Download the PHP package ediasoft/tyre24-api-php without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package ediasoft/tyre24-api-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download ediasoft/tyre24-api-php
More information about ediasoft/tyre24-api-php
Files in ediasoft/tyre24-api-php
Package tyre24-api-php
Short Description Tyre24 API client library for PHP.
License MIT
Informations about the package tyre24-api-php
Tyre24 API client for PHP

The Tyre24 API client enables developers to rapidly interact with the Tyre24 API and access data about products, orders, shipping, and more. This client was explicitly designed for Tyre24, a well-known tire and wheel marketplace.
This project is an open-source. Developers can contribute and suggest new features, report issues, and provide feedback. This collaborative approach helps to keep the Tyre24 API Client up-to-date and secure, and it is essential for developers who want to work with the Tyre24 marketplace.
To use the Tyre24 API client, the following things are required:
- Get yourself a Tyre24 supplier account.
- Now you're ready to use the Tyre24 API client.
- PHP >= 7.4
- Up-to-date OpenSSL (or other SSL/TLS toolkit)
Composer Installation
By far the easiest way to install the Tyre24 API client is to require it with Composer.
$ composer require ediasoft/tyre24-api-php:^1.0
"require": {
"ediasoft/tyre24-api-php": "^1.0"
Getting started
Initializing the Tyre24 API client, and retrieve your authenticate token.
Tyre24 API PHP Client is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Contact: — [email protected] — +31 10 84 342 77
All versions of tyre24-api-php with dependencies
composer/ca-bundle Version ^1.3
ext-json Version *
ext-pcre Version *
ext-fileinfo Version *
monolog/monolog Version ^2.2|^3.0