PHP code example of hasan-22 / tapin

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hasan-22/tapin library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hasan-22 / tapin example snippets

use Tapin\Tapin;

$authKey = "jwt ***********************************************";
$shopId = "********-****-****-****-***********";

$response = Tapin::shopInfo($shopId);

$count = 5;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::getProvinces($count, $page); 

$count = 5;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::getCities($count, $page); 

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::getProvinceAndCity(); 

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::shopList(); 

$count = 5;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::shopList($count, $page); 

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::kioskList($shopId, 1, 1);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::shopInfo($shopId);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::shopValidity($shopId);

$count = 10;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::categories($count, $page);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$count = 10;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::products($shopId, $count, $page);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$title = "My first product";
$price = 250000; // It should be 'rial'
$weight = 500; // It should be 'gram'
$categoryId = "3d65e6eb-ca0d-47b3-9934-6295a355872f";
$description = ''; // It is not 

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$productId = 322;
$title = "update...";
$price = 200000; // It should be 'rial'
$weight = 550; // It should be 'gram'
$categoryId = "3d65e6eb-ca0d-47b3-9934-6295a355872f";
$description = ''; // It is not 

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$productId = 322;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::deleteProduct($shopId, $productId);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
// نمونه محصولات (دقت کنید این لیست آرایه از آرایه ها میباشد)
$products = [
        "count" => 1,
        "discount" => 0,
        "price" => 5000, // It should be `rial`
        "title" => "my product title",
        "weight" =>500, // It should be `grams` not `kilograms`
        "product_id" => null
$address = "تهیران ...";
$provinceCode = 1;
$cityCode = 1; 
$packageWeight=900; // It should be `grams` not `kilograms`
// This is optional
// This is optional
$email="[email protected]";
// This is optional
// This is optional
$description="سفارش شکستنی است لطفا در ارسال آن بیشتر دقت کنید";

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::priceInquiry($shopId, $products, $address, $provinceCode, $cityCode, $employeeCode, $firstName, $lastName, $mobile, $postalCode, $payType, $orderType, $packageWeight, $kiosk, $email, $phone, $description);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
// نمونه محصولات (دقت کنید این لیست آرایه از آرایه ها میباشد)
$products = [
        "count" => 1,
        "discount" => 0,
        "price" => 5000, // It should be `rial`
        "title" => "my product title",
        "weight" =>500, // It should be `grams` not `kilograms`
        "product_id" => null // This must be null
$address = "تهیران ...";
$provinceCode = 1;
$cityCode = 1; 
$packageWeight=900; // It should be `grams` not `kilograms`
// It is set to `0` by default
// It is set to `-1` by default
// This is optional
// This is optional
// This is optional
$email="[email protected]";
// This is optional
// This is optional
$description="سفارش شکستنی است لطفا در ارسال آن بیشتر دقت کنید";

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::createOrder(

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$orders = [
        "address"=> "tehran-...",
        "city_code"=> "1",
        "province_code"=> "1",
        "first_name"=> "hasan",
        "last_name"=> "bahrami",
        "mobile"=> "09168963472",
        "postal_code"=> "1313131313",
        "pay_type"=> "1",
        "order_type"=> "1",
        "package_weight"=> 10,
        "register_type"=> 0, // It is set to `0` by default
        "employee_code"=> "-1", // It is set to `-1` by default
        "insurance_id"=>null, // This is optional
        "description"=> null, // This is optional
        "email"=> null, // This is optional
        "phone"=> null, // This is optional
        // Products must be an array of arrays
        "products"=> [
                "count"=> 1,
                "discount"=> 0,
                "price"=> 5000,
                "title"=> "my product title",
                "weight"=> 500,
                "product_id"=> null // This must be null

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::createBatchOfOrders($shopId, $orders);

$response = \Tapin\Tapin::insuranceAmounts();

$shopId= "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$orderId = 165;
$status = 1
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::changeOrderStatus($shopId, $orderId, $status);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$orders = [
        // این باید آیدی سفارش باشد 
        // این باید آیدی سفارش باشد 
$status = 80;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::changeBatchOfOrderStatus($shopId, $orders, $status);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$count = 10;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::orders($shopId, $count, $page);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$orderId = 10;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::orderDetail($shopId, $orderId);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$price = 500000;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::paymentLink($shopId, $price, $callback);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$count = 10;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::transactions($shopId, $count, $page);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$date = "1402-12-07";
$count = 10;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::getOrderStatusByDate($shopId, $date, $count, $page);

$shopId = "fc45949a-921d-4b4f-1ade-ab5180f7dcve";
$fromDate = "2024-02-20";
$toDate = "2024-02-25";
$count = 10;
$page = 1;
$response = \Tapin\Tapin::getOrderStatusBetweenDate($shopId, $fromDate, $toDate, $count, $page);