Download the PHP package gorlovka/proxy-request-builder without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package gorlovka/proxy-request-builder. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download gorlovka/proxy-request-builder
More information about gorlovka/proxy-request-builder
Files in gorlovka/proxy-request-builder
Package proxy-request-builder
Short Description Sending requests via proxy
License MIT
Informations about the package proxy-request-builder
Proxyrequest - Proxy lists, Rotating proxy, Bypass Cloudflare
With this tool you can:
- Get proxy lists for parsing from API endpoint, curl or php
- Rotating proxy for parsing anything - proxy are being changed automatically until website returns proper content
- Parsing pages protected by Cloudflare from scraping
Free plans available for each usage case
If you are looking for a way to parse website which is protected by cloudflare or some other custom made solution you are in the right place.
Usually if you need to get a few dozens of pages from website you can go directory for website and scrape data easily. Issues comes if website has some kind of protection you need to get a lot of data on regular basis.
We handle all blocking from protection on our behalf. You get data like you were requesting them directly.
This solution works for parsing and collection of data. It doesn't work for DDOS, spam sending or abusing internet.
Javascript is optionally executed if you need it. Essentially it's slower than just getting page as is so consider finding a way to get data without Javascript execution.
Free proxy lists
1. Inside browser
2. Using curl:
3. PHP composer package:
Run first composer command in your shell:
composer require gorlovka/proxy-request-builder
See TestProxyGet.php file for example.
Rotating proxy
1. Inside browser
Link to url
2. Using curl
bash tests/
3. PHP composer package
Run first composer command in your shell:
composer require gorlovka/proxy-request-builder
Cloudflare bypassing
Not publicly available. Available upon request. Possibility of it depends on how it's configured on exact website. Feel free to get in touch mentioning the address of website and how many pages per day is it needed to collect.
Getting Token
Currently, there are three types of tokens
Proxy lists free token is here
Rotating proxy free token is here
- Cloudflare token (to be released soon)
Private token removes time limits in accessing to proxy lists. Allows filtering. New features may be added upon request.
Token specifics
You should use these proxies responsibly, without abusing them, and without intent to commit illegal activity.
There are three kind of tokens:
Proxy lists Paid token removes time limits in accessing to proxy lists. Allows filter by type, country, ip mask, last check, speed, level.
Rotating proxy Software built upon proxy lists. Which consumes target url to be parsed and it manages to get content from website upon your request. Paid token allows here to do such requests. Free testing period available.
- Bypassing cloudflare(any other protection) for parsing Software on our side goes to specified url which is behind protection and gives you content of it back. Free testing period available
We have no limits on traffic. If you have big count of requests it's possible to provide dedicated resources just for you.
Email for contacts is [email protected].