Download the PHP package heimrichhannot/contao-tagsinput without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package heimrichhannot/contao-tagsinput. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package contao-tagsinput

Contao Tags Input

Contao port of Bootstrap Tags Input that provides an front and back end field to add custom values like tags to an field or database table.


Setup / Examples

1. Tagsinput with options or options_callback and one possible tag selection

2. Tagsinput with options or options_callback and multiple possible tag selection and freeInput

3. Tagsinput with freeInput and one possible tag selection

4. Tagsinput with freeInput and multiple possible tag selection

5. Tagsinput with remote options and one possible tag selection

As you can see, there must be a remote configuration, with the tags format and fields, taken from the foreignKey relation. The foreignKey must be a valid database table reference, by a given table name and field. It is also possible to reference the table name from a field within the current record, by adding percent sign before and behind the field name. This might be helpful for dynamic tagsinput fields. The queryField represents the lookup field for the given typeahead query. To provide a custom query pattern for the LIKE search, simply add a custom queryPattern and place percent sign where you want;

5. Tagsinput with remote options from relation table and multiple possible tag selections and freeInputs

If you want to add tags as entities within remote mode, you have to enable freeInput and provide a valid save_tags configuration like the one provided above. The tagField should be the field from the save_tags table where the user input from tagsinput should be stored in.

6. Tagsinput with remote options from options or options_callback and multiple possible tag selections and freeInputs and tags_callback

eval options

Option Default Description Mandatory
freeInput true Enable or disable, the possibility to add custom tags. false
multiple true Enable multiple input tags, disable for single tags. false
maxTags undefined When set and multiple, no more than the given number of tags are allowed to add (default: undefined). When maxTags is reached, a class 'bootstrap-tagsinput-max' is placed on the tagsinput element. false
maxChars undefined Defines the maximum length of a single tag. false
trimValue false When true, automatically removes all whitespace around tags.
allowDuplicates false When true, the same tag can be added multiple times. false
highlight true Set to false if the typeahead dropdown should not be shown on focus, without input. false
highlightOptions First 5 options Enter the array that returns highlight option, when focus input without typing someting in input. false
highlightOptionsCallback First 5 options Enter a valid callback, that returns all highlighted options as array, when focus input without typing someting in input. false
limit 5 Limit the options when typed somethin in the input. false
showTagList false Displays a tag list with all available options (local only atm) false
tagListWeightClassCount 6 Specifies how many css classes are used for weighting (predefined styles are available for count up to 10) false
option_weights null Expects a callable function returning an array where keys are tag values and values are counts or this array itself false
option_weights_callback null Expects an array like ['MyClass', 'getWeights'] referencing a function returning an array where keys are tag values and values are counts or this array itself false

save_tags settings

Option Default Description Mandatory
table Must contain the table name, where new tags should be stored at. true
tagField The name of the database field, that contains the label of the tag. true
defaults An array of default values, that should be set for new database tag entries. depends on your table config

remote settings

Option Default Description Mandatory
fields - Must contain the table name, where new tags should be stored at. Only when foreignKey is provided.
format - The name of the database field, that contains the label of the tag. Only when foreignKey is provided.
queryField - An array of default values, that should be set for new database tag entries. Only when foreignKey is provided.
queryPattern '%QUERY%' Enable or disable, the possibility to add custom tags. true
foreignKey - Enable or disable, the possibility to add custom tags. false
limit 10 Enable or disable, the possibility to add custom tags. false


The tags_callback should be a valid callback that can be used to manipulate the tag object.

All versions of contao-tagsinput with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^7.4 || ^8.0
contao/core-bundle Version ~4.13 || ^5.0
contao-community-alliance/composer-plugin Version ~2.4 || ~3.0
heimrichhannot/contao-encore-contracts Version ^1.0
heimrichhannot/contao-utils-bundle Version ^2.233 || ^3.0@beta
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package heimrichhannot/contao-tagsinput contains the following files

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