Download the PHP package gerfey/laravel-domain-skeleton without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package gerfey/laravel-domain-skeleton. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download gerfey/laravel-domain-skeleton
More information about gerfey/laravel-domain-skeleton
Files in gerfey/laravel-domain-skeleton
Package laravel-domain-skeleton
Short Description Creating a skeleton domain framework.
License MIT
Informations about the package laravel-domain-skeleton
Laravel Domain Skeleton
gerfey/laravel-domain-skeleton creating a skeleton domain framework.
The preferred method of installation is via Packagist and Composer. Run
the following command to install the package and add it as a requirement to your
project's composer.json
- Use command and select tag: domain-skeleton
- Check files domain-skeleton.php to path .../laravel-project/config/
- Create the DOMAIN_SKELETON_DIRECTORY key in the file .env with the name of the default domain group.
- Creating a skeleton domain
- Find in file app.php follow the path .../laravel-project/config/ array providers and add a new service provider TestServicesProvider:: class
Create structure
After the command is executed, a structure is created for Domain: Test
For verification, you can make a request via the route /api/v1/test and get a 200 status response.
Copyright and License
The gerfey/laravel-domain-skeleton library is copyright © Alexander Levchenkov and licensed for use under the MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.