Download the PHP package easyengine/site-wp-command without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package easyengine/site-wp-command. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package site-wp-command


EasyEngine site type package for WordPress site creation.

Build Status

Quick links: Support


This package implements the following commands:

ee site create --type=wp

Runs the standard WordPress Site installation.

ee site create --type=wp <site-name> [--cache] [--vip] [--mu=<subdir>] [--mu=<subdom>] [--title=<title>] [--admin-user=<admin-user>] [--admin-pass=<admin-pass>] [--admin-email=<admin-email>] [--local-db] [--with-local-redis] [--php=<php-version>] [--dbname=<dbname>] [--dbuser=<dbuser>] [--dbpass=<dbpass>] [--dbhost=<dbhost>] [--dbprefix=<dbprefix>] [--dbcharset=<dbcharset>] [--dbcollate=<dbcollate>] [--skip-check] [--version=<version>] [--skip-content] [--skip-install] [--skip-status-check] [--ssl=<value>] [--wildcard] [--yes] [--force]


    Name of website.

    Use redis cache for WordPress.

    Create WordPress VIP GO site using your vip repo which contains wp-content dir. Default it will use skeleton repo.

    WordPress sub-dir Multi-site.

    WordPress sub-domain Multi-site.

    Title of your site.

    Username of the administrator.

    Password for the the administrator.

    E-Mail of the administrator.

    Create separate db container instead of using global db.

    Enable cache with local redis container.

    PHP version for site. Currently only supports PHP 5.6 and latest.
    default: latest
        - 5.6
        - 7.2
        - latest

    Set the database name.

    Set the database user.

    Set the database password.

    Set the database host. Pass value only when remote dbhost is required.

    Set the database table prefix.

    Set the database charset.
    default: utf8mb4

    Set the database collation.

    If set, the database connection is not checked.

    Select which WordPress version you want to download. Accepts a version number, ‘latest’ or ‘nightly’.

    Download WP without the default themes and plugins.

    Skips wp-core install.

    Skips site status check.

    Enables ssl on site.

    Gets wildcard SSL .

    Do not prompt for confirmation.

    Resets the remote database if it is not empty.


# Create WordPress site
$ ee site create --type=wp

# Create WordPress multisite subdir site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdir

# Create WordPress multisite subdom site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdom

# Create WordPress site with ssl from letsencrypt
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le

# Create WordPress site with wildcard ssl
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le --wildcard

# Create WordPress site with self signed certificate
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=self

# Create WordPress site with remote database
$ ee site create --type=wp --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=username --dbpass=password

# Create WordPress site with custom site title, locale, admin user, admin email and admin password
$ ee site create --type=wp --title=easyengine  --locale=nl_NL --admin-user=easyengine --admin-pass=easyengine

ee site delete

Deletes a website.

ee site delete <site-name> [--yes]


    Name of website to be deleted.

    Do not prompt for confirmation.


# Delete site
$ ee site delete

ee site update

Supports updating and upgrading site.

ee site update [<site-name>] [--ssl=<ssl>] [--wildcard]
    Name of the site.

    Enable ssl on site

    Enable wildcard SSL on site.


# Add SSL to non-ssl site
$ ee site update --ssl=le

# Add SSL to non-ssl site
$ ee site update --ssl=le --wildcard

# Add self-signed SSL to non-ssl site
$ ee site update --ssl=self

ee site info --type=wp

Runs the standard WordPress Site installation.

ee site info --type=wp <site-name> [--cache] [--vip] [--mu=<subdir>] [--mu=<subdom>] [--title=<title>] [--admin-user=<admin-user>] [--admin-pass=<admin-pass>] [--admin-email=<admin-email>] [--local-db] [--with-local-redis] [--php=<php-version>] [--dbname=<dbname>] [--dbuser=<dbuser>] [--dbpass=<dbpass>] [--dbhost=<dbhost>] [--dbprefix=<dbprefix>] [--dbcharset=<dbcharset>] [--dbcollate=<dbcollate>] [--skip-check] [--version=<version>] [--skip-content] [--skip-install] [--skip-status-check] [--ssl=<value>] [--wildcard] [--yes] [--force]


    Name of website.

    Use redis cache for WordPress.

    Create WordPress VIP GO site using your vip repo which contains wp-content dir. Default it will use skeleton repo.

    WordPress sub-dir Multi-site.

    WordPress sub-domain Multi-site.

    Title of your site.

    Username of the administrator.

    Password for the the administrator.

    E-Mail of the administrator.

    Create separate db container instead of using global db.

    Enable cache with local redis container.

    PHP version for site. Currently only supports PHP 5.6 and latest.
    default: latest
        - 5.6
        - 7.2
        - latest

    Set the database name.

    Set the database user.

    Set the database password.

    Set the database host. Pass value only when remote dbhost is required.

    Set the database table prefix.

    Set the database charset.
    default: utf8mb4

    Set the database collation.

    If set, the database connection is not checked.

    Select which WordPress version you want to download. Accepts a version number, ‘latest’ or ‘nightly’.

    Download WP without the default themes and plugins.

    Skips wp-core install.

    Skips site status check.

    Enables ssl on site.

    Gets wildcard SSL .

    Do not prompt for confirmation.

    Resets the remote database if it is not empty.


# Create WordPress site
$ ee site create --type=wp

# Create WordPress multisite subdir site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdir

# Create WordPress multisite subdom site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdom

# Create WordPress site with ssl from letsencrypt
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le

# Create WordPress site with wildcard ssl
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le --wildcard

# Create WordPress site with self signed certificate
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=self

# Create WordPress site with remote database
$ ee site create --type=wp --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=username --dbpass=password

# Create WordPress site with custom site title, locale, admin user, admin email and admin password
$ ee site create --type=wp --title=easyengine  --locale=nl_NL --admin-user=easyengine --admin-pass=easyengine

ee site enable

Enables a website. It will start the docker containers of the website if they are stopped.

ee site enable [<site-name>] [--force] [--verify]


    Name of website to be enabled.

    Force execution of site enable.

    Verify if required global services are working.


# Enable site
$ ee site enable

# Enable site with verification of dependent global services. (Note: This takes longer time to enable the
$ ee site enable --verify

# Force enable a site.
$ ee site enable --force

ee site disable

Disables a website. It will stop and remove the docker containers of the website if they are running.

ee site disable [<site-name>]


    Name of website to be disabled.


# Disable site
$ ee site disable

ee site info

Display all the relevant site information, credentials and useful links.

ee site info [<site-name>]
    Name of the website whose info is required.


# Display site info
$ ee site info

ee site ssl

Verifies ssl challenge and also renews certificates(if expired).

ee site ssl <site-name> [--force]


    Name of website.

    Force renewal.

ee site list

Lists the created websites.

ee site list [--enabled] [--disabled] [--format=<format>]

abstract list

    List only enabled sites.

    List only disabled sites.

    Render output in a particular format.
    default: table
      - table
      - csv
      - yaml
      - json
      - count
      - text


# List all sites
$ ee site list

# List enabled sites
$ ee site list --enabled

# List disabled sites
$ ee site list --disabled

# List all sites in JSON
$ ee site list --format=json

# Count all sites
$ ee site list --format=count

ee site reload --type=wp

Runs the standard WordPress Site installation.

ee site reload --type=wp <site-name> [--cache] [--vip] [--mu=<subdir>] [--mu=<subdom>] [--title=<title>] [--admin-user=<admin-user>] [--admin-pass=<admin-pass>] [--admin-email=<admin-email>] [--local-db] [--with-local-redis] [--php=<php-version>] [--dbname=<dbname>] [--dbuser=<dbuser>] [--dbpass=<dbpass>] [--dbhost=<dbhost>] [--dbprefix=<dbprefix>] [--dbcharset=<dbcharset>] [--dbcollate=<dbcollate>] [--skip-check] [--version=<version>] [--skip-content] [--skip-install] [--skip-status-check] [--ssl=<value>] [--wildcard] [--yes] [--force]


    Name of website.

    Use redis cache for WordPress.

    Create WordPress VIP GO site using your vip repo which contains wp-content dir. Default it will use skeleton repo.

    WordPress sub-dir Multi-site.

    WordPress sub-domain Multi-site.

    Title of your site.

    Username of the administrator.

    Password for the the administrator.

    E-Mail of the administrator.

    Create separate db container instead of using global db.

    Enable cache with local redis container.

    PHP version for site. Currently only supports PHP 5.6 and latest.
    default: latest
        - 5.6
        - 7.2
        - latest

    Set the database name.

    Set the database user.

    Set the database password.

    Set the database host. Pass value only when remote dbhost is required.

    Set the database table prefix.

    Set the database charset.
    default: utf8mb4

    Set the database collation.

    If set, the database connection is not checked.

    Select which WordPress version you want to download. Accepts a version number, ‘latest’ or ‘nightly’.

    Download WP without the default themes and plugins.

    Skips wp-core install.

    Skips site status check.

    Enables ssl on site.

    Gets wildcard SSL .

    Do not prompt for confirmation.

    Resets the remote database if it is not empty.


# Create WordPress site
$ ee site create --type=wp

# Create WordPress multisite subdir site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdir

# Create WordPress multisite subdom site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdom

# Create WordPress site with ssl from letsencrypt
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le

# Create WordPress site with wildcard ssl
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le --wildcard

# Create WordPress site with self signed certificate
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=self

# Create WordPress site with remote database
$ ee site create --type=wp --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=username --dbpass=password

# Create WordPress site with custom site title, locale, admin user, admin email and admin password
$ ee site create --type=wp --title=easyengine  --locale=nl_NL --admin-user=easyengine --admin-pass=easyengine

ee site restart --type=wp

Runs the standard WordPress Site installation.

ee site restart --type=wp <site-name> [--cache] [--vip] [--mu=<subdir>] [--mu=<subdom>] [--title=<title>] [--admin-user=<admin-user>] [--admin-pass=<admin-pass>] [--admin-email=<admin-email>] [--local-db] [--with-local-redis] [--php=<php-version>] [--dbname=<dbname>] [--dbuser=<dbuser>] [--dbpass=<dbpass>] [--dbhost=<dbhost>] [--dbprefix=<dbprefix>] [--dbcharset=<dbcharset>] [--dbcollate=<dbcollate>] [--skip-check] [--version=<version>] [--skip-content] [--skip-install] [--skip-status-check] [--ssl=<value>] [--wildcard] [--yes] [--force]


    Name of website.

    Use redis cache for WordPress.

    Create WordPress VIP GO site using your vip repo which contains wp-content dir. Default it will use skeleton repo.

    WordPress sub-dir Multi-site.

    WordPress sub-domain Multi-site.

    Title of your site.

    Username of the administrator.

    Password for the the administrator.

    E-Mail of the administrator.

    Create separate db container instead of using global db.

    Enable cache with local redis container.

    PHP version for site. Currently only supports PHP 5.6 and latest.
    default: latest
        - 5.6
        - 7.2
        - latest

    Set the database name.

    Set the database user.

    Set the database password.

    Set the database host. Pass value only when remote dbhost is required.

    Set the database table prefix.

    Set the database charset.
    default: utf8mb4

    Set the database collation.

    If set, the database connection is not checked.

    Select which WordPress version you want to download. Accepts a version number, ‘latest’ or ‘nightly’.

    Download WP without the default themes and plugins.

    Skips wp-core install.

    Skips site status check.

    Enables ssl on site.

    Gets wildcard SSL .

    Do not prompt for confirmation.

    Resets the remote database if it is not empty.


# Create WordPress site
$ ee site create --type=wp

# Create WordPress multisite subdir site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdir

# Create WordPress multisite subdom site
$ ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdom

# Create WordPress site with ssl from letsencrypt
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le

# Create WordPress site with wildcard ssl
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le --wildcard

# Create WordPress site with self signed certificate
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=self

# Create WordPress site with remote database
$ ee site create --type=wp --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=username --dbpass=password

# Create WordPress site with custom site title, locale, admin user, admin email and admin password
$ ee site create --type=wp --title=easyengine  --locale=nl_NL --admin-user=easyengine --admin-pass=easyengine

ee site share

Share a site online using ngrok.

ee site share <site-name> [--disable] [--refresh] [--token=<token>]


    Name of website.

    Take online link down.

    Refresh site share if link has expired.

    ngrok token.


# Share a site online
$ ee site share

# Refresh shareed link if expired
$ ee site share --refresh

# Disable online link
$ ee site share --disable

ee site clean

Clears Object and Page cache for site.

ee site clean [<site-name>] [--page] [--object]


    Name of website to be enabled.

    Clear page cache.

    Clear object cache.


# Clear Both cache type for site.
$ ee site clean

# Clear Object cache for site.
$ ee site clean --object

# Clear Page cache for site.
$ ee site clean --page


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Contributing isn’t limited to just code. We encourage you to contribute in the way that best fits your abilities, by writing tutorials, giving a demo at your local meetup, helping other users with their support questions, or revising our documentation.

Reporting a bug

Think you’ve found a bug? We’d love for you to help us get it fixed.

Before you create a new issue, you should search existing issues to see if there’s an existing resolution to it, or if it’s already been fixed in a newer version.

Once you’ve done a bit of searching and discovered there isn’t an open or fixed issue for your bug, please create a new issue. Include as much detail as you can, and clear steps to reproduce if possible.

Creating a pull request

Want to contribute a new feature? Please first open a new issue to discuss whether the feature is a good fit for the project.


Github issues aren't for general support questions, but there are other venues you can try:

This is generated dynamically from the project's codebase using ee scaffold package-readme (doc). To suggest changes, please submit a pull request against the corresponding part of the codebase.

All versions of site-wp-command with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
No informations.
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package easyengine/site-wp-command contains the following files

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