Download the PHP package elao/html-action-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package elao/html-action-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package html-action-bundle
Short Description A set of HTML actions for elao/admin-bundle.
License MIT
Informations about the package html-action-bundle
HTML Action Bundle 
This bundle provides CRUD + List Actions to be used with ElaoAdminBundle
Require the bundle in Composer:
Install the bundle in your AppKernel:
The HtmlActionBundle provides 5 actions for the AdminBundle:
- html_list: a list of models. e.g. "GET /posts"
- html_create: a creation form and its POST handler. e.g. "GET|POST /posts/new"
- html_read: details for a single model. e.g. "GET /posts/{id}"
- html_update: a modification form for a single model and its POST handler. e.g. "GET|POST /posts/{id}/edit"
- html_delete: a deletion form for a single model (ask for user confirmation) and its POST handler. e.g. "GET|DELETE /posts/{id}/delete"
Here's how you define a simple CRUD administration for a "Post" entity.
Don't forget to declare the corresponding repository service:
(extends elao_admin.repository.doctrine
or use your own implementation of Elao\Bundle\AdminBundle\Behaviour\RepositoryInterface
Full configuration
Parameter | Description | Required | Default value |
view |
The template to render the page with. | false | :post:list.html.twig |
view_parameter |
The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. | false | posts |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default value |
form |
The form type to use to create the model. | true | |
view |
The template to render the page with. | false | :post:create.html.twig |
view_parameter |
The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. | false | post |
redirection |
The action to redirect the user to when the action has been performed. | false | list |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default value |
view |
The template to render the page with. | false | :post:update.html.twig |
view_parameter |
The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. | false | post |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default value |
form |
The form type to use to create the model. | true | |
view |
The template to render the page with. | false | :post:update.html.twig |
view_parameter |
The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. | false | post |
redirection |
The action to redirect the user to when the action has been performed. | false | list |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default value |
form |
The form type to use to create the model. | false | Elao\Bundle\HtmlActionBundle\Form\Type\DeleteType |
view |
The template to render the page with. | false | :post:delete.html.twig |
view_parameter |
The variable name of the model or list of model in the template. | false | post |
redirection |
The action to redirect the user to when the action has been performed. | false | list |
Please note that the views are not provided with the bundle. You have to create them to display the different forms.
Default path for the views is app/Resources/[name]/[alias].html.twig
You can override this by setting an explicit view in action's options.
Doctrine service repositories (optional):
For convenience, you can use AdminBundle's DoctrineRepository as the default doctrine repository.
This way the Doctrine entity manager's getRepository
method will return the repository service declared for each model.
To activate this feature: