Download the PHP package eureka/component-orm without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package eureka/component-orm. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package component-orm
PHP Simple ORM
To add this ORM to your project, you can use the following command:
You can install the component (for testing) with the following command:
You can update the component (for testing) with the following command:
If you are using Symfony Dependency Injection & Yaml config, you can configure ORM with something look like this:
Main orm.yaml config
Example table yaml config
You must generate all ORM file with following command:
/!\ This command require to have "eureka/component-console" installed & bin/console script in your application (with a kernel-console)
Entities are "reflection" of the table data. When you retrieve data from database, each entity is representation of one row of corresponding table.
Entity should never been instantiated directly. To get a new entity, you should use the following mapper method:
When you need to retrieve data from database, you have to add a method in mapper to retrieve data, commonly prefixed
by find
or findAll
(according to retrieve one or many entities).
Mapper Example
Retrieve 10 latest blog posts (as entities)
To have repository as representation of Driven Design Domain (DDD), ORM generate Repository interfaces that should be used to sign your methods in your application. The real implementations are mapper.
Repository examples
Here, this is an example of repository interface corresponding to the previous implementation above.
Testing & CI (Continuous Integration)
You can run tests on your side with following commands:
You also can run code style check or code style fixes with following commands:
To perform a static analyze of your code (with phpstan, lvl 9 at default), you can use the following command:
To ensure you code still compatible with current supported version and futures versions of php, you need to run the following commands (both are required for full support):
And the last "helper" commands, you can run before commit and push is:
This command clean the previous reports, install component if needed and run tests (with coverage report), check the code style and check the php compatibility check, as it would be done in our CI.
See the CONTRIBUTING file.
This project is currently under The MIT License (MIT). See LICENCE file for more information.
All versions of component-orm with dependencies
ext-pdo Version *
eureka/component-database Version ^3.2
eureka/component-validation Version ^5.2
eureka/component-console Version ^6.1.0
psr/cache Version ^1.0||^2.0||^3.0
psr/log Version ^1.1||^2.0||^3.0