Download the PHP package draw/cron-job without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package draw/cron-job. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download draw/cron-job
More information about draw/cron-job
Files in draw/cron-job
Informations about the package cron-job
Cron Job
This library is used to manage and process cron jobs from the database.
The cron are sent to a queue and processed by a worker via symfony messenger.
The package can be enabled as follows:
NOTE: Below are the default configs which can be overwritten by your needs.
Framework extra
NOTE: The following services are available:
- draw.cron_job.command.queue_cron_job_by_name_command: Draw\Component\CronJob\Command\QueueCronJobByNameCommand
- draw.cron_job.command.queue_due_cron_jobs_command: Draw\Component\CronJob\Command\QueueDueCronJobsCommand
- draw.cron_job.cron_job_processor: Draw\Component\CronJob\CronJobProcessor
- draw.cron_job.message_handler.execute_cron_job_message_handler: Draw\Component\CronJob\MessageHandler\ExecuteCronJobMessageHandler
Sonata integration
You need to configure the routing for the messenger component for the message that will be used to process the cron jobs.
Once the package is enabled, a new admin page will be available - Cron Job. The package also provides 2 console commands:
- draw:cron-job:queue-due - it is used to process due cron jobs by their configs; it should be configured as a cron to be executed with *
- draw:cron-job:queue-by-name - it allows to manually process a cron job by its name passed as an argument
All versions of cron-job with dependencies
doctrine/orm Version ^2.11
dragonmantank/cron-expression Version ^3.3
draw/core Version ^0.17
draw/messenger Version ^0.17
draw/process Version ^0.17
symfony/amqp-messenger Version ^6.4.0
symfony/console Version ^6.4.0
symfony/dependency-injection Version ^6.4.0
symfony/event-dispatcher Version ^6.4.0
symfony/messenger Version ^6.4.0