Download the PHP package gustocoder/tyfoon-seo without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package gustocoder/tyfoon-seo. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package tyfoon-seo
Short Description Laravel seo package. It will help you optimize your web pages for seo. It will walk you through the creation of all necessary seo tags, often explaining to you the purpose of each tag, its format or syntax, etc as it does so. The seo elements will then be generated for you during the rendering of every view file for which there is an seo record created. Grab and paste a snippet of code in your layout/view files amd your SEO work on that view file is done.
License MIT
Informations about the package tyfoon-seo
TYFOON-SEO A Laravel SEO package
Laravel seo package. Optimize your web pages for seo. It will walk you through the creation of all necessary seo tags, often explaining to you the purpose of each tag, its format, syntax, etc. The seo elements will then be generated for you at every view request. Just add that to the layout of the view.
How to install it
After installation The migration files will be published for you in:
If not, you can publish them by running this command in your CLI :
Next, run the migrations to create the seo DB tables :
You may choose to run only the migrations for your seo tables-leaving your other application DB tables alone. Run these two migrations one after the other. Just verify in your 'database/migrations' directory that the filenames below are correct :
If you have issues, make sure that the TyfoonSeoServiceProvider class is registered in your /bootstrap/providers.php.
Using the package
The landing page (home) route of the package is the following
The visit the route '/seo' in your application, for example yourAppName/seo
Here you can see options to create global SEO data that will be applied to all pages of your website. These include things like the language the website is in, the geo-location, the site publisher, facebook/twitter ID etc
When you click the button to create global SEO data, here is what the form looks like
When you click the button to create SEO data for a page, here is what the form looks like
You will have to create and save entries for each individual web page of your website. This can be a tedious and meticulous process, but that is what Tyfoon SEO is here to help you with. Seo optimization is a tedious process, especially because the data on every page has to be unique.
Tyfoon SEO makes this process for you by providing you the known fields, so that you do not have to know SEO fields that web pages need. It means you can use this package to optimize your webpage to rank to number one on search engines without being an SEO expert. However, though Tyfoon SEO cannot help you with the other aspects of SEO that have to do with marketing, and link building, it covers you on the first and very important aspect of on-page SEO also know as technical SEO.
What is more; on the form to create SEO data, above every form field, is text in a label to inform you about that piece of data and why ie necessary. It aims to provide you with information like:
- The SEO data name
- What it means
- The maximum character length if applicaple-it will even trestrict the number of characters you can enter to that.
This is all really good because you can learn a lot about SEO from this system. This is by design. We wanted to share with you lessons we learned from lots of research and experiance from optimizing web pages for search engines.
In the end, Tyfoon SEO provides you with functions you can call in your view layouts to have all the SEO data of that view generated and inserted in the view for you. I will show you the functions below. Once you have taken the pain to complete the form and to create the SEO data for all your view files; you will be almost done. All you will have left to do will be to copy and paste the code snippet provided below in your view layouts.
Make sure the page_name field value exactly matches the name of the target view file.
As you may have noticed from the form entry fields; Tyfoon seo supports three languages; English, French and Spanish. Is your website not multi-lingual, not a problem, just ignore the non-relevant language fields. They are not required.
Here is the code snippet to paste into your layout/view files so the SEO data can be injected
Layout file
Note that this whould be the layout file extended by the view files you want to inject SEO
data into.
Individual view file
Tyfoon SEO provides some pieces of data that you need to inject into specific views.
These are not shared by other views. The three pieces of data are the following,
which are deemed to be the most important for on-page SEO purposes:
* H1 text
* H2 text
* Page content
Simple place each of them anywhere in the view file you would like the data to be
injected. That is magic of it-the flexibility of it.
OR you can have them all in one place if you want
Speaking of content meant for specific pages; besides those offered by Tyfoon seo above, you will want to display unique titles for each page. Tyfoon seo covers that as it has a page title field in the page form, which is part of the snippet you add to your layout file. However, if you did not want or create SEO data for a specific page but need it to have a unique title, you need to manually add that to the view file like so right after extending the layout file: