Download the PHP package gpupo/adyen-sdk without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package gpupo/adyen-sdk. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package adyen-sdk

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Climate Test Coverage Paypal Donations


SDK Não Oficial para integração a partir de aplicações PHP com as APIs REST da Adyen



Adicione o pacote adyen-sdk ao seu projeto utilizando composer:

composer require gpupo/adyen-sdk


Setup Inicial

Parâmetro Descrição Valores possíveis
client_user Usuário webservice string
client_password Senha do usuário webservice string
merchant_account Identificação da conta na Adyen string
version Identificação do Ambiente test, live (produção)
registerPath Quando informado, registra no diretório informado, os dados de cada requisição executada

Registro (log)


Nos exemplos abaixo considere que $data possui esta estrutura

Criação de uma nova transação com cartão de crédito

Criação de uma nova transação com boleto bancário

Captura de uma transação com cartão de crédito

Estorno parcial em uma transação

No exemplo acima é executado o estorno de R$10.99

Cancelamento de uma transação

Informações contidas em cada Resposta

Valores possíveis para $response->getResultCode():

Valor Descrição

Valores possíveis para $response->getCode():

Valor Descrição
200 Request processed normally
400 Problem reading or understanding request
401 Authentication required
403 Insufficient permission to process request
404 Not Found
422 Request validation error
500 Server could not process request


Valores possíveis para $response->getErrorCode():

Valor Descrição
0 Unknown
10 Not allowed
100 No amount specified
101 Invalid card number
102 Unable to determine variant
103 CVC is not the right length
104 Billing address problem
105 Invalid paRes from issuer
106 This session was already used previously
107 Recurring is not enabled
108 Invalid bankaccount number
109 Invalid variant
110 BankDetails missing
111 Invalid BankCountryCode specified
112 This bank country is not supported
113 No InvoiceLines provided
114 Received an incorrect InvoiceLine
115 Total amount is not the same as the sum of the lines
116 Invalid date of birth
117 Invalid billing address
118 Invalid delivery address
119 Invalid shopper name
120 ShopperEmail is missing
121 ShopperReference is missing
122 PhoneNumber is missing
123 The PhoneNumber should be mobile
124 Invalid PhoneNumber
125 Invalid recurring contract specified
126 Bank Account or Bank Location Id not valid or missing
127 Account holder missing
128 Card Holder Missing
129 Expiry Date Invalid
130 Reference Missing
131 Billing address problem (City)
132 Billing address problem (Street)
133 Billing address problem (HouseNumberOrName)
134 Billing address problem (Country)
135 Billing address problem (StateOrProvince)
136 Failed to retrieve OpenInvoiceLines
137 Invalid amount specified
138 Unsupported currency specified
139 Recurring requires shopperEmail and shopperReference
140 Invalid expiryMonth[1..12] / expiryYear[>2000], or before now
141 Invalid expiryMonth[1..12] / expiryYear[>2000]
142 Bank Name or Bank Location not valid or missing
143 Submitted total iDeal merchantReturnUrl length is {0}, but max size is {1} for this request
144 Invalid startMonth[1..12] / startYear[>2000], or in the future
145 Invalid issuer countrycode
146 Invalid social security number
147 Delivery address problem (City)
148 Delivery address problem (Street)
149 Delivery address problem (HouseNumberOrName)
150 Delivery address problem (Country)
151 Delivery address problem (StateOrProvince)
152 Invalid number of installments
153 Invalid CVC
154 No additional data specified
155 No acquirer specified
156 No authorisation mid specified
157 No fields specified
158 Required field {0} not specified
159 Invalid number of requests
160 Not allowed to store Payout Details
161 Invalid iban
162 Inconsistent iban
163 Invalid bic
164 Auto-capture delay invalid or out of range
165 MandateId does not match pattern
166 Amount not allowed for this operation
167 Original pspReference required for this operation
168 AuthorisationCode required for this operation
170 Generation Date required but missing
171 Unable to parse Generation Date
172 Encrypted data used outside of valid time period
173 Unable to load Private Key for decryption
174 Unable to decrypt data
175 Unable to parse JSON data
180 Invalid shopperReference
181 Invalid shopperEmail
182 Invalid selected brand
183 Invalid recurring contract
184 Invalid recurring detail name
185 Invalid additionalData
186 Missing additionalData field
187 Invalid additionalData field
188 Invalid pspEchoData
189 Invalid shopperStatement
190 Invalid shopper IP
191 No params specified
192 Invalid field {0}
193 Bin Details not found for the given card number
194 Billing address missing
600 No InvoiceProject provided
601 No InvoiceBatch provided
602 No creditorAccount specified
603 No projectCode specified
604 No creditorAccount found
605 No project found
606 Unable to create InvoiceProject
607 InvoiceBatch already exists
608 Unable to create InvoiceBatch
609 InvoiceBatch validity period exceeded
610 No dunning configuration found
611 Invalid dunning configuration
690 Error while storing debtor
691 Error while storing invoice
692 Error while checking if invoice already exists for creditorAccount
693 Error while searching invoices
694 No Invoice Configuration configured for creditAccount
695 Invalid Invoice Configuration configured for creditAccount
700 No method specified
701 Server could not process request
702 Problem parsing request
800 Contract not found
801 Too many PaymentDetails defined
802 Invalid contract
803 PaymentDetail not found
804 Failed to disable
805 RecurringDetailReference not available for provided recurring-contract
806 No applicable contractTypes left for this payment-method
901 Invalid Merchant Account
902 Shouldn't have gotten here without a request!
903 Internal error
904 Unable To Process
905 Payment details are not supported
906 Invalid Request: Original pspReference is invalid for this environment!
907 US Payment details are not supported
908 Invalid request
950 Invalid AcquirerAccount
951 Configuration Error (acquirerIdentification)
952 Configuration Error (acquirerPassword)
953 Configuration Error (apiKey)
954 Configuration Error (redirectUrl)
955 Configuration Error (AcquirerAccountData)
956 Configuration Error (currencyCode)
957 Configuration Error (terminalId)
958 Configuration Error (serialNumber)
959 Configuration Error (password)
960 Configuration Error (projectId)
961 Configuration Error (merchantCategoryCode)
962 Configuration Error (merchantName)
963 Invalid company registration number
964 Invalid company name
965 Missing company details
966 Configuration Error (privateKeyAlias)
967 Configuration Error (publicKeyAlias)
1000 Card number cannot be specified for Incontrol virtual card requests
1001 Recurring not allowed for Incontrol virtual card requests
1002 Invalid Authorisation Type supplied

Propriedades dos objetos

A lista abaixo é gerada automaticamente a partir da saída da execução dos testes unitários:














All versions of adyen-sdk with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.6
ext-curl Version *
gpupo/common-sdk Version ^2.2.4
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package gpupo/adyen-sdk contains the following files

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