Download the PHP package eftec/statemachineone without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package eftec/statemachineone. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package statemachineone
Short Description A state Machine library for business processes
License LGPL-3.0
Informations about the package statemachineone
It is State Machine library written on PHP aimed to business process.
This library has only a simple external dependency, it is a minimalist (yet complete) library with only 3 classes.
Since this library is PHP native, then it could run in Laravel, Symfony and any other frameworks.
What is a state machine?.
A State Machine (also called Automata) is a procedural execution of a job based in states. Every job must have a single state at the same time, such as "INITIATED","PENDING","IN PROCESS" and so on, and the job changes of state (transition) according to some logic or condition. Such conditions could be a field, a time or a custom function.
The target of this library is to ease the process to create a state machine for business.
Table of Contents
- StateMachineOne
- What is a state machine?.
- Table of Contents
- Notes
- Example, ChopSuey Chinese Delivery Food.
- Fields (ChopSuey's exercise)
- States (ChopSuey's exercise)
- Transitions (ChopSuey's exercise)
- Final Code (ChopSuey's example)
- Other examples
- Transition language
- The transition language is written with the next syntax.
- Transition when
- For example
- Transition set
- Transition else
- Transition timeout (in seconds)
- Transition fulltimeout (in seconds)
- What is a job?
- Creating a job
- Running the state machine in a job
- Getting a job
- Database and jobs.
- Fields used in Job
- Flags
- Classes
- Cache Configuration
- Saving configuration
- Loading configuration:
- Log Format
- [info]
- [error]
- License
- Version
- What is missing
- Job: it's the process to run. A job could have a single state at the same time.
- State: it's the current condition of the job.
- Transition: it's the change from one state to another. The transition is conditioned to a set of values, time or a function.
Also, every transition could have a timeout. If the timeout is reached then the transition is done, no matter the values or the conditions (even if it has the active state paused). The transition could have 3 outcomes:- change The transition changes of state and the job is keep active. It is only possible to do the transition if the job has the active state = active.
- pause The transition changes of state and the job is paused. It is only possible to do the transition if the job has the active state = active.
- continue The transition changes of state and the job resumes of the pause. It is only possible to do the transition if the job has the active state = pause or active
- stop The transition changes of state and the job is stopped. It is only possible to do the transition if the job has the active state = active or pause.
- stay The transition does not change of state, but it does the operations defined by the set.
- stayonce It's similar than stay, but it does the operation once.
- Event: (Optional). Events are special operation that changes one or more states.
- Active: Every job has an active state. There are 4: none,stop,active,inactive,pause. It is different from the states.
So, for example, a job could have the state: INPROGRESS and the active state: PAUSE.
- none = the job doesn't exist. It can't change of state, neither it is loaded (from the database) by default
- stop = the job has stopped (finished), it could be a successful, aborted or canceled. It can't change of state neither it is loaded by default.
- pause = the job is on hold, it will not change of state (unless it is forced) but it could be continued.
- active = the job is running normally, it could change of state.
- inactive = the job is scheduled to run at some date. it couldn't change of state unless it is activated (by schedule)
- Refs: Every job has some related fields. For example, if the job is about an invoice, then refs must be the number of the invoice. The State Machine doesn't use any refs, but it keeps the values for integration with other systems.
- Fields: Every job has some fields or values, it could trigger a transition.
Example, ChopSuey Chinese Delivery Food.
We need to create a process to deliver Chinese food at home. Is it easy?. Well, let's find it out.
Fields (ChopSuey's exercise)
Fields are values used for out State Machine. In this example, I am not including other values that it could be useful (such as money, customer name, address and such) because they are not part or used by the state machine.
- customerpresent =1 if the customer is at home, 0=if not, =null not defined yet
- addressnotfound =1 if the address is not found by the delivery boy, =0 if found, =null if it's not yet defined.
- signeddeliver =1 if the customer signed the delivery, =0 if not, =null if it's not defined.
- abort =1 if the delivery must be aborted (for example, an accident), =0 if not.
- instock =1 if the product is in stock, =0 if it's not, =null if it is not defined.
- picked =1 if the delivery boy picked and packed the product, =0 if not yet.
States (ChopSuey's exercise)
It must include all the possible situation. The real world is not as easy as: sell and money.
- STATE_PICK The delivery boy will pick the food if any. For example, what if a customer asks for Pekin's duck (with orange sauce) and the restaurant doesn't have?.
- STATE_CANCEL The order is canceled.
- STATE_TRANSPORT The delivery boy is on route to deliver the food.
- STATE_ABORTTRANSPORT Something happened, the delivery must be aborted.
- STATE_HELP The delivery boy is ready to deliver, but he is not able to find the address or maybe there is nobody, so he calls for help.
- STATE_DELIVERED The food is delivered. Our hero returns to base (Chinese restaurant).
- STATE_ABORTED The transaction is aborted, nobody at home or the address is wrong.
Transitions (ChopSuey's exercise)
- STATE_PICK -> STATE_CANCEL (END) When?. instock=0 (end of the job)
- STATE_PICK -> STATE_TRANSPORT When?. instock=1 and picked=1
- STATE_TRANSPORT -> STATE_ABORTTRANSPORT (END) When?. abort=1 (for some reason, our boy abort the transport, is it raining?)
- STATE_TRANSPORT -> STATE_DELIVERED (END) When?. addressnotfound=0,customerpresent=1 and signeddeliver=1. It is delivered, the customer is present, and it signed the delivery (plus a tip, I hope it)
- STATE_TRANSPORT -> STATE_HELP When?. addressnotfound=1,customerpresent=0 and signeddeliver<>1. Our delivery calls to home and ask for new instructions. Is it Fake Street #1234 the right address?.
- STATE_HELP -> STATE_ABORTED (END) When?. (15 minutes deadline) or if abort=1.
Our delivery called home and yes, the address is fake (it's a shocking surprise) - STATE_HELP -> STATE_DELIVERED (END) When?. addressnotfound=0,customerpresent=1 and signeddeliver=1. It is delivered, the customer is present, and it signed the delivery (plus a tip, I hope it)
Final Code (ChopSuey's example)
Other examples
Example/BuyMilk.php (buy milk)
Example/Car.php (car parking)
Transition language
Let's say the next transition
The transition is written as follows:
- initial state (or initial states)
- end state
- Transition language
- outcome, it could be change (default value),stop,pause, continue and stay
- change means the state will change from initial state to end state if it meets the condition (or timeout). It will only change if the state is active.
- stop means the state will change and the job will stop (end of the job)
- pause it means the state will change and the job will pause. A job paused can't change of state, even if it meets the condition.
- continue it means the state will change and the job will continue from pause.
- stay it means the state will not change (but it executes any other instruction if any).
The transition language is written with the next syntax.
- there are three operations we could do when and/or set and/or else
Transition when
It adds a condition so where the transition must be done. For example:
In this case, the state changes from STATE_ONE to STATE_TWO when field is zero.
It could also exist multiple initial states
Types of transition:
It compares a constant. The binary operator for comparison are
- = Equals
- <> Not equals
- < <= "Less" and "less than"
- > >= "Great" and "greater than"
- contain If a text contains other.
Values of the field could be as the next ones:
field = it is a field of the job.
_idjob = it is the number of the current job. It is calculated every time the job is evaluated
_time = it is the current timestamp. It is calculated every time the job is evaluated. Note: It uses the function getTime() and it could be modified.
_state0 = it is the initial (current) state of the job (as an id of state)
_state1 = it is the next state (as an id) of the job. It is only evaluated when the job transitions of state, otherwise, it is null. You can't use in a "when" because the transition hasn't happened yet.
_result = it is the result of the transition ('change','pause','continue','stop','stay','stayonce'). It is only evaluated when the job transitions of state, otherwise it is null. You can't use in a "when" because the transition hasn't happened yet.
$var = it is a global variable of PHP. Take note that
777 = it is a numeric constant
"AAA", 'aaa' = it is a literal
when field = 'hello' // when field is equals to the text hello -
function() = it is a global function. Every function must have the parameter $job.
null() it is the null value
true() it is the true value (true)
- false() it is the false value (false)
on() it is the on value (1)
off() it is the off value (0)
undef() it is the undefined value (-1)
- flip() indicates that the value will be flipped (1=>0 and 0=>1). Example (x=1) x = flip(), now (x=0). If the value is not zero, then it's flipped to zero.
- now() it defines the current timestamp (in seconds)
- interval() it returns the current interval between now and the last state.
- fullinterval() it returns the current interval between now and the start of the job.
- timestate() it returns the time elapsed of the current state.
For example
Transition set
We could add one or many change of variables when a transition is done.
In this case, when we are in "STATE_ONE" and field=0, then we change to state "STATE_TWO", and we assign the field=1
It sets a field of the job.
The first value of the operation can't be a constant.
- We also could set a function.
Where the function (global) must be defined as myfunc(Job $job,$input) {}
- The first value could be a field or a (global) variable
It sets the field to the value 0
It increases the value of field by 1 (field=field+1)
It decreases the value of field by 1 (field=field-1)
Transition else
It works similar than "set" but it is executed when the transition is not done.
In this case, it sets the field2="not done" until the transition is done.
Note: This operation is called every time the expression is evaluated. So it could be evaluated many times.
Transition timeout (in seconds)
The state chances from STATE_ONE to STATE_TWO when the field is zero, or has elapsed 3600 seconds elapsed in the STATE_ONE.
It sets the timeout between the time of current state and the current time. If a timeout happens, then the transition is executed.
Transition fulltimeout (in seconds)
The state chances from STATE_ONE to STATE_TWO when the field is zero, or has elapsed (since the start of the job) 3600 seconds.
It sets the timeout between the time of initial state and the current time. If a timeout happens, then the transition is executed.
What is a job?
Let's say we have a blueprint to build the house.
The job is the action to build the house and the blueprint are the transitions.
So, the job is an operative part of our work-flow.
A job keeps values, including the current state, and it has a lifecycle, while the workflow (the transitions) doesn't keep any single value. It is possible to create a short life job that works in a single web thread. However, if we need to keep the values, then we could use a database or a file system (flat file).
Creating a job
There are several ways to create a job. One of them is using the GUI and other is via code.
Creating a job via code
Running the state machine in a job
Getting a job
Database and jobs.
Fields used in Job
- $idJob int number or position of the job on the queue
- $idParentJob int|null the number of the parent job
- $dateInit int initial date (timestamp)
- $dateLastChange int date of the last change (timestamp)
- $dateEnd int date of end (timestamp)
- $dateExpired int date of expiration (timestamp)
- $state string|int the id of the current state
- $fields array fields or values per job. It must be an associative array
- $stateFlow array indicates the flow of states
- $transitions bool[] it is used to determine if transition was already executed
- $isNew bool If the job is new or not. It is used to store into the database (insert)
- $isUpdate bool If the job is updated. It is used to store into the database (update)
- $log string[]
It is possible to store one or multiples flags inside a job.
A flag is a state or value that:
- It can have a name.
- It could have a level, for example a level of severity.
- It could have an expiration time.
- can have an interchangeable value, such as switch on and switch off.
- It is associate with a StateMachineOne instance and with a Job.
Example of creates an array of flags:
This library has a build-in GUI for testing.
StateMachineOne It is the main class.
Job It is the model class for the job
Transition It is the model class for the transitions.
Cache Configuration
It is possible to cache all the configurations.
Saving configuration
Loading configuration:
Log Format
Commonly, the log format could be of the type info or error. Flag could show a different type.
state = verb of the operation.
changed = the operation executed. It could be changed,stop,continue
Parked = the first state (before the change)
1 = the number of the first state (before the change)
Idling = the state it changed.
2 = the number of the state it changed.
0 = the transaction that triggered the change.
- change = the description of the change.
state,,transition,,text,,1,,message // when a check of the job fails
savejob,,message // when to save a job fails.
changestate,,idjob,,idstate,newstate // when the change of a state fails
Dual license (LGPL 3.0 and Commercial). See LICENSE file.
- 2.29 2025-02-07
- updated timeout
- 2.28 2024-12-31
- Updated to php 8.4
- 2.26 2024-07-20
- added function setRecordEventState(),replayRecordInit() and replayRecordInsideLoop()
- 2.25 2024-07-19
- added function setTime()
- 2.24 2024-07-18
- updated to PHP 7.4
- update comments
- 2.23.3 2023-06-29
- fix another with flag::pull() where the msg is null
- 2.23.2 2023-06-29
- fix a bug with flag::push() where the value is null.
- 2.23.1 23-03-11
- updated dependencies.
- 2.23 22-09-11
- Added description (comments) to transitions.
- Fixed a problem with the GUI (job must be an integer)
- 2.22 22-09-11
- Added variables _state0,_state1,_time,_result and fixed _idjob
- 2.21.1 2022-09-03
- Fixed a problem with Flags where the Job or Parent is null.
- Interface StateSerializable arguments allows Job or null
- 2.21 2022-09-03
- Updated dependencies.
- Added type hinting/validation to most methods.
- 2.20 2022-08-26
- Fixed some typos.
- Fixed a bug with gettime() that it could return a float or an int.
- 2.18 2022-06-28
- Update dependencies.
- 2.17 2021-10-01
- [Core] added the method $zeroDate to set the default datetime value inside the database.
- 2.17 2021-09-26
- [Core] Added the method duringState2() so you add a new transition that stays, so you can save the logic into a class.
- 2.16 2021-09-26
- [Core] Updated the dependency of the class MiniLang 2.20.1
- [Core] Solved a problem with the method SaveDbJob()
- [Core] The new method addMethodTransition2() could be used to create a class with the logic using the new version of MiniLang
- [Transition] Now the class Transition could calculate the transition in runtime using Minilang (normal behaviour) or it could use a generated class pre-compiled. This feature will increase the performance considerably, however it requires to create the class.
- 2.15 2021-09-18
- added method messages() to class Flag
2.14 2021-09-17
- added duringState() that allows to do one operation while the job is in some state.
- added internal function timestate() that returns the current time of the current state (of the current job).
- 2.13 2021-07-03
- addTransition() now allows multiple initial states.
- Updated dependencies in composer.json
- 2.12 2021-01-16
- Some cleanups of the code.
- Updated dependencies.
- 2.11 2020-10-16
- Jobs has an extra field called idParentJob. Job tables must be rebuilded or added the column: idparentjob int.
- 2.10.1 2020-10-15
- A small bug in saveDbJob where the $backup field is null, and we are updating.
- 2.10 2020-10-15
- Logs now are separated by ',,' instead of |. It is because some message could use "|"
- Log state, we added the number of transaction.
- saveDbJob(): Update in the database: The library doesn't update fields that aren't changed. For this,
it creates a backup variable every time a job is loaded, and it compares the backup with the job to save. - 2.9.2 2020-09-29 saveDbJob() updated the primary key field. Now, it skips to update it.
- 2.9.1 2020-09-22 cacheMachine() now works correctly.
- 2.9 2020-09-20 The flags are visualized differently. Also, the serialization of text_job now use serialize instead of JSON. Previous jobs must be flushed, you can flush with $stateMachine->createDbTable(false);
- 2.8 2020-09-15 added the field $fieldUI to specify visual components.
- 2.7 2020-08-11 a small update of dependencies.
- 2.6 2020-04-23
- Slimming down the installation. Now "Docs" is not included in the installation
- 2.5 2020-04-13
- updating dependency eftec/pdoone 1.15 to 1.32.1
- updating dependency etec/minilang 2.14 to 2.15
- 2.4 2019-12-26
- Service Object now works on events.
- Updated library eftec/PdoOne to 1.15
- 2.3 2019-12-26
- Method Createdbtable() now sets a valid default value
- Some cleanups.
- Bootstrap updated to 4.4.1. Also, it is using https instead of http
- 2.2 2019-10-22
- Updated eftec/MiniLang (dependency) from 2.9 => 2.12
- Updated eftec/pdoone (depe ndency) from 1.11 => 1.12
- Added dependency/documentstoreone (dependency) to 1.11 (it allows to use the filesystem as database)
- New methods setDocOne(), getDocOne()
- Now the library allows to use pdo (mysql database) or a file system (documentOne) for the persistence.
- Fixed a problem with the UI (it only executed the last job)
- Added changes to the UI. Now, it is possible to view and change the current job.
- Fixed a problem with the creation of table. Now the column TEXT_JOB is always created.
- 2.1 2019-08-28
- Updated eftec/minilang to 2.9.
- It allows to store arrays in each field
- If the job's field is an object or array, then it is store in a MEDIUMTEXT FIELD (serialized)
- method Flags::flagexist()
- method StateMachineOne::removetransition()
- 2.0 2019-08-24
- Changed the flags. The definition of push is flipped. After push('msg','id'..) now push('id','msg'..)
- Added method to set the time.
- 1.12 2019-08-16
- Updated MiniLang
- Added method viewJson()
- Now event doesn't crash if the job is null.
- CreateColTable() (private method) is removed.
- Flag() now has expiration (optional)
- 1.11 2019-08-04 Some fixes.
- 1.10 2019-08-04
- Updated to "eftec/minilang": "^2.7"
- Solved a bug in callEvent() does not fail if there is not a job.
- Added the method cacheMachine() to cache the results.
- Code Formatted to PSR-2
- 1.9 2019-08-03
- Some fixes. Now the UI doesn't show events that "stay" in the same state.
- Now it uses eftec/minilang 2.6 that permits the use of "else"
- The UI is more reduced.
- Method createColsTable() added.
- 1.8 2019-07-29 Some cleanups and methods setPdoOne() and getPdoOne();
- 1.7 2019-06-16 Lots of changes.
- 1.6 2018-12-26 Now MiniLang is a separate dependency.
- 1.5 2018-12-23 Xmas update (btw porca miseria).
- Now the language is parsed differently. The space is not mandatory anymore.
- "when timeout" is not deprecated. Now it is called as "when always"
- 1.4 2018-12-12
- Some fixes.
- 1.3 2018-12-11
- Added addEvent() and callEvent()
- Added timeout and fulltimeout to the transition language
- Now transitions doesn't require the timeout.
- idRef are no longer used.
- 1.2 2018-12-09 Updated dependency
- 1.1 2018-12-09 Some corrections.
- 1.0 2018-12-08 First (non beta) version.
What is missing
events and timeout- Most unit test,
now it is only the barebone.the unit test is real, but it's still basic. - Increase the log features.
All versions of statemachineone with dependencies
eftec/pdoone Version ^4.12.1
eftec/minilang Version ^2.29
ext-ctype Version *
ext-json Version *
eftec/documentstoreone Version ^1.28