Download the PHP package dittertp/gibberish-aes-php without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package dittertp/gibberish-aes-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download dittertp/gibberish-aes-php
More information about dittertp/gibberish-aes-php
Files in dittertp/gibberish-aes-php
Package gibberish-aes-php
Short Description AES encryption library
License MIT
Informations about the package gibberish-aes-php
Gibberish AES, a PHP Implementation
See Gibberish AES javascript encryption library,
An important note: The complementary JavaScript project Gibberish AES has been
deprecated, see
Consider finding alternative PHP and JavaScript solutions.
This class is based on initial code proposed by nbari at dalmp dot com
Live Demo
php >= 7.1
openssl and mbstring module
Usage Example:
Author: Ivan Tcholakov, 2012-2016.
Author: Philipp Dittert, 2019-2020.
License: The MIT License (MIT),
A fragment of code is under the New BSD License, George Argyros, 2012.
you can use the library by adding the following snippet to your composer.json
running code style check
running unit-tests
All versions of gibberish-aes-php with dependencies
ext-openssl Version *
ext-mbstring Version *