Download the PHP package godbout/alfred-workflow-workflow without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package godbout/alfred-workflow-workflow. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package alfred-workflow-workflow

PHP Alfred Workflow Workflow

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Tired of writing the same code over and over just to get your new Workflow up and running? Yeah me too.


An Alfred Workflow does only two things:

1. show results  
2. do an action  
2.5. ok send a notification, maybe

which means, why typing over and over those same stuff over and over. I say stop to wasting keyboard keys. (Even more if you work on a MacBook because the keyboard will break soon.)


Basically it's a set of base classes and some conventions and an Alfred Workflow Skeleton to get you up in no time. Follow the conventions and all you have to do is create your Menus, and your Actions. All the boring rest is handled by the Skeleton, and this package. The common glue is taken care of. You focus only on the specificity of your Workflow.


The Conventions

Well this is where it gets interesting, because i'm still not sure how to express it. Best currently is to go through different use cases together. See the three cases below.

Case 1: Alfred Ploi

This is the most straightforward Workflow. It doesn't override anything so it follows all the conventions, and only defines what it specifically needs.

  1. Your Workflow Class only needs to define the possible actions of the Workflow:
  2. Your Entrance Menu Class defines what should be shown to the Alfred user when they start the Workflow: Entrance is a convention for the first Menu of your Workflow (although you can name it whatever you want, but then you need to override the currentMenu method. See Alfred Time below). All other Menus can be called whatever you want, as they will be defined as args of your Menu Items.
  3. The script called by Alfred only checks whether you're showing a Menu or calling an Action:

That's it. Just pass the right args and variables according to the conventions and it just works.

Check the Alfred Ploi Workflow for the Workflow Skeleton:

Case 2: Alfred Kat

This Workflow overrides only the do and notify methods.

  1. The do method needs a specific argument, so it is overriden:
  2. The notify method needs to send different notifications, so it is overriden too:
  3. The Menus (only one in this case) are not overriden:

All the rest of the wiring is handled by this package, and the Alfred Workflow Skeleton:

Case 3: Alfred Time

This is the hardest one. It overrides:

  1. The do method, passing an argument, sometimes:
  2. The notify method, for custom messages:
  3. The way Menus are loaded, because in this Workflow, Menus are arranged in specific (Timer Services) folders:

And yet, even in this case, most of the code is just specific code for this particular Workflow. Most of the Alfred wiring is handled by this package, and the Workflow Skeleton:

Args and Variables

So, a Workflow does two things:

  1. show a Menu
  2. do an Action

How do you tell Alfred which Menu to show or which Action to run? Through the args and variables.

For example, in your Entrance Menu Class, you show a menu:

Alfred will then call your src/Menus/ChooseProject.class Class and its scriptFilter method, where you design what appears in your next Menu.

Any arg that is different than do is taken as a Menu, loaded from the src/Menus folder (with the default convention, as see with Alfred-Time, you can override how/where the Menus are loaded).

To do an Action:

For the first item, Alfred will call your Workflow Class and its deleteFile method. For the second item, the copyFile method.

For a simple example, see the Alfred Ploi Workflow source again.

All versions of alfred-workflow-workflow with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.0.2
godbout/alfred-workflow-scriptfilter Version ^2.4
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package godbout/alfred-workflow-workflow contains the following files

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