Download the PHP package finalclass/nbml without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package finalclass/nbml. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package nbml

NetBricks Markup Language [welcome]

Nbml is a language which serves to define views in object-oriented manner. With its help we can easily transform view in phtml format (HTML with insertions in PHP language), to PHP classes.

System requirements [system-requirements]

The nbml library requires PHP in version minimum 5.3

Instantiation [instantiation]

In order to start working with nbml files, one has to initialise ViewAutoLoader. This class registers php autoloader, so it can handle *.nbml file. It can be done using provided sandbox, or manually. It is also needed to initialise some autoloader to nbml library classes - because nbml uses standard method to load classes this action is left to the programmer. But at first lets' go to the easier variant - to start work using sandbox file [instantiation-sandbox].

Instantiation using sandbox [instantiation-sandbox]

It is the simplest, and at the same time the least flexible method to initialise nbml.

$viewAutoLoader = include 'library/Nbml/sandbox_runtime.php';

Creating an instance manually [instatiation-manual]

We can, of course, initialise the interpreter manually. Thanks to this we can at its fullest have benefit from the configuration options, which are provided by the interpreter. Below you can find an exemplary manual configuration:

file index.php

 Example component

Let's put it in MyNamespace\Example folder and name it Example.nbml (the file would be in this location: /MyNamespace/Example/Example.nbml)

Now let's execute somewhere in *.php file following instruction:

     Example component

Hello World!

It is all what needs to be encoded. Now what remains, is to run the script. Your eyes will be presented with this WWW website, with following source code:

Generated html

    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
Hello World!

Notice, that in folder HelloWorld has been created a new file: HelloWorld.php - it is compiled version of file HelloWorld.nbml. Here is its content:

Generated php

    Hello World!

will create a class that inherits from \Nbml\Component with private variable $message that has type string. This way we can define certain aspects of component that is being built. Nbml also has a mechanism to define custom tags, which change properties of defined variable. In standard library we have at our disposal following tags: [[Public]][metadata-tags-public], [[State]][metadata-tags-state], [[OnState]][metadata-tags-on-state], [[OnDemand]][metadata-tags-on-demand], [[Css]][metadata-tags-css] and [[Js]][metadata-tags-js].

Metadata tags attributes

Metadata tags can have certain attributes. If given Metatag has attributes, it can also have the default attribute defined. For instance attribute [[State]][metadata-tags-state] can be parametrised by name attribute, which is the default one. So this notation:

* [OnState(name='selected')]

is equal with this notation:

* [OnState('selected')]

In case when metadata tag accepts more attributes, their names should be separated with comma in such manner:

* [Tag(attr1='value1', attr2='value2', attr3='value3')]

The interpreter also allows to easily create custom Metadata tags. The process is described in this place [Custom Metadata Tags][custom-metadata-tags]

Metadata Tags - Public [metadata-tags-public]

Let's consider following example:

file HelloWorld.nbml

 <div class="center bold">

And then its usage:

 <a href="/example" label="Example" class="<?=$selectedState ? 'selected' : ''?>">

and then its usage:

 <a href="/example"

This button will possess class selected only in case when the component Button will be in state selectedState. This property can be easily connected with [[Public]][metadata-tags-public] to create customisable button in this manner:

<a href="<?=$href?>"

In this case we can define by our own, what class should be used for state selectedState.

Metadata Tags - OnDemand [metadata-tags-on-demand]

This tag causes creating in lieu of given variable the object \Nbml\MetadataTag\OnDemandMetadataTag\OnDemandFactory. The foregoing class creates given variable in the very moment it's used (in the moment methods __toString(), __invoke(), __call(), __set() lub __get() are called).

 <div class="example">



In preceding example, in place of $subComponent the OnDemandFactory class is created, and then (only if rand(0, 9) > 4), OnDemand Factory in a very moment of invoking __toString() creates an object of class \Nbml\Component, as it was set in phpDoc.

The above example's purpose is to present the idea of the [OnDemand] tag functionality, however in real applications the tag is useless in this case. [OnDemand] shows its best at "heavy" components, whose initialisation involves heavy system's load.

Metadata Tags - Css [metadata-tags-css]

Metadata tag [[Css]][metadata-tags-css] is used to load CSS files. The nbml provides basic version of the component, which actually is an HTML \Nbml\Component\Application. This version can be extended with your own needs. Take notice that nmbl does not allow to put css and js files manually (it can be done, but is not recommended). Instead, it is recommended to create main component such way, that it can inherit from \Nbml\Component\Application. The Application component has variable styleSheets which is of type \Nbml\Collection. The style files can be added to it for example in this manner:


Exactly this operation is done by tag [[Css]][metadata-tags-css]. Inasmuch Application::getInstance() returns always the last created instance (with new), in the moment of creating we have access exactly to it. In the system there shouldn't be created another instance of Application. We send to client just one HTML site! Sure, there can be exceptions (but it's hard to me to figure out any). In such case it should be kept in mind, that Application::getInstance() always returns the last created instance.


Tag [[Css]][metadata-tags-css] has one attribute: file. It is default attribute, so construction [Css(file="/css/styles.css")] is equal with [Css("/css/styles.css")]

Relative paths

Tag [[Css]][metadata-tags-css] allows inputting relative paths. When, for example, we create file providing relative path to CSS file:


Component content...

the relative path shall be expanded this way: <link href="/Example/MyComponent/myComponent.css" .../>

When we will define path as an absolute path: [Css('/myComponent.css')] it remains unchanged: <link href="/myComponent.css" .../>.

In case of working with remote files, keep in mind that HTTP or HTTPS must be inserted when defining a location of CSS file - the system has to know, that it's dealing with remote file. For instance a path: [Css('')] used in aforementioned component will be extracted to: /Example/MyComponent/ The proper way to do this is to put http on the beginning, in such manner: [Css('')]

The same rule applies to tag [[Js]][metadata-tags-js]

Assigning tag to variable

The tag is not binded with the variable it is assigned to, however it should be assigned to some particular variable.

Below is wrong construcion:

Wrong file!!!

 Component content...

Properly this component should be built like this:

 Component content...

It means that tag [[Css]][metadata-tags-css] should be assigned to some particular variable. The best way is to assign such metadata tags to variable $this. It is the recommended method. Similarly works tag [[Js]][metadata-tags-js].

Metadata Tags - Js [metadata-tags-js]

Functionality of [[Js]][metadata-tags-js] tag is identical with functionality of [[Css]][metadata-tags-css] tag with the exception, that it is responsible for adding JavaScript files. It causes adding the following line in component's constructor:


Custom Metadata tags [custom-metadata-tags]

The nbml engine makes possible to define which metadata tags should be concerned when interpreting components. You make this choice when initialising compiler. Go to section [Instantation][instantiation] to learn more about this process.

Class \Nbml\Compiler has a method ->addTagProcessor($className) which allows to add custom tags. For instance initialisation of metadata tags provided with standard library looks as follows:

$viewCompiler = new Compiler();

In order to create custom tag, you have to create a class that implements interface \Nbml\MetadataTag:

namespace Nbml;
use \Nbml\Reflector\Variable;
use \Nbml\Reflector\MetadataTagDefinition;
use \Nbml\Reflector;

interface MetadataTag
    static function getMetadataTagName();
    function __construct(Variable $variable, MetadataTagDefinition $definition, Reflector $classReflection);
    function hasGetter();
    function getGetterMethodDefinition();
    function hasSetter();
    function getSetterMethodDefinition();
    function hasInitializationCode();
    function getInitializationCode();
    function hasBeforeRenderRetrievalCode();
    function getBeforeRenderRetrieveCode();
    function getRequiredProperties();
    function hasDefaultProperty();
    function getDefaultPropertyName();

Here comes to aid class \Nbml\MetadataTag\AbstractMetadataTag which implements most of the methods of \Nbml\MetadataTag interface. It is recommended to extend this class in purpose to create new tags' processors.

Exemplary metadata tag

Let's assume that we want to build our own metadata tag [Hello], which would add to variable which is assigned to the string: "Hello ". Here is this tag's content:

Content of such metadata tags' processor shall be as follows:


Invoke of this component:

echo new HelloComponent(); //Hello Miwa

When writing components we have an access to variables $this->variable and $this->definition. $this->variable is of \Nbml\Reflector\Variable type and has in itself full description of variable, which given metadata tag is assigned to.

On the other hand, variable $this->definition is a definiton of given metadata tag (in this case a definition of meta tag Hello). It is of type: \Nbml\Reflector\MetadataTagDefinition. In this object we'll find all data concerning attributes (and its values) of given metadata tag.

Sometimes when building certain metadata tag a necessity can arise to manipulate the entire being-built component's class. Here comes to aid the property $this->classReflection which is of type \Nbml\Reflector.

Consider also this line in metadata tag [Hello] that is being built:

return '$this->options[\'' . $nameUnderscored . '\'] = '
            . '\'Hello \' . ' .  $default . ';';

You may wonder where one should know from how to write such line? Well it depends on you. It depends on you what your components would inherit from. By default it is class \Nbml\Component, its knowledge is crucial here. Let's have a look at its content:

namespace Nbml;

class Component
    protected $text = '';
    protected $options = array();
    public function __construct($options = array())
        $this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options);

    public function __toString()
        try {
        } catch(\Exception $e) {
        return $this->text;

    public function __invoke()
        return '';

As it may be seen it is a very short, light class. Ready to being expanded. Writing the components, the interpreter overrides function __invoke(). The role of the function __invoke() is to fill up variable $this->text.

Whtat remains to me, is to left you with your imagination:)

All versions of nbml with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.3.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package finalclass/nbml contains the following files

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