Download the PHP package enneite/swagger-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package enneite/swagger-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in enneite/swagger-bundle
Package swagger-bundle
Short Description Symfony bundle generator from swagger interface (yml or json)
Informations about the package swagger-bundle
Swagger Bundle for symfony 2
Install this bundle with composer!
Edit your app/AppKernel.php to register the bundle in the registerBundles() method!
- Define the swagger generator parameters in parameters.yml :
- config_file parameter : the json swagger configuration file
- routing parameter : the type ou routing (yaml or annotation)
- destination_bundle parameter : the bundle where the API models and controllers must be generated
- detination_namespace parameter : the namespace used for the API PHP classes
If the "config_file" parameter is not define, the bundle will search a file named swagger.json in the config directory (app/config). The routing tye by default is yaml The "destination" parameter is required.
You generate the PHP classes for the API with a sf2 CLI :
Controllers and swagger models:
"Controller/Api" directory and "Api/Model" directory will be created in your bundle source. If you choose yaml config, an "api_routing.yml" file will be created in your bundle configuration file.
Security definitions:
If you have defined security definitions in swagger, a file named "__api_security.yml.template" will be created in your "app/config" directory.
WARNING: symfony2 security configuration have to be loaded in an unique file, the consequence is that you have to copy/paste the content of the "_api_security.yml.template" in your security.yml file.
Authenticator services based on "Enneite\Swagger\Security\ApiAuthenticator" will be registered dynamically but you have to implement your own providers. To work, the attribute "name" and the attribute "in" have to be filled for each security definition.
If your swagger file look like this:
Your security.yml contents have to look like this:
You can upgrade the API code too with the same command:
Models will be regenerated New controllers and new methods will be created. Warning: If you choose yaml config, an "api_routing.yml" file will be regenaratedd in your bundle configuration file. Warning :old controllers and methods will NOT BE removed!
Unit Tests
Run unit tests like this:
All versions of swagger-bundle with dependencies
symfony/symfony Version ~2.4
symfony/framework-bundle Version ~2.4
symfony/console Version ~2.4
symfony/yaml Version ~2.4
twig/twig Version ~1.0
twig/extensions Version ~1.1
symfony/twig-bridge Version ~2.4
fabpot/php-cs-fixer Version ^1.10