Download the PHP package ezsystems/ezplatform-ee-demo without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package ezsystems/ezplatform-ee-demo. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package ezplatform-ee-demo
eZ Platform Enterprise Edition (Demo)
What is eZ Platform Enterprise Edition?
eZ Platform Enterprise Edition is commercial CMS (Content Management System) software developed by eZ Systems.
eZ Platform Enterprise Edition derives from eZ Platform. It is composed of a set of bundles. eZ Platform Enterprise Edition, like eZ Platform, is built on top of the Symfony framework (Full Stack). It has been in development since 2014.
What is eZ Platform Enterprise Edition Demo ?
eZ Platform Enterprise Edition Demo is an example of a simple website using eZ Platform Enterprise. _NOTE: This demo should not be use for starting a new project, but can serve as as an example for how to do it, instead start using ezplatform-ee__.
It's meant to demonstrate some of the fatures of eZ Platform Enterprise such as:
- Page Builder
- Multiple users groups with demo accounts with access rights and workflow usage setup between them
- Delayed publishing (remember to setup cronjob)
- And besides that it aslo contains most eZ Platform demo features
How to get access to eZ Platform Enterprise Edition?
While this meta repository, ezplatform-ee-demo
, is public to ease installation and upgrades, full access can be obtained in one of two ways:
- Request an online demo on
- Setup a Composer Authentication Tokens for use in combination with this repository.
eZ Platform Enterprise Edition vs. eZ Platform
eZ Platform Enterprise Edition is a distribution flavor of eZ Platform, our Symfony-based enterprise level open source CMS. In short, Enterprise comes with addtional features and services that extend eZ Platform functionality for media industry and team collaboration.
Further information:
eZ Platform is 100% open source and is the foundation for the commercial eZ Platform Enterprise Edition software which adds advanced features for editorial teams, 100% built on top of eZ Platform APIs.
- eZ Platform Developer Hub:
- eZ Platform Open Source and Enterprise Edition roadmap
- eZ Systems (commercial products and services):
NOTE: For simplified installation, consider using community supported eZ Launchpad which takes care of the whole server setup for you.
Installation instructions below are for installing a demo installation of eZ Platform Enterprise Edition in latest version with demo content and demo website. Full installation documentation is kept current in the online docs, and includes instructions on installing other distributions (like ezplatform "clean" and ezplatform-ee enterprise edition), or other versions.
These instructions assume you have already installed:
- PHP (7.1 or higher)
- Web Server (Recommended: Apache / Nginx. Use of php's built in development server is also possible)
- Database server (MySQL 5.5+ or MariaDB 10.0+)
- Composer
- Git (for development)
For further information on requirements see online doc.
Install eZ Platform (demo enterprise distribution)
Assuming you have prerequisites sorted out, you can get the install up and running with the following commands in your terminal:
Note: If composer is installed localy instead of globally, the first command will start with php composer.phar
During the installation process you will be asked to input things like database host name, login, password, etc.
They will be placed in <ezplatform>/app/config/parameters.yml
Next you will receive instructions on how to install data into the database, and how to run a simplified dev server using the bin/console server:run
_Tip: For a more complete and better performing setup using Apache or Nginx, read up on how to install eZ Platform manually._
Issue tracker
Submitting bugs, improvements and stories is possible on If you discover a security issue, please see how to responsibly report such issues on
Backwards compatibility
eZ Platform aims to be 100% content compatible with eZ Publish 5.x, 4.x and 3.x (introduced in 2002), meaning that content in those versions of the CMS can be upgraded using online documentation to eZ Platform.
Unlike eZ Publish Platform 5.x, eZ Platform does not ship with eZ Publish Legacy (4.x). But this is available by optional installing LegacyBridge to allow eZ Platform and eZ Publish Legacy to run together, this is only recommended for migration use cases and not for new installations.
Copyright (C) 1999-2020 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
- eZ Business Use License Agreement eZ BUL Version 2.1
- eZ Trial and Test License Agreement (eZ TTL) v2.0
All versions of ezplatform-ee-demo with dependencies
doctrine/doctrine-bundle Version ^1.9.1
doctrine/orm Version ^2.6.3
ezplatform-i18n/ezplatform-i18n-de_de Version ^2.5@dev
ezplatform-i18n/ezplatform-i18n-fr_fr Version ^2.5@dev
ezplatform-i18n/ezplatform-i18n-nb_no Version ^2.5@dev
ezplatform-i18n/ezplatform-i18n-pl_pl Version ^2.5@dev
ezplatform-i18n/ezplatform-i18n-ru_ru Version ^2.5@dev
ezsystems/comments-bundle Version ^6.1.2@dev
ezsystems/date-based-publisher Version ~3.2.6
ezsystems/doctrine-dbal-schema Version ~0.1.3
ezsystems/ez-support-tools Version ~1.0.8
ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui Version ~1.5.13
ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui-assets Version ~4.2.1
ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui-modules Version ~1.5.9
ezsystems/ezplatform-automated-translation Version ^2.0@rc
ezsystems/ezplatform-core Version ~1.0.3
ezsystems/ezplatform-cron Version ~2.0.2
ezsystems/ezplatform-demo-assets Version ^1.0@dev
ezsystems/ezplatform-design-engine Version ~2.0.0
ezsystems/ezplatform-ee-installer Version ~2.5.3
ezsystems/ezplatform-form-builder Version ~1.2.9
ezsystems/ezplatform-graphql Version ~1.0.7
ezsystems/ezplatform-http-cache Version ~1.0.1
ezsystems/ezplatform-http-cache-fastly Version ~1.1.4
ezsystems/ezplatform-matrix-fieldtype Version ~1.0.5
ezsystems/ezplatform-page-builder Version ~1.3.13
ezsystems/ezplatform-page-fieldtype Version ~1.3.9
ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext Version ~1.1.8
ezsystems/ezplatform-solr-search-engine Version ~1.7.6
ezsystems/ezplatform-standard-design Version ~0.2.2
ezsystems/ezplatform-user Version ~1.0.7
ezsystems/ezplatform-workflow Version ~1.1.9
ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel Version ~7.5.11
ezsystems/ezrecommendation-client Version ^1.1.1
ezsystems/ezstudio-personalized-block Version ^2.5@dev
ezsystems/flex-workflow Version ~3.2.6
ezsystems/repository-forms Version ~2.5.8
ezsystems/symfony-tools Version ~1.1.2
friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle Version ^1.6.3
gregwar/captcha Version ^1.1.7
gregwar/captcha-bundle Version ^2.0.6
incenteev/composer-parameter-handler Version ^2.1.3
kaliop/ezmigrationbundle Version ^5.9
knplabs/knp-menu-bundle Version ^2.2.1
monolog/monolog Version ^1.25.2
netgen/tagsbundle Version ^3.4.1
novactive/ezseobundle Version ^3.0.0@rc
oneup/flysystem-bundle Version ^3.0
overblog/graphql-bundle Version ^0.11.11
ramsey/uuid Version ^3.8
roave/security-advisories Version dev-master
scssphp/scssphp Version ~1.0
sensio/distribution-bundle Version ^5.0.23
sensio/framework-extra-bundle Version ^5.1
sensiolabs/security-checker Version ^5.0
symfony/assetic-bundle Version ^2.8.2
symfony/monolog-bundle Version ^3.3.1
symfony/swiftmailer-bundle Version ^3.2.4
symfony/symfony Version ^3.4.18
symfony/thanks Version ^1.1.0
symfony/webpack-encore-bundle Version ^1.0.0
twig/extensions Version ^1.5.3
twig/twig Version ^2.7.1
white-october/pagerfanta-bundle Version ^1.2.2
willdurand/js-translation-bundle Version ^2.6.6