created by this plugin must be copied to the Load Balancer. = Where are the cached files stored? = The actual cached pages are stored and managed by LiteSpeed Servers. Nothing is stored on the PHP side. = Does LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress work with OpenLiteSpeed? = The support is currently in beta. It should work, but is not fully tested. As well, any settings changes that require modifying the .htaccess file requires a server restart. = Is WooCommerce supported? = In short, yes. However, for some woocommerce themes, the cart may not be updated correctly.

To test the cart:

  1. On a non-logged-in browser, visit and cache a page, then visit and cache a product page.
  2. The first page should be accessible from the product page (e.g. the shop).
  3. Once both pages are confirmed cached, add the product to your cart.
  4. After adding to the cart, visit the first page.
  5. The page should still be cached, and the cart should be up to date.
  6. If that is not the case, please add woocommerce_items_in_cart to the do not cache cookie list.

Some themes like Storefront and Shop Isle are built such that the cart works without the rule. However, other themes like the E-Commerce theme, do not, so please verify the theme used.

= My plugin has some pages that are not cacheable. How do I instruct the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin to not cache the page? = As of version 1.0.10, you may simply add define('LSCACHE_NO_CACHE', true); sometime before the shutdown hook, and it should be recognized by the cache. Alternatively, you may use the function LiteSpeed_Cache_Tags::set_noncacheable(); for earlier versions (1.0.7+). If using the function, make sure to check that the class exists prior to using the function. Please visit the Other Notes tab for more information.

= Are my images optimized? = The cache plugin does not do anything with the images themselves. We recommend you trying an image optimization plugin like ShortPixel to optimize your images. It can reduce your site's images up to 90%.

= How do I get WP-PostViews to display an updating view count? =

  1. Use: <div id="postviews_lscwp"></div>

    to replace


    • NOTE: The id can be changed, but the div id and the ajax function must match.
  2. Replace the ajax query in wp-content/plugins/wp-postviews/postviews-cache.js with

  3. Purge the cache to use the updated pages.

== Plugin Developers ==

Any WP plugin that populates front end content that can be publicly cached should work with LSCache.

However if the plugin needs to update some data and the cache does not automatically purge the cached page, you may be required to write an integration script to remedy this. In addition to this section, there is a template file and a few examples of plugins that required integration scripts if additional resources are needed.

= Version 1.0.10+ = If your plugin needs to set the current page as non cacheable, the simplest way to instruct the cache plugin to not cache the page is define('LSCACHE_NO_CACHE', true);

This must be defined prior to the shutdown hook to ensure that it is recognized.

= How It Works =

LSCache works by tagging each cacheable page. In its most basic form, each page is tagged with its Post ID, then sent to the server to be cached. When someone makes a change to the page, that request will notify the server to purge the cached items associated with that page's post id.

This integration framework enables any plugin developer to customize the notifications sent to the server. It is possible to tag the page with identifiers as the page is stored in the cache. Later, if needed, the tag system provides a simple way to purge the cache of a certain subset of pages. Multiple tags can be set on a single page, and a single tag may be used on multiple pages. This many to many mapping provides a flexible system enabling you to group pages in many ways.

For example, a page may be tagged with MTPP_F.1 (forum), MTPP_G.4 (group), MTPP_S.georgia (state) because the page is in forum 1, group 4, and related to the state of Georgia. Then another page is tagged MTPP_F.1, MTPP_G.2, MTPP_S.iowa. If a change is made where all pages tagged MTPP_F.1 need to be purged, the tag system makes it easy to purge the specific pages.

A post will automatically be purged if the following events are triggered:

These cases cover most situations in which a cache purge is necessary. If all the correct pages are purged, there may be no need to add additional tags.

Another application for creating a third party integration class is to notify LSCache if the plugin generates private/transient data that cannot be cached for certain responses. Below is a list of what is already considered non-cacheable.

A post is considered non cacheable if…

= Components =

  1. A class to handle the compatibility code. A template is available below.
  2. Initiator for the class. Can be in the plugin's own file space or appended to the registry.

= API/Functions =

The following functions may be used at any hook point prior to the 'shutdown' hook point.

= Hook Points =

These hook points are provided for hooking into the cache's run time functionality. It is not required to hook into any of these hook points; these are provided more for convenience. It is possible that a plugin only needs to hook into its own hook points.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Admin Settings - General Settings
  2. Admin Settings - Auto Purge Rules
  3. Admin Management Page
  4. Admin Information Page
  5. Cache Miss Example
  6. Cache Hit Example

== Changelog == = - January 31 2017 =

= 1.0.14 - January 30 2017 =

= - November 30 2016 =

= 1.0.13 - November 28 2016 =

= 1.0.12 - November 14 2016 =

= 1.0.11 - October 11 2016 =

= 1.0.10 - September 16 2016 =

= - August 26 2016 =

= 1.0.9 - August 25 2016 =

= - July 28 2016 =

= 1.0.8 - July 25 2016 =

= - May 26 2016 =

= 1.0.7 - May 24 2016 =

= 1.0.6 - May 5 2016 =

= 1.0.5 - April 26 2016 =

= 1.0.4 - April 7 2016 =

= 1.0.3 - March 23 2016 =

= 1.0.2 - March 11 2016 =

= 1.0.1 - March 8 2016 =

= 1.0.0 - January 20 2016 =

All versions of litespeed-cache with dependencies

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Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package igniteonline/litespeed-cache contains the following files

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