Download the PHP package efabrica/nette-repository without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package efabrica/nette-repository. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package nette-repository
Short Description Repositories for Nette database
License MIT
Informations about the package nette-repository
eFabrica Nette Database Repository
This extension enhances the static analysis of your Nette Database by providing typehinted entities (ActiveRows), queries (Selections) and repositories (services).
You can install this extension using Composer, the dependency manager for PHP:
To enable the extension, you need to register it in config:
Finally, you can run the repository code generation command to generate the necessary classes and files:
The Entity
class is a subclass of ActiveRow that serves as a superclass for your entities.
You can either use our code generation tool to create it automatically or write it manually.
Inserting an entity
Save array:
Updating an entity
Deleting an entity
Or, if you already have the entity available:
Scope is a class that defines which existing behaviors are disabled for the Repository, Query and Entity.
The active Scope is passed down from Repository to Query and from Query down to Entity.
->withScope(Scope $scope)
returns a clone of the object with the given scope applied.
returns a clone of the object with raw scope. Raw scope removes all behaviors.
returns a clone of the object with full scope. Full scope keeps all behaviors.
This is the default scope, unless you change the scope in repository's setup() method.
To use the Scope as a container service, which may not be necessary in your case, please follow these steps:
And optionally implement shorthand methods for your queries:
Code Generator
Code generation is fully optional, but it is recommended to use it.
To run the code generation, use this command:
For every table in the database, it will generate these classes in the /Generated/
namespace: (Example: person
- Repository base class, holds typehints forPersonQuery
entity. ( abstract)Repository\Generated\Query\PersonQuery
- Query class, holds typehints forPerson
entity. (abstract)Repository\Generated\Entity\Person
- Entity class, holds types for columns and public constants for column names. (final)
These classes are always regenerated when you run the code generator. They should not be modified manually.
For every table in the database, it will also generate these classes outside of the /Generated/
namespace, but only if they don't
exist. If they exist, they will not be overwritten:
- extendsPersonRepositoryBase
. Here you write your custom repository methods. (final)Repository\Query\PersonQuery
- extendsPersonQuery
. Here you write your custom query methods. (final)Repository\Entity\PersonBody
- trait that is inserted intoPerson
entity. Here you write your custom entity methods. (trait)
These classes are not regenerated when you run the code generator. They are meant to be customized by you. If you want to regenerate them, you have to delete them first.
Ignoring tables
It is also possible to ignore some tables. To do that, you can modify the ignoredTables
parameter in the config file:
Custom Inheritance
If you want to set different extends
or implements
for a generated class, you can do that by adding an entry into your config file:
- Every generated class can be used for this.
- Key is the short class name (without namespace). Generated classes are made such that there are no namespace collisions, so this shouldn't prove a problem.
must be string or null/not specified.implements
must be string array or empty array or null/not specified.- You cannot unimplement an interface.
This config schema is a bit verbose, but very intuitive once you see it and easy to read.
Behaviors and Traits
This behavior automatically sets the created_at
and updated_at
columns to the current date and time when inserting or updating a row.
This behavior applies a default where() condition to every select query.
This behavior ensures that there is always at least one row with a truthy value in the default column. This is useful for flag columns.
This behavior marks a row as deleted by setting the deleted_at
column to the current date and time instead of removing it from the table.
This behavior prevents deleting the last row in the table that matches a given query.
This behavior manages the lft
and rgt
columns that represent the hierarchical structure of the table. It updates them automatically when
inserting or updating a row.
This trait adds methods to the repository for changing the order of rows, such as moveUp(), moveDown(), insertBefore(), and insertAfter().
This behavior automatically casts values to the specified type when retrieving them from the database.
There are some predefined casts, but you can also define your own.
: casts values from JSON to PHP array and vice versa.CarbonCastBehavior
: casts values from MySQL datetime to CarbonImmutable and vice versa.
There are several events that you can listen to in your repository: Insert, Update, Delete, Select, Load
To implement your own event subscriber, create a new class that extends Efabrica\NetteRepository\Subscriber\EventSubscriber
and register
it in the container. It will get automatically detected, since it extends the EventSubscriber.
All versions of nette-repository with dependencies
ext-json Version *
ext-pdo Version *
doctrine/inflector Version ^2.0
nette/caching Version ^3.1
nette/database Version ^3.1 <3.2
nette/di Version ^3.1
nette/php-generator Version ^4.1.4
nikic/php-parser Version ^4.16|^5.0
symfony/console Version ^5.4|^6.0|^7.0
symfony/polyfill-php80 Version ^1.29