Download the PHP package hevertonfreitas/filter_results without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package hevertonfreitas/filter_results. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
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  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package filter_results

# Filter Results

Generates conditions to find methods in CakePHP 2.3+ from a search form.


Compatible with CakePHP 2.3 + Paginate (Component)

Changes in version 2.3


Download the plugin and place its contents inside /app/Plugin/FilterResults or other directory plugins for CakePHP.


Activate the plugin by adding the file /app/Config/bootstrap.php:



Edit the file /app/AppController.php:

var $components = array(
    'FilterResults.Filter' => array(
        'auto' => array(
            'paginate' => false,
            'explode'  => true,  // recommended
        'explode' => array(
            'character'   => ' ',
            'concatenate' => 'AND',

var $helpers = array(
    'FilterResults.Search' => array(
        'operators' => array(
            'LIKE'       => 'containing',
            'NOT LIKE'   => 'not containing',
            'LIKE BEGIN' => 'starting with',
            'LIKE END'   => 'ending with',
            '='  => 'equal to',
            '!=' => 'different',
            '>'  => 'greater than',
            '>=' => 'greater or equal to',
            '<'  => 'less than',
            '<=' => 'less or equal to'

Settings parameters:

Using the Component

For the examples contained herein, will build on the following database

    name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(id),

    name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
    username VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(id),
    FOREIGN KEY(group_id) REFERENCES groups(id),

INSERT INTO groups(name) VALUES('Admin');
INSERT INTO groups(name) VALUES('Guest');

INSERT INTO users(group_id, name, username) VALUES(1, 'Pedro Elsner', 'pelsner');
INSERT INTO users(group_id, name, username) VALUES(1, 'Petter Morato', 'pmorato');
INSERT INTO users(group_id, name, username, active) VALUES(2, 'Lucas Pedro Mariano Elsner', 'lpmelsner', 0);
INSERT INTO users(group_id, name, username, active) VALUES(2, 'Rebeca Moraes Silva', 'rebeca_moraes', 0);
INSERT INTO users(group_id, name, username, active) VALUES(2, 'Silvia Morato Moraes', 'silvia22', 0);

Simple Filter

Well, after generating the screens at Bake, we put a filter on the grid(table) to search a user by name( So let's set the Controller and View, as follows:

File /app/Controller/UsersController.php

function index() {

    // Add filter
            'filter1' => array(
                '' => array(
                    'operator' => 'LIKE',
                    'value' => array(
                        'before' => '%', // optional
                        'after'  => '%'  // optional

    $this->Filter->setPaginate('order', ' ASC'); // optional
    $this->Filter->setPaginate('limit', 10);              // optional

    // Define conditions
    $this->Filter->setPaginate('conditions', $this->Filter->getConditions());

    $this->User->recursive = 0;
    $this->set('users', $this->paginate());

The setting here is quite simple: We create a filter called filter1 that will use the field This filter uses the LIKE operator add % before and after the content to be filtered.

Now we just have to make the form on View at the top of the table.

File /app/View/Users/index.ctp)

echo $this->Search->create();
echo $this->Search->input('filter1');
echo $this->Search->end(__('Filter', true));

Ready! We have a field that filters the user by name and compatible with the Paginate.

And more, the Filter Results automaticaly explode the filter value to gain a better results. For example: if we filter by 'Pedro Elsner', the condition will be: WHERE (( LIKE '%Pedro%') AND ( LIKE '%Elsner%'))

Explode Settings

The option explode for operators LIKE and NOT LIKE is always enabled in the settings of the Filter Results. But, how do you know, you can disable it into components declaration in controller. If you do, you can enable the explode function for only the specified filter:

        'filter1' => array(
            '' => array(
                'operator' => 'LIKE',
                'explode'  => true

Too is possible to change the explode parameters for each filter.

        'filter1' => array(
            '' => array(
                'operator' => 'LIKE',
                'explode' => array(
                    'character'   = '-',
                    'concatenate' = 'OR'

Also, you can to use the explode function with any operator (like =). See:

        'filter1' => array(
            '' => array(
                'operator' => '=',
                'explode'  => true

Simple Filter + Composite Rule

Let us now make another rule within the filter filter1. We want to filter it by name ( or by username(User.username).

Then just changed our Controller:

File /app/Controller/UsersController.php

        'filter1' => array(
            'OR' => array(
                ''     => array('operator' => 'LIKE'),
                'User.username' => array('operator' => 'LIKE')

The rule OR can also be AND or NOT.

NOTE: If you define more than one condition without the specific rule, the plugin will understand automatically how AND.

Simple Filter + Fixed Rules

Suppose now that our filter filter1 when informed should filter by name ( AND only active users.

File /app/Controller/UsersController.php

        'filter1' => array(
            ''   => array('operator' => 'LIKE'),
            '' => array('value'    => '1')

Filters Aggregation

The Filter Results automatically concatenates all filter by the rule AND. See in the follow example, that if informe 'Pedro' in filter1 and 'elsner' in filter2 we going to get the condition: WHERE ( LIKE '%Pedro%') AND (User.usernname LIKE '%elsner%')

        'filter1' => array(
            '' => array('operator' => 'LIKE')
        'filter2' => array(
            'User.username' => array('operator' => 'LIKE')

NOTE: We too can concatenate the filters by rules OR and NOT.

Now, we going to change the example for concatenate the filter1 and filter2 by rule OR, and, if filter1 is not empty, only the active users. So, we going to get this condition: WHERE (( LIKE '%Pedro%') AND ( = 1)) OR (User.usernname LIKE '%elsner%')

        'OR' => array(
            'filter1' => array(
                ''   => array('operator' => 'LIKE'),
                '' => array('value'    => '1')
            'filter2' => array(
                'User.username' => array('operator' => 'LIKE')

Selection Filter

Let's change our filter. In addition to filtering by name, we now also filter by user group( through a desired selection field.

File /app/Controller/UsersController.php

function index() {

    // Add filter
            'filter1' => array(
                '' => array('operator' => 'LIKE')
            'filter2' => array(
                'User.group_id' => array(
                    'select' => $this->Filter->select('Grupo', $this->User->Group->find('list'))

    // Define conditions
    $this->Filter->setPaginate('conditions', $this->Filter->getConditions());

    $this->User->recursive = 0;
    $this->set('users', $this->paginate());

File /app/View/Users/index.ctp

echo $this->Search->create();
echo $this->Search->input('filter2', array('class' => 'select-box'));
echo $this->Search->input('filter1');
echo $this->Search->end(__('Filter', true));

Ready! Use and abuse of those filters you want.

To be clear, see this image. Here we have the Product View, where you can filter by: Color, Size, Weight, Mateiral and Product Name.

Advanced Filter

In some cases we want something different than, for example, we want the user to choose the field and the operator to perform the filter.

File /app/Controller/UsersController.php

function index() {

    // Add filter

    // Define conditions
    $this->Filter->setPaginate('conditions', $this->Filter->getConditions());

    $this->User->recursive = 0;
    $this->set('users', $this->paginate());

NOTE: Note that this time we filter filter1 without any parameters. This is because the rules are selected in the View.

File /app/View/Users/index.ctp

echo $this->Search->create();
echo $this->Search->selectFields('filter1', null, array('class' => 'select-box'));
echo $this->Search->selectOperators('filter1');
echo $this->Search->input('filter1');
echo $this->Search->end(__('Filter', true));

Now, you can first select the field (automatically the Filter Results table lists the fields), then inform the operator and the desired value for the filter.

There will be situations where you need to customize the fields and operators for selection. For example, let's just leave the fields, and User.username for selection, and the operators LIKE and =.

For this, we change only the View.

Arquivo /app/View/Users/index.ctp

echo $this->Search->create();

echo $this->Search->selectFields('filter1',
            ''       => __('ID', true),
            ''     => __('Name', true),
            'User.username' => __('Username', true),
            'class' => 'select-box'

echo $this->Search->selectOperators('filter1',
            'LIKE' => __('containing', true),
            '='    => __('equal to', true)

echo $this->Search->input('filter1');
echo $this->Search->end(__('Filter', true));


The Filter results have pre-defined operators, below you will find all the options available for you to use in their advanced filters.

    'LIKE'       => __('containing', true),
    'NOT LIKE'   => __('not containing', true),
    'LIKE BEGIN' => __('starting with', true),
    'LIKE END'   => __('ending with', true),
    '='  => __('equal to', true),
    '!=' => __('different', true),
    '>'  => __('greater than', true),
    '>=' => __('greater or equal to', true),
    '<'  => __('less than', true),
    '<=' => __('less or equal to', true)


For to use the operator BETWEEN:

        'filter1' => array(
            '' => array(
                'operator'    => 'BETWEEN',
                'between' => array(
                    'text' => __(' and ', true)

HABTM Relationships

By default, CakePHP HABTM relationships held several consultations with party and then makes a merge the results into a single array. You've probably noticed this, but if not, check the debug window while you find() in a HABTM relationship.

To filter out there relations, we need to create some "hacks" to generate a single CakePHP select, so the plugin filters the result with where simple commands.

All information and explanations necessary to create the "hacks" you can find this portuguese tutorial:

Or in English by Google Translator:

Copyright e License

Copyright 2012, Pedro Elsner (

Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 (


All versions of filter_results with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires cakephp/cakephp Version ^2.3
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package hevertonfreitas/filter_results contains the following files

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