Download the PHP package elgentos/module-baseurlpath without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package elgentos/module-baseurlpath. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download elgentos/module-baseurlpath
More information about elgentos/module-baseurlpath
Files in elgentos/module-baseurlpath
Package module-baseurlpath
Short Description Allow Magento config to have a base url path instead of root without moving Magento 2 into a subdirectory
License GPL-3.0
Informations about the package module-baseurlpath
Magento 2 - Elgentos_BaseUrlPath
Allow setting up a base url in system config other than root.
If you want to add https://my.domain.tld/mypseronalurl/
after the baseurl Magento currently doesn't allow this.
You are left with adding the storecode to the path or creating subdirectories with extra files.
This can get ugly if you just want to add language codes(other than locale-codes) to your domain,
for example https://my.domain.tld/en/
and https://my.domain.tld/nl/
Installation: part 1 - Module via composer
Install the module via composer by running
Installation: part 2 - Nginx MAGE_RUN_CODE
Make sure you setup your MAGE_RUN_CODE
mapping correctly. By default in Nginx this is only done based on $host name.
We will add the $request_uri to the mapping.
Nginx without mapping
Or if Nginx mapping isn't available for you.
After installation goto Stores
/ Configuration
-> General
/ Web
-> Base URLs ((Un)Secure)
My strong advise setting these settings on website or store view level because making errors could potentially lock you out from the admin pages
Store 1: site_en
Update your base url to https://my.domain.tld/en/
Store 2: site_nl
Update your base url to https://my.domain.tld/nl/
Static content and media
To make static content work with these settings, you explicitly need to setup these paths to the root(/
) of your site.