Download the PHP package dracoblue/craur without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package dracoblue/craur. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package craur


The library craur has two main purposes:

  1. Make writing Xml/Json Importers very convenient (query for multiple elements or exactly one element)
  2. Implement a convention to convert XML to JSON without loosing any information

What is wrong with vanilla JSON?

There is nothing wrong with JSON. But take this example:

item = {
    "link": ""

If you want to query for the link, you do: But what if there can be multiple links? Like this:

item = {
    "link": ["", ""]

Now you have to use[0] to query for the first one. If you are converting xml programmaticly to json, you cannot be sure what is meant.

With craur querying for this value looks like this:

$craur_node->get('') // gets: ""

And if you want to have an array, you do it like this:

$craur_node->get('[]') // gets: ["", ""]

For craur it does not matter if you have an array or a simple object. Both calls will work.

You may even define a default value, in case the property is optional:

$craur_node->get('item.description', 'Default Text!') // returns 'Default Text!'

Example in PHP

This example is how it looks like if you parse a simple atom-feed with craur.

$craur_node = Craur::createFromXml($xml_string);
var_dump($craur_node->get('feed.@xmlns')); //
foreach ($craur_node->get('[]') as $link) {

If you want to see more examples, please checkout the php/tests/ folder. It contains a lot of examples.


You can run the tests with:

make test

The tests are located at php/tests/. The tests require xdebug to be installed and activated. A successful test must have 100% code coverage.

Constant/Continuous Testing

If you have inotifywait [linux, apt-get install inotify-tools] or wait_on [macosx, port install wait_on] installed, you can use:

make test-constant

This will run the tests as soon as the files change. Very helpful if you want to do continuous testing.


Craur::createFromJson($json_string) : Craur

Will create and return a new craur instance for the given JSON string.

 $node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');
 $authors = $node->get('book.authors[]');
 assert(count($authors) == 2);

Craur::createFromXml($xml_string[, $encoding = 'utf-8']) :Craur`

Will create and return a new craur instance for the given XML string.

  $node = Craur::createFromXml('<book><author>Hans</author><author>Paul</author></book>');
  $authors = $node->get('[]');
  assert(count($authors) == 2);

Craur::createFromHtml($html_string[, $encoding = 'utf-8']) :Craur`

Will create and return a new craur instance for the given HTML string.

$node = Craur::createFromHtml('<html><head><title>Hans</title></head><body>Paul</body></html>');
assert($node->get('html.head.title') == 'Hans');
assert($node->get('html.body') == 'Paul');

Craur::createFromCsvFile($file_path, array $field_mappings, $delimiter = ';') : Craur

Will load the csv file and fill the objects according to the given $field_mappings.

 * If the file loooks like this:
 * Book Name;Book Year;Author Name
 * My Book;2012;Hans
 * My Book;2012;Paul
 * My second Book;2010;Erwin
$shelf = Craur::createFromCsvFile('fixtures/books.csv', array(
assert(count($shelf->get('book[]')) === 2);
foreach ($shelf->get('book[]') as $book)
    assert(in_array($book->get('name'), array('My Book', 'My second Book')));
    foreach ($book->get('author[]') as $author)
        assert(in_array($author->get('name'), array('Hans', 'Paul', 'Erwin')));

Craur::createFromExcelFile($file_path, array $field_mappings) : Craur

Will load the first sheet of an excel file and fill the objects according to the given $field_mappings.

 * If the file loooks like this:
 * Book Name;Book Year;Author Name
 * My Book;2012;Hans
 * My Book;2012;Paul
 * My second Book;2010;Erwin
$shelf = Craur::createFromExcelFile('fixtures/books.xlsx', array(
assert(count($shelf->get('book[]')) === 2);
foreach ($shelf->get('book[]') as $book)
    assert(in_array($book->get('name'), array('My Book', 'My second Book')));
    foreach ($book->get('author[]') as $author)
        assert(in_array($author->get('name'), array('Hans', 'Paul', 'Erwin')));

Craur::createFromYamlFile($file_path) : Craur

Will create and return a new craur instance for the given YAML file path.

 * If the file loooks like this:
 * books:
 * -
 *   name: My Book
 *   year: 2012
 *   authors:
 *     -
 *       name: Hans
 *       age: 32
 *     -
 *       name: Paul
 *       age: 20
 *  -
 *    name: My second Book
 *      authors:
 *        name: Erwin
 *        age: 10
$shelf = Craur::createFromYamlFile('fixtures/books.yaml', array());
assert(count($shelf->get('books[]')) === 2);
foreach ($shelf->get('books[]') as $book)
    assert(in_array($book->get('name'), array('My Book', 'My second Book')));
    foreach ($book->get('authors[]') as $author)
        assert(in_array($author->get('name'), array('Hans', 'Paul', 'Erwin')));

Craur#get($path[, $default_value]) : Craur|mixed

Returns the value at a given path in the object. If the given path does not exist and an explicit $default_value is set: the $default_value will be returned.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"name": "MyBook", "authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');

$book = $node->get('book');
assert($book->get('name') == 'MyBook');
assert($book->get('price', 20) == 20);

$authors = $node->get('book.authors[]');
assert(count($authors) == 2);

As of 2.1.0 it is possible to escape a dot (e.g. if the key contains a dot) in the path parameter by using a \ (backslash) before the dot.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"": {"name": "Example Site"}}');

$book = $node->get('http://example\.org');
assert($book->get('name') == 'MyBook');

If you need to escape also the \, use \, too.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"http://example\\\\.org": {"name": "Example Site"}}');

$book = $node->get('http://example\\\\\\.org');
assert($book->get('name') == 'Example Site');

Craur#getWithFilter($path, $filter[, $default_value]) : Craur|mixed

Works similar to Craur#get, but can use a callable as filter object. Before returning the value, the function evaluates $filter($value) and returns this instead.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"name": "MyBook", "authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');

$book = $node->get('book');
assert($book->get('name') == 'MyBook');
assert($book->get('price', 20) == 20);

$authors = $node->get('book.authors[]');
assert(count($authors) == 2);

The filter can also throw an exception to hide the value from the result set:

function isACheapBook(Craur $value)
    if ($value->get('price') > 20)
        throw new Exception('Is no cheap book!');
    return $value;

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"books": [{"name":"A", "price": 30}, {"name": "B", "price": 10}, {"name": "C", "price": 15}]}');
$cheap_books = $node->getWithFilter('books[]', 'isACheapBook');
assert(count($cheap_books) == 2);
assert($cheap_books[0]->get('name') == 'B');
assert($cheap_books[1]->get('name') == 'C');

Craur#getValues(array $paths_map[, array $default_values, $default_value]) : mixed[]

Return multiple values at once. If a given path is not set, one can use the $default_values array to specify a default. If a path is not set and no default value is given an exception will be thrown. If you want to have a default value, even if the path does not exist in $default_values, you can use $default_value.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"name": "MyBook", "authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');

$values = $node->getValues(
        'name' => '',
        'book_price' => 'price',
        'first_author' => 'book.authors'
        'book_price' => 20

assert($values['name'] == 'MyBook');
assert($values['book_price'] == '20');
assert($values['first_author'] == 'Hans');

Craur#getValuesWithFilters(array $paths_map, array $filters [, array $default_values, $default_value]) : mixed[]

Works like Craur#getValues, but allows to set filters for each key in the $path_map.

$node = Craur::createFromJson('{"book": {"name": "MyBook", "authors": ["Hans", "Paul"]}}');

$values = $node->getValuesWithFilters(
        'name' => '',
        'book_price' => 'price',
        'first_author' => 'book.authors'
        'first_author' => 'strtoupper',
        'name' => 'strtolower'      
        'book_price' => 20

assert($values['name'] == 'MyBook');
assert($values['book_price'] == '20');
assert($values['first_author'] == 'HANS');

Craur#toJsonString() : String

Return the object as a json string. Can be loaded from Craur::createFromJson.

Craur#toXmlString() : String

Return the object as a xml string. Can be loaded from Craur::createFromXml.

Craur#saveToCsvFile($file_path, array $field_mappings, $delimiter=';') : void

Will store the csv file with the objects content according to the given $field_mappings. The file can be loaded with Craur::loadFromCsvFile and the same $field_mappings.

$data = array(
    'book' => array(
            'name' => 'My Book',
            'year' => '2012',
            'author' => array(
                array('name' => 'Hans'),
                array('name' => 'Paul')
            'name' => 'My second Book',
            'year' => '2010',
            'author' => array(
                array('name' => 'Erwin')

$shelf = new Craur($data);
$shelf->saveToCsvFile('fixtures/temp_csv_file.csv', array(

The csv file will look like this now:

"My Book";2012;Hans
"My Book";2012;Paul
"My second Book";2010;Erwin

Craur#writeToCsvFileHandle($file_handle, array $field_mappings, $delimiter = ';') : void

Will write into the given file handle the objects content according to the given $field_mappings. Use STDOUT constant as $file_handle if you want to echo the csv content. This method is used by Craur#saveToCsvFile.

$data = array(
    'book' => array(
            'name' => 'My Book',
            'year' => '2012',
            'author' => array(
                array('name' => 'Hans'),
                array('name' => 'Paul')
            'name' => 'My second Book',
            'year' => '2010',
            'author' => array(
                array('name' => 'Erwin')

$shelf = new Craur($data);
$shelf->writeToCsvFileHandle(STDOUT, array(

// will echo:
// "My Book";2012;Hans
// "My Book";2012;Paul
// "My second Book";2010;Erwin


As of 1.5.0 you can use craur on the commandline, too. Just pipe any content into the craur-binary and you can get the content as json, xml or csv.

Example (xml to json):

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format json

Example (xml to csv, with field mapping - see --output_format for more details)

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format csv[].@rel[].@href
// output:

Input-Format with --input_format [json|xml|csv|auto]

Specify the input format. Default is auto.

For the input format csv you can the change the delimiter by passing the option --csv_input_delimiter

Example with --csv_input_delimiter

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/books_comma_separated.csv | php/craur --input_format csv --csv_input_delimiter , --output_format json[].@rel[].@href

Output-Format with --output_format [json|xml|csv]

Specify the output format.

Example (xml to json)

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format json
// output:
// ... lots of json ...

If you specify the output_format as csv, you have to give the field mappings as parameter. To get all rel-attributes and href-attributes of the feed's link element, you can do this:

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format csv[].@rel[].@href
// output:

Furthermore, you can also specify the csv delimiter by passing --csv_output_delimiter as option

$ cat php/tests/fixtures/example_atom_feed.xml | php/craur --output_format csv --csv_output_delimiter ,[].@rel[].@href
// output:



This work is copyright by DracoBlue ( and licensed under the terms of MIT License.

All versions of craur with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^7.2 || ^8.0
phpoffice/phpspreadsheet Version ^1.12
symfony/yaml Version ^2.0 || ^3.0 || ^4.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package dracoblue/craur contains the following files

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