PHP code example of efabrica / nette-repository

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download efabrica/nette-repository library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


efabrica / nette-repository example snippets

assert($repository instanceof PersonRepository);
assert($entity instanceof Person);
$entity = $repository->create();
$entity->name = 'John';
$entity->surname = 'Doe';
$entity->age = 42;

$entity = $repository->insertOne([
    Person::NAME => 'John',
    Person::SURNAME => 'Doe',
    Person::AGE => 42,
]); // always returns entity

// More verbose approach:
$entity = $repository->create();
    Person::NAME => 'John',
    Person::SURNAME => 'Doe',
    Person::AGE => 42,

$person = $repository->insert([
    Person::NAME => 'John',
    Person::SURNAME => 'Doe',
    Person::AGE => 42,
]); // always returns Entity

$persons = [];
foreach (range(30, 40) as $age) {
    $person = $repository->createRow();
    Person::NAME => 'John',
    Person::SURNAME => 'Doe',
    Person::AGE => $age,
    $persons[] = $person;
$repository->insertMany($persons); // always returns int

$entity = $repository->find($id);
$entity->name = 'Jake';
$entity->update(); // or $entity->save();

$repository->update($id, [Person::name => 'Jake']);


$entity = $repository->find($id);

final class AdminScope implements \Efabrica\NetteRepository\Repository\Scope\Scope
    public function apply(RepositoryBehaviors $behaviors, Repository $repository): void
        // Remove these behaviors because they are not needed for the Admin
        // Do not add any new behaviors here, because this scope can be used by different repositories
        // and you might introduce unwanted side effects.
        // However, you can conditionally add behaviors based on the repository type and some parameter
        // For example, if you want to apply a special behavior for admin users in the user repository, you can do this:
        if ($repository instanceof UserRepository && $someContainerParameter) { // Scopes can be services and receive parameters.
            $behaviors->add(AdminBehavior::class); // This is a hypothetical behavior, just for illustration.

use Efabrica\NetteRepository\Repository\RepositoryBehaviors;
abstract class RepositoryBase extends \Efabrica\NetteRepository\Repository\Repository
    /** @inject */
    public AdminScope $adminScope;
    public function scopeAdmin(): self
        return $this->withScope($this->adminScope);
    // Do this if you want to set the AdminScope as default:
    protected function setup(RepositoryBehaviors $behaviors) : void 

use YourBeautifulApplication\Admin\AdminScope;

abstract class QueryBase extends \Efabrica\NetteRepository\Repository\Query
    public function scopeAdmin(): self
        // This method returns a copy of the query with your own Admin scope applied
        // The Admin scope removes some behaviors that are not relevant for the Admin
        return $this->withScope($this->repository->adminScope);
        // Alternatively, if the Admin scope does not depend on any parameters, you can create a new instance of it like this:
        return $this->withScope(new AdminScope());

// all of these are equivalent:
$repository->findBy(['age > ?' => 18])->scopeAdmin()->fetchAll();
$repository->scopeAdmin()->findBy(['age > ?' => 18])->fetchAll();
$repository->query()->where('age > ?', 18)->scopeAdmin()->fetchAll();
$repository->scopeAdmin()->query()->where('age > ?', 18)->fetchAll();
$repository->query()->scopeAdmin()->where('age > ?', 18)->fetchAll();
>$ php bin/console efabrica:nette-repo:code-gen
># OR
>$ php bin/console e:n:c
># OR 
>$ php vendor/bin/enc