Download the PHP package fyre/datetime without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package fyre/datetime. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package datetime
FyreDateTime is a free, open-source immutable date manipulation library for PHP.
It is a modern library, and features support for ICU formats, time zones and locales.
Table Of Contents
- Installation
- Basic Usage
- Date Creation
- Date Formatting
- Date Attributes
- Week Attributes
- Time Attributes
- Timestamps
- Time Zones
- Locales
- Manipulation
- Comparisons
- Utility Methods
- Static Methods
Using Composer
Basic Usage
is a string representing the date, and will default to the current timestamp.$timeZone
is a string representing the time zone of the date, and will default to the system time zone.$locale
is a string representing the locale of the date, and will default to the system locale.
Date Creation
From Array
is an array containing the year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.$timeZone
is a string representing the time zone of the date, and will default to the system time zone.$locale
is a string representing the locale of the date, and will default to the system locale.
The month and date in the $dateArray
will default to 1 if not set. The hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds will default to 0.
From DateTime
is an instance of a class implementing DateTimeInterface.$timeZone
is a string representing the time zone of the date, and will default to the system time zone.$locale
is a string representing the locale of the date, and will default to the system locale.
From Format
is a string containing the format you wish to use for parsing.$dateString
is a string representing the date you are parsing.$timeZone
is a string representing the time zone of the date, and will default to the system time zone.$locale
is a string representing the locale of the date, and will default to the system locale.
The $formatString
supports tokens described in the ICU specification.
From ISO String
is a string representing the date you are parsing.$timeZone
is a string representing the time zone of the date, and will default to the system time zone.$locale
is a string representing the locale of the date, and will default to the system locale.
From Timestamp
is the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.$timeZone
is a string representing the time zone of the date, and will default to the system time zone.$locale
is a string representing the locale of the date, and will default to the system locale.
is a string representing the time zone of the date, and will default to the system time zone.$locale
is a string representing the locale of the date, and will default to the system locale.
Date Formatting
Once you have created a DateTime object, you can get a string representation using a specific format with the format
is a string containing the format you wish to output using.
The $formatString
supports tokens described in the ICU specification.
To String
Format the current date using "eee MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss xx (VV)".
To Date String
Format the current date using "eee MMM dd yyyy".
To ISO String
Format the current date using "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSxxx" (in English and UTC time zone).
To Time String
Format the current date using "HH:mm:ss xx (VV)".
To UTC String
Format the current date using "eee MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss xx (VV)" (in UTC time zone).
Date Attributes
Get Date
Get the date in current time zone.
Get Day
Get the day of the week in current time zone.
The $day
returned will be between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday).
Get Day Of Year
Get the day of the year in current time zone.
The $dayOfYear
returned will be between 0 and 365.
Get Month
Get the month in current time zone.
The $month
returned will be between 1 (January) and 12 (December).
Get Quarter
Get the quarter of the year in current time zone.
The $quarter
returned will be between 1 and 4.
Get Year
Get the year in current time zone.
Set Date
Set the date in current time zone.
is a number representing the date.
Set Day
Set the day of the week in current time zone.
is a number representing the day of the week (between 0 and 6).
Set Day Of Year
Set the day of the year in current time zone.
is a number representing the day of the year (between 0 and 365).
Set Month
Set the month in current time zone.
is a number representing the month (between 1 and 12).$date
is a number representing the date, and will default to the current value.
If the $date
argument is omitted, and the new month contains less days than the current date, the date will be set to the last day of the new month.
To disable date clamping, use the method DateTime::setDateClamping()
using false as the argument.
Set Quarter
Set the quarter of the year in current time zone.
is a number representing the quarter between 1 and 4.
Set Year
Set the year in current time zone.
is a number representing the year.$month
is a number representing the month (between 1 and 12), and will default to the current value.$date
is a number representing the date, and will default to the current value.
If the $date
argument is omitted, and the new month contains less days than the current date, the date will be set to the last day of the new month.
To disable date clamping, use the method DateTime::setDateClamping()
using false as the argument.
Week Attributes
Get Week
Get the week of the year in current time zone.
The $week
returned will be between 1 and 53 (week starting on Monday).
Get Week Day
Get the local day of the week in current time zone.
The $weekDay
returned will be between 1 and 7.
Get Week Day In Month
Get the day of the week in the month, in current time zone.
The $weekDayInMonth
returned will be between 1 and 5.
Get Week Of Month
Get the week of the month in current time zone.
The $weekOfMonth
returned will be between 1 and 5.
Get Week Year
Get the week year in current time zone.
This method is identical to getYear()
except in cases where the week belongs to the previous or next year, then that value will be used instead.
Set Week
Set the week in current time zone.
is a number representing the week.$weekDay
is a number representing the day (between 1 and 7), and will default to the current value.
Set Week Day
Set the local day of the week in current time zone.
is a number representing the week day (between 1 and 7).
Set Week Day In Month
Set the day of the week in the month, in current time zone.
is a number representing the day of the week in month (between 1 and 5).
Set Week Of Month
Set the week of the month in current time zone.
is a number representing the week of the month (between 1 and 5).
Set Week Year
Set the week year in current time zone.
is a number representing the year.$week
is a number representing the week, and will default to the current value.$weekDay
is a number representing the day (between 1 and 7), and will default to the current value.
Time Attributes
Get Hours
Get the hours of the day in current time zone.
The $hours
returned will be between 0 and 23.
Get Milliseconds
Get the milliseconds of the second in current time zone.
The $milliseconds
returned will be between 0 and 999.
Get Minutes
Get the minutes of the hour in current time zone.
The $minutes
returned will be between 0 and 59.
Get Seconds
Get the seconds of the minute in current time zone.
The $seconds
returned will be between 0 and 59.
Set Hours
Set the hours of the day in current time zone.
is a number representing the hours of the day (between 0 and 23).$minutes
is a number representing the minutes of the hour (between 0 and 59), and will default to the current value.$seconds
is a number representing the seconds of the minute (between 0 and 59), and will default to the current value.$milliseconds
is a number representing the milliseconds of the second (between 0 and 999), and will default to the current value.
Set Milliseconds
Set the milliseconds of the second in current time zone.
is a number representing the milliseconds of the second (between 0 and 999).
Set Minutes
Set the minutes of the hour in current time zone.
is a number representing the minutes of the hour (between 0 and 59).$seconds
is a number representing the seconds of the minute (between 0 and 59), and will default to the current value.$milliseconds
is a number representing the milliseconds of the second (between 0 and 999), and will default to the current value.
Set Seconds
Set the seconds of the minute in current time zone.
is a number representing the seconds of the minute (between 0 and 59).$milliseconds
is a number representing the milliseconds of the second (between 0 and 999), and will default to the current value.
Get Milliseconds
Get the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.
Get Seconds
Get the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
Set Milliseconds
Set the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.
Set Seconds
Set the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
Time Zones
Get Time Zone
Get the name of the current time zone.
Get Time Zone Offset
Get the UTC offset (in minutes) of the current time zone.
Set Time Zone
Set the current time zone.
is the name of the new time zone, which can be either "UTC", a supported value from the IANA timeZone database or an offset string.
Set Time Zone Offset
Set the UTC offset (in minutes).
is the UTC offset (in minutes).
Get Locale
Get the name of the current locale.
Set Locale
Set the current locale.
is the name of the new locale.
Add Day
Add a day to the current date.
Add Days
Add days to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of days to add.
Add Hour
Add a hour to the current date.
Add Hours
Add hours to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of hours to add.
Add Minute
Add a minute to the current date.
Add Minutes
Add minutes to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of minutes to add.
Add Month
Add a month to the current date.
Add Months
Add months to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of months to add.
Add Second
Add a second to the current date.
Add Seconds
Add seconds to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of seconds to add.
Add Week
Add a week to the current date.
Add Weeks
Add weeks to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of weeks to add.
Add Year
Add a year to the current date.
Add Years
Add years to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of years to add.
End Of Day
Set the date to the end of the day in current time zone.
End Of Hour
Set the date to the end of the hour in current time zone.
End Of Minute
Set the date to the end of the minute in current time zone.
End Of Month
Set the date to the end of the month in current time zone.
End Of Quarter
Set the date to the end of the quarter in current time zone.
End Of Second
Set the date to the end of the second in current time zone.
End Of Week
Set the date to the end of the week in current time zone.
End Of Year
Set the date to the end of the year in current time zone.
Start Of Day
Set the date to the start of the day in current time zone.
Start Of Hour
Set the date to the start of the hour in current time zone.
Start Of Minute
Set the date to the start of the minute in current time zone.
Start Of Month
Set the date to the start of the month in current time zone.
Start Of Quarter
Set the date to the start of the quarter in current time zone.
Start Of Second
Set the date to the start of the second in current time zone.
Start Of Week
Set the date to the start of the week in current time zone.
Start Of Year
Set the date to the start of the year in current time zone.
Subtract Day
Subtract a day to the current date.
Subtract Days
Subtract days to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of days to subtract.
Subtract Hour
Subtract a hour to the current date.
Subtract Hours
Subtract hours to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of hours to subtract.
Subtract Minute
Subtract a minute to the current date.
Subtract Minutes
Subtract minutes to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of minutes to subtract.
Subtract Month
Subtract a month to the current date.
Subtract Months
Subtract months to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of months to subtract.
Subtract Second
Subtract a second to the current date.
Subtract Seconds
Subtract seconds to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of seconds to subtract.
Subtract Week
Subtract a week to the current date.
Subtract Weeks
Subtract weeks to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of weeks to subtract.
Subtract Year
Subtract a year to the current date.
Subtract Years
Subtract years to the current date.
is a number representing the amount of years to subtract.
Get the difference between two dates in milliseconds.
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Difference In Days
Get the difference between two dates in days.
is the DateTime object to compare to.$relative
is a boolean indicating whether to return the relative difference, and will default to true.
If $relative
is true (default) the value returned will be the relative difference, ignoring higher precision properties.
Difference In Hours
Get the difference between two dates in hours.
is the DateTime object to compare to.$relative
is a boolean indicating whether to return the relative difference, and will default to true.
If $relative
is true (default) the value returned will be the relative difference, ignoring higher precision properties.
Difference In Minutes
Get the difference between two dates in minutes.
is the DateTime object to compare to.$relative
is a boolean indicating whether to return the relative difference, and will default to true.
If $relative
is true (default) the value returned will be the relative difference, ignoring higher precision properties.
Difference In Months
Get the difference between two dates in months.
is the DateTime object to compare to.$relative
is a boolean indicating whether to return the relative difference, and will default to true.
If $relative
is true (default) the value returned will be the relative difference, ignoring higher precision properties.
Difference In Seconds
Get the difference between two dates in seconds.
is the DateTime object to compare to.$relative
is a boolean indicating whether to return the relative difference, and will default to true.
If $relative
is true (default) the value returned will be the relative difference, ignoring higher precision properties.
Difference In Weeks
Get the difference between two dates in weeks.
is the DateTime object to compare to.$relative
is a boolean indicating whether to return the relative difference, and will default to true.
If $relative
is true (default) the value returned will be the relative difference, ignoring higher precision properties.
Difference In Years
Get the difference between two dates in years.
is the DateTime object to compare to.$relative
is a boolean indicating whether to return the relative difference, and will default to true.
If $relative
is true (default) the value returned will be the relative difference, ignoring higher precision properties.
Is After?
Determine whether the DateTime is after another date.
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is After Day?
Determine whether the DateTime is after another date (comparing by day).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is After Hour?
Determine whether the DateTime is after another date (comparing by hour).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is After Minute?
Determine whether the DateTime is after another date (comparing by minute).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is After Month?
Determine whether the DateTime is after another date (comparing by month).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is After Second?
Determine whether the DateTime is after another date (comparing by second).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is After Week?
Determine whether the DateTime is after another date (comparing by week).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is After Year?
Determine whether the DateTime is after another date (comparing by year).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Before?
Determine whether the DateTime is before another date.
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Before Day?
Determine whether the DateTime is before another date (comparing by day).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Before Hour?
Determine whether the DateTime is before another date (comparing by hour).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Before Minute?
Determine whether the DateTime is before another date (comparing by minute).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Before Month?
Determine whether the DateTime is before another date (comparing by month).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Before Second?
Determine whether the DateTime is before another date (comparing by second).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Before Week?
Determine whether the DateTime is before another date (comparing by week).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Before Year?
Determine whether the DateTime is before another date (comparing by year).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Between?
Determine whether the DateTime is between two other dates.
is the starting DateTime object to compare to.$end
is the ending DateTime object to compare to.
Is Between Day?
Determine whether the DateTime is between two other dates (comparing by day).
is the starting DateTime object to compare to.$end
is the ending DateTime object to compare to.
Is Between Hour?
Determine whether the DateTime is between two other dates (comparing by hour).
is the starting DateTime object to compare to.$end
is the ending DateTime object to compare to.
Is Between Minute?
Determine whether the DateTime is between two other dates (comparing by minute).
is the starting DateTime object to compare to.$end
is the ending DateTime object to compare to.
Is Between Month?
Determine whether the DateTime is between two other dates (comparing by month).
is the starting DateTime object to compare to.$end
is the ending DateTime object to compare to.
Is Between Second?
Determine whether the DateTime is between two other dates (comparing by second).
is the starting DateTime object to compare to.$end
is the ending DateTime object to compare to.
Is Between Week?
Determine whether the DateTime is between two other dates (comparing by week).
is the starting DateTime object to compare to.$end
is the ending DateTime object to compare to.
Is Between Year?
Determine whether the DateTime is between two other dates (comparing by year).
is the starting DateTime object to compare to.$end
is the ending DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as another date.
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Day?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as another date (comparing by day).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Hour?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as another date (comparing by hour).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Minute?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as another date (comparing by minute).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Month?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as another date (comparing by month).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Second?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as another date (comparing by second).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Week?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as another date (comparing by week).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Year?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as another date (comparing by year).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or After?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or after another date.
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or After Day?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or after another date (comparing by day).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or After Hour?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or after another date (comparing by hour).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or After Minute?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or after another date (comparing by minute).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or After Month?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or after another date (comparing by month).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or After Second?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or after another date (comparing by second).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or After Week?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or after another date (comparing by week).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or After Year?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or after another date (comparing by year).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or Before?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or before another date.
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or Before Day?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or before another date (comparing by day).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or Before Hour?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or before another date (comparing by hour).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or Before Minute?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or before another date (comparing by minute).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or Before Month?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or before another date (comparing by month).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or Before Second?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or before another date (comparing by second).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or Before Week?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or before another date (comparing by week).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Is Same Or Before Year?
Determine whether the DateTime is the same as or before another date (comparing by year).
is the DateTime object to compare to.
Utility Methods
Day Name
Get the name of the day of the week in current time zone and locale.
can be either "long", "short" or "narrow", and will default to "long" if it is not set.
Day Period
Get the day period in current time zone and locale.
can be either "long" or "short", and will default to "long" if it is not set.
Days In Month
Get the number of days in the current month.
Days In Year
Get the number of days in the current year.
Get the era in current time zone and locale.
can be either "long", "short" or "narrow", and will default to "long" if it is not set.
Determine whether the DateTime is in daylight savings.
Is Leap Year?
Determine whether the year is a leap year.
Month Name
Get the name of the month in current time zone and locale.
can be either "long", "short" or "narrow", and will default to "long" if it is not set.
Time Zone Name
Get the name of the current time zone and locale.
can be either "long" or "short", and will default to "long" if it is not set.
Weeks In Year
Get the number of weeks in the current year.
Static Methods
Get Default Locale
Get the default locale.
Get Default Time Zone
Get the default time zone.
Set Date Clamping
Set whether dates will be clamped when changing months.
is a boolean indicating whether to clamp dates.
Set Default Locale
Set the default locale.
is the locale.
Set Default Time Zone
Set the default time zone.
is the time zone, which can be either "UTC", a supported value from the IANA time zone database, or an offset string.